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Tuesday, 14 April 2015

14.04.2015 Q&A

Evilly confirms: in 9.8, current platoon individual missions missions will be soloable (the same conditions as for platoons but if you are good enough, you can solo them). Missions that are RNG dependent will be reduced as well, the only one that will stay will be the one where you have to set enemy tanks on fire. Other missions will be simplified.

- IS-3, Pershing and AMX-50/100  will not come in HD in 9.7 despite the fact that the patch will come out after WGL finals;
- The fact that you can't complete the following individual mission without receiving the reward for the previous one is intentional, not a bug;
- Storm will not buy or play GTA5: "I don't play games where I am the bad guy. Seriously."
- Chris Taylor is hard at work on "something" for Wargaming - no details;
- Smoothbore guns and modern tanks in WoT? Storm: "I cannot answer that. For obvious reasons."
- Storm confirms that the upcoming renders of HD tanks for PR purposes will use the same texture quality as in the game;
- Super Pershing 90mm gun will not get a penetration buff;
- Super Pershing in HD will come in 9.8;
- The list of individual mission changes will be published around the time of 9.8 supertest;
- The individual mission overhaul in 9.8 will include various fixes as well, not just changes.


  1. - Storm will not buy or play GTA5: "I don't play games where I am the bad guy. Seriously."

    I don't know, I sure do feel like a bad guy when I play wot <.<
    RIP Tanks with no repair kit or skill that I permatrack.

    1. Or being part of the nazi war machine, or the soviet one for that matter :)

    2. I would love a free world game, but I feel the same way with GTA as Mr. Storm does. However, I just pretend I'm Rommel when in my German tanks. ;)

    3. Pretty sure Storm thinks he is a good guy when nerfing tanks with SerB

    4. yeah you are right but beause WoT is a competitive game you can't really call that being the bad guy

      storm also said:

      " Smoothbore guns and modern tanks in WoT? Storm: "I cannot answer that. For obvious reasons." "

      the talk about WoT 2.0 has been around since WoT was launched and I do think they could do it and be almost as strong as WoT 1.0 because people like things they are already know well are used to, even though AW will already have a important part of the modern tank fans with them


      " Super Pershing 90mm gun will not get a penetration buff "
      can't really consider this a buff but bringing the gun performance closer to being historical, I guess they can't do it because it would mean all 90mm guns on US tanks would also need to be "buffed" when there's plans for a general pen nerf

  2. I've been stuck on the T-55 medium one (MT-7 I think) to kill 3 SPGs forever; hope this one gets changed. Keep getting put into games where there aren't even any SPGs or less than 3 all the time. Total joke.

    1. For me is like this:

      - Plays as LT or MT - 0 or 1 arty per team...
      - Plays as slow HT - 3 or more arties per team...

    2. Play lower tier tanks, but I have 28 Pascuicci's in around 17K games so they aren't easy to get.

    3. tier 5 or 6 is your best bet. i got mine in a jumbo. with the 105mm firing HE. cuz you know, arty like HE right?

    4. as Andrew Grimm said, try around tier 5 - 6
      Most of the arties are one-shot kill and there is usually 3-4 of them.

    5. Play it in a platoon with two arty. Just about guarantees 2+ arty to a team. Also, you have two fewer teammates to snipe your arty kills.

      Platoons are useful for more than just the platoon missions. The capping missions are MUCH easier if you can guarantee that two guys will help you rather than going hunting.

    6. So if I activate that mission i wont get any arty in my games? ... Well fuck the T55A...

  3. Thanks for the Infos on the IM.....they should be reasonable for the rewarded Tanktier....Scout out 4000 damage for a Tier 5 Tank...or do 4000 damage as TD but the HT-15 is just a joke....needing at least a tier 9 to get a Tier 5...stupid conditions...

    1. actually i did it in is 6

    2. @ vladimir

      You must have had a really stupid team then.
      We either get obliterated or my team usually kills them faster than they can dish out some reasonable damage. Closest I could get was 6.5k in tiger 2. But then again, there are ~200 dmg guns shooting at you, takes a lot of time. On tier 10 its much easier, where one dig is about 500 damage.

    3. My games are usually 300-500 damage short of actually completing the missions.. for HT I actually got it before the implementations in my T29.. but never again since then.. or very close.. and TD-15 the closest I got was 300 damage for T28 Concept.. which was around 4700 out of 5000

    4. KV-4 and its done.

      I finished the HT-15 on StuG with it: 9k dmg blocked, while being toptier and with arty.

      I almost did it in tier X game (IS-4 and IS-8 firing at me while angled).

      This tanks is the cheapest HT-15 farmer (cheapest tier 8 in xp). Rly easy

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. @ apostolos.
      Stug IV - HT15 mission. 8k dmg combined.
      He did that mission in KV-4.

    7. The list of tanks that can reasonably expected to complete HT-15 in short order is VERY small. I feel that they force you to go down specific and lame lines. Who really wants to go down the Maus or IS-4 line just for a mission?

      I got lucky and got it in the IS-8, but I'll be surprised if I get another IS-8 qualifying score before I elite it.

    8. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I got my StuG IV HT-15 in a Conqueror.

    9. I did it with T32 on Mines.... just let them shoot you, while you are hull down..

  4. excited to do solo missions!

    Also the last LT mission is pain... 4000 spotting damage in randoms is once in 1000 battles. Yesterday I was sitting 100m from enemy cap circle in a bush on prkohorovka. Kept 3 arties and afk Jtiger88 lit for good 3-4 minutes. Not a single shot was fired at them, had to kill em myslef - didnt count towards the mission. :(

    1. Prokhorovka/Malinovka are your maps for spotting missions, easily can get 6000-7000 damage, sometimes even more! But not next to the cap circle since most people camp behind, just middle of the map is good enough.

    2. Totally team dependent.
      I did something extremely similar on prok and team didnt take the shots I had to make the kills. It should be combined for lights spotted/dealt

    3. Bugii its not that hard, Prohovodka is the map you want like the dude said. And you need a proper lt of tier 7 or 8. I did 10k in my lttb the other day. 4000k is not that hard really.

    4. @ Unknown.

      read my post: "Yesterday I was sitting 100m from enemy cap circle in a bush on prkohorovka. Kept 3 arties and afk Jtiger88 lit for good 3-4 minutes. Not a single shot was fired at them, had to kill em myslef - didnt count towards the mission. :("

      It was prokhorovka. 4 tanks not moving for over 3 minutes, nobody bothered to shoot. I killed them myself but it didnt count.

      Maybe I'll try over the week. Weekeds are usually full of retarded players.

    5. U realize 4000 damage is basically 2-3 tanks U have to spot for your team to kill. Maybe you should attempt this mission when there are arty's on your team, ROFL. If you spot tanks and nobody can shoot them then you are wasting ur time!!!!!!

    6. "1 in a 1000" is a hyperbole, but it is pretty tough/luck dependant. I've got two recent qualifying scores: westfield, malinovka.

      I'd recommend looking up the LT-15 thread on wotlabs, since it has lots of hints and replays.

      However, the problem is that it encourages you not to fire. it should be 4000 combined spotting and damage.

    7. Yes, but those tanks have to be outside of everyone's effective viewrange. Games where you actually get to scout alone are rare, not to mention that pretty much every map in the game minus Prokhorovka and Malinovka are close quarters now. Times when you could passive scout yourself to 8K damage are long gone.

    8. @praisethesun, I've seen a replay of an 11k spotting game that happened in the last 7 days. The guy parked a scout in a bush on the NW side of malinovka field.
      Aside from that, in the wotlabs "LT-15" thread, people are occasionally posting 8k+ games.

  5. Looks like I will finally get Stug IV :)

    1. Some of the platoon missions we will have to do by ourselves look pretty difficult.

    2. Just go in the damn chat and start a fucking platoon. Stop whining about these missions because you're too stubborn to talk to someone in an online game.

    3. why don't you want to platoon?

    4. "Just go in the damn chat and start a fucking platoon. Stop whining about these missions because you're too stubborn to talk to someone in an online game." no I just don't want to play in a platoon so I did every IM up to level of platoon mission. And I have no friends in this game. I have one but he quit playing last year. I love single player games and I hate to relay on other players because half of the time they are bigger monkeys then stupid AI players. And more or less you always know what computer player will do. So why I play WOT? Because playing against humans is more challenging then ageists computer. And btw WOT is not massive multiplayer just old fashion team deathmatch. I didn't play in platoons in UT or Quake 3 and I wont start now because i don't see any reasons to.

    5. You don't want to rely on other players because they're monkeys but you play this game because other players are challenging to play against.

    6. Yes humans are more unpredictable then AI and some of them are also better then AI could ever be. Also when you have retards in your own team let be honest most of the time game is like 4-5 above average players vs same or less or more of them in enemy team. When there is less good player in enemy team its usually mean you have good chance to win the match. When teams are equal its time for you tray the best you can.

  6. Welp, just lower that arty splash one, splashing three tanks a once is not nice.. or remove it..

    1. yea, I struggled just on the damage 2, but out of 18K games I have 110 in arty and I was able to get all the non-platoon missions done with the FV and the usa tier 8, don't know it's name, M40 I think. Just shows you how easy arty is to play. I used all my free XP to jump up the tiers to these two scumbags.

    2. @ Mark West
      I was able to to all 45 MT HT and TD missions including the bonus requirements on all 45 of them. Just shows how super-easy is to play MT, HT and TDs.

      I'm stuck in LT and arty missions. Just shows how super hard it is to play arty and LTs. Arties are for PRO players only ;) right ? :)

    3. Judging how hard a class is by those missions is pure fail anyway. Just remember one of those med missions, cause damage in first 5 minutes :D

    4. bugii, are you saying you did all 45 mt, ht and td missions in 45 games? That's complete BULLSHIT. Nobody could do all those missions on a first try. I am saying I never played arty before, EVER, and I was able to do all the arty missions in around 75 games. It took me way more games to do the missions for the other class of tanks. YES, arty is super easy to play. All you do is sit at spawn and click. It takes ZERO skill. All u need is a little patience and a bit of timing.

    5. Uh no he never said that he completed them on the first try. He only said that he completed them and all secondary requirements too.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Lol @Marcel didn't notice your comment at first @.@

  7. I have been lobbying WG to allow us individual players to be able to complete the IM's and it's nice to see this change, but it sounds like it will be MUCH harder since we have to do what a platoon did all together but I like a challenge.

  8. Arty "splash many tanks" is requiring either gold ammo + situation luck, or hugh caliber gun + situation luck. Remove this shit rly...

    And HT, I'm fine with all these missions exept the fucking "cap X% and do Xdmg and win by cap"... You rarely do it because if you do enough dmg you cant cap in time or if you cap you have many chances of not having enough dmg... It's only based on team, luck, and more luck. And cap isnt the first job of heavy tanks, so its gameplay breaking.
    If one single mission had to be removed and changed to another it'd be this one.

    LT ones idk, I'm too bad at driving lights so I dont do these missions, but some of them look really tough even for skilled lights. And LT-15 depends too much on your team, not on your spotting skill.

    1. This is easiest in the mode where both teams have to cap one flag. Encounter I think.

    2. cap missions are actually pretty a platoon of three players.
      If all of you survive, you can cap faster than your teammates can hunt down the last tanks.

  9. I don't play TD's much, but I am close to the JPII. Can you do all the TD missions with this tank?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yeah. Did TD-1 to TD-14 for Stug IV in my SU-85 and SU-100. Finished off TD-15 in my SU-100M1. For the T28 set, half were done with SU-100M1, the near rest I've done with my SU-101. On the last one atm. And all were done with honors.

    3. Finished TD-15 for Stug and T28 HTC with JgPanther II

  10. Thank God, because some of those platoon missions are easy to solo. Usually in my experience one tank does all the work anyway while the other drivers in the toon end up sucking.

    Also, I'm fine with the SP not getting a pen buff if it's getting a frontal armor buff like yesterday's Q&A said.

  11. Just....decreases Super Pershing's gold ammo's price.

    1. meh, why ?
      170 pen is okay, given the fact it has limited MM. There are regular tanks with that penetration.

    2. I love when people are stupid enough to not realize the SP is a tier 8 medium with pref MM and noob friendly spaced frontal armor and 1500HP. It should be significantly worse than regular elited tanks and even worse than prem mediums that see tier 10.

    3. Mistermex I remember u from ftr.... in every post that u make u just show what a dimwit u are.

    4. Bugii, mistermex1 // I only told the gold ammo price, Not the penetration you dumb assses!

    5. But doing that would only allow SP players to spam more APCR with such insane penetration for that tier, and it even has limited MM.

    6. I know the SP's gold penetration is quite good but It is same price with M26 Pershing. This makes complaint.

  12. Remove requirement to platoon? Fine. They did it in a fair manner at least. Please don’t make it easier to get the T55A or Object 260, though. A tier 9 and tier 10 premium tank should not be easy to get, and these tanks should stay very rare. I’d say 5% of the server should be able to eventually (after 6 months to a year) get the T55A, and 1%, the Object 260, if that. Any less rarity is unreasonable in my opinion. Otherwise, folks who have already completed the missions while they were harder to achieve (spending tons of gold, credits, and their time), should be compensated in some way.
    Disclaimer: I am currently done with 36 of 75 missions for the Object 260 with LT15 completed (got 9500 spotting damage in my RU-251).

    1. yeah so they spent time and money do make a model for a tank taht less than 1% players will get ? Sure :D

      Wanna bet ?
      All these tanks will be on sale in shop during Xmas. It's WG!

    2. BULLSHIT, WG has realized the platoon requirement in a team game of 15 vs 15 was UNFAIR and discriminatory against individual players who don't platoon. WG removed it, but it's still unfair that we have to do missions that are done by players in a team so the missions requirements should be reduced especially for more average players. I will be able to do them myself, but the average player will struggle.

    3. average players are not meant to get those tanks

    4. “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” - Theodore Roosevelt

    5. I sympathize with not wanting to make the skill based missions easier.
      No sympathy for not wanting to make the luck based missions easier.

  13. -Missions that are RNG dependent will be reduced as well, the only one that will stay will be the one where you have to set enemy tanks on fire

    FUCK YOU WG AND THAT MISSION. That RNG shit takes AGES to complete no matter what tier I play

    1. Learn where to shoot. I had it done in 3 tries.

      german heavies in the back (transmission no longer burns), KV-chassi based tanks, right behind turret for example. Just aim for the fuel tanks.

    2. How about this then, I emptied my lorraine into E75s ass and he didn't light up???

    3. How about this then, I emptied my lorraine into E75s ass and he didn't light up???

    4. Get yourself a PZ iv h with the derp, and fire a ap shell into the ass of an m7

    5. If you had the time to empty a whole clip into an E-75, you should've tried to destroy his fuel tanks instead. Fuel tanks destroyed = Fire. Engine destroyed/damaged = Chance of fire.

      And is it really that hard? I've seen many people complain about it but I finished the StuG IV mission on the 3rd try in the Panther/m10 (lit the guy on fire twice) and finished the T28 mission on the first game after starting it.

  14. ... And I am stuck on the "set fir to an enemy 1 tier higher" mission...

    For some reason it does not happen... even with deadeye and me aiming there :(

    Also the " kill 2-3 arty" missions suck :(

    1. arty killing mission is easy around tier 5.
      Hard on 8+

    2. platoon with 2 arty to increase your odds.

  15. - "Evilly confirms: in 9.8, current platoon individual missions missions will be soloable (the same conditions as for platoons but if you are good enough, you can solo them)."

    I guess that those missions will have new conditions then? Doing 40% of the teams damage is a bit hardcore, and that is just for T28 HTC :O

    1. (I mean 40% alone, not in platoon)

    2. I would expect the answer to be no. The real way to do these missions will still be to have a crazy good game while at the same time another guy "individually" also has a crazy good game while the rest of your team sucks.

  16. you have to remember, its 40% of the damage your team does.. so essentially, if your whole team yolos, and dies doing no damage. you do 100 HP of damage, you complete the mission.. lol

    1. And then you lose and don't do the mission because "win the battle" is a condition.

  17. "platoon individual missions missions will be soloable"

    About time.

  18. Also, not sure why people get so butt-hurt over the missions. they shouldn't be easy enough so everybody gets the tank. the people that get the tank should be good enough to earn it. not expect everything to be so easy so you dont have to put any effort or time into the game.

    1. I don't have a problem with missions being hard. I do have a problem with the missions that promote poor team play. Hopefully THOSE are the ones WG fixes.

  19. People are going to whine whatever WG does but these changes do cater to the folks who don't want to be in a clan no way.

    As others have noted there's nothing that says these mission have to be easy.

    1. They don't have to be easy, but they do often force people to play in a way which not only is against their own play style (being in platoons) but often even makes them ruin the match for others (capping missions, camping missions, spotting missions)

  20. Lets make the joke the 100th time
    - Storm will not buy or play GTA5: "I don't play games where I am the bad guy. Seriously."
    /// Didn't me mention earlier he doesn't play wot!? (but "so many others do")

  21. >- Chris Taylor is hard at work on "something" for Wargaming - no details;

    Supreme commander 3 please :D

    1. Good Master of Orion sequel or riot!

  22. I wish they would have made those missions like as an example: First Stug IV mission = be top xp of both teams once in lights/meds and so on. Second mission would be, be top xp twice or more and so on.
    That way it wouldn't influence randoms negatively , would remove all RNG missions,
    would remove luck depended mission (as an example some mission that are only possible woth a certain MM setup eg kill a certain amount of arty and so on),
    would remove missions that require certain tanks and tiers and it would still asure that the better players will get those tanks much faster.

    1. I appreciate that each mission can be done in a single go. It is a pretty radical change to extend them beyond that.

      RNG in small doses is fine. You don't want to eliminate it entirely.

      Also, the mission's effect on general game-play is grossly exaggerated.

    2. Yes RNG in small doses is fine, but if you require a lot like you do currently, it's just annoying. Also, I think that what I am saying is what some players kinda expected. I thought at first that these mission would be something that you could do while playing normally, however some obviosly require certain tiers/tanks and or luck of the MM. Also I think wpuld encourage players to play better, since they need to get top xp, not some stupid things like kep base in heavy or ram kill something.

    3. Also, as far as the 'kill X arty' missions go... try platooning with arty. That way, you're guaranteed to get arty on the enemy team.

  23. Soloable IMs!

    I don't even mind the increased difficulty, if I can do them alone. The LT/SPG missions especially.

  24. what do you mean "soloable" ?

    (this question is serious, it's not ironic)

    1. oh ! soloable = solo able ?!? possible to do it alone ?

    2. Exactly. Currently platoon-only IMs, enabled for non-platoon gameplay, with the same conditions.

      E.g. Stug IV's SPG-14 becomes a straight "do 2000 damage", none of this going around begging clanmates/randoms to platoon and ONLY play LTs until the RNG is kind to you.

      I would imagine certain ones' secondary conditions will still need an actual platoon, though (as I recall, some are "all platoon members must survive").

    3. Hm I remember only secondary requirements where at least 1 of the platoon has to survive. So it should be doable alone too.

  25. Oh good I don't have to go and be sociable and find a clan to finish the IM's.
