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Monday, 13 April 2015

13.04.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- Storm states that it's not as simple as it looks to release "similar" models together in HD (Pershing and Super Pershing etc.)
- Storm confirms that Chinese vehicles are not in priority for HD (one of the reasons is that the majority of Chinese market is playing on crappy computers). The only exception are premium tanks.
- Storm is not aware of any possible T-34-3 and 112 buffs;
- There are plans to rework the WoT engine to work better on higher resolutions but "no comment"
- Apparently, Storm had old info: the problem with microlags (one of them at least) is actually known and will be fixed in one of the upcoming patches;
- Super Pershing will not get a gun buff, but there are plans for buff to its frontal armor
- 9.8 date: "when it's done it's done";
- Storm personally has no info on Japanese tank destroyers (won't answer questions about them).

And as usual for the short days:



  1. They plan to buff the frontal armor? Didn't they nerf the armor by changing the angle many patches ago? They need to decide how to do this and keep it. Historically the Superpershing long 90 could punch through the armor through the block of a tiger, out the back and into the ground so deep you could not find it. I think buffing the gun seems more reasonable and historically accurate. (Thank Jingles for that information at one time)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. But It is terribly slow vehicle. T42 is more fitable in tier 8 premium tank.

    3. he said that, but it wasnt through tiger, it was JPz IV.

      But yes, the only way how to buff the gun, is to paint those white stars red.
      Were it a soviet tank, it would have laser-gattling and a nuclear-fusion powered engine.

      Historicity wise, this whole game is silly. Who the fuck cares about 5 degree angle of armor, when there are Tigers shooting long 88, Stugs with L70 etc. 90% of the tanks have much better guns than they ever had. Yet WG is nerfing accuracy to make armor viable.

    4. Dont come with historica accuracy, pen is regulated for balance. SP is alreaddy one of the msot noob friendly mediums with the frontal armor and gold ammo. Are you fucken stupid, it is a prem medium with pref MM and 1500HP. Dont ask for stupid stuff "oh irl this and that".

    5. @$%^&*
      "But It is terribly slow vehicle. T42 is more fitable in tier 8 premium tank."

      The lack of speed suits me very well. It prevents me to do stupid things and silly decisions. Im a very very big noob, but Ive managed to get 56% WR in T26E4 thanks to this. Same goes for Churchill VII where I have over 60%!

      But you are right, if it werent for the little pussy icon, I'd say its a heavy tank, not a medium.

    6. 56%, madre dias, thats AMAZING!

    7. They should give it the Engine the normal Pershing has. (704 HP instead of 500). Since it is an IMPROVED Pershing.

    8. @ Mark West
      Ok, no need for sarcasm.
      I said Im noob. 56 is quite good for me. The only other tank I do good in, is churchill 7 and strangely Leopard 1. Which is weird given the fact Leo is different in every aspect.

  2. I meant to say through the frontal armor and then through the engine block.

    1. It was a JgdPz IV they shot through. not Tiger

    2. That was with ACPR, which you can choose to load. :)

  3. Hmm. Than they won't use Tier 9 Franch SPG hull to make the M47 Patton II's hull easily.

  4. No buffs for capitalist merica! -SerB 2014.

  5. I dont get why the SP should get a frontal buff. It is one of the most noob friendly premium mediums that exist with the stupid frontal armor and turret spaced armor. Whats even worse are SPs with gold ammo, they can make a joke out of every tier 8 heavys frontaly 1v1. I really think they should remove gold ammo on SP because it gets spaced armor and more HP in return. No wonder all baddies want to get the SP buffed. It is a PREMIUM MEDIUM WITH PREF MM. Stupids.

    1. pre-nerf forntal armor and gold ammo removal sounds fair to me. Right now, Tier 7 heavy can pen it from 400m away with AP shell. It's not huge problem, but the armor is the only thing this tank has.

      I've never used prem ammo on any of my prem vehicles.. why should I ? They are meant to earn credits. Whats the point of earning credits If im spending them on ammo ? And I find that 170pen more than enough. Unless a wild VK4502 or E75 appears.

  6. Dont you people see how OP the SP would be with "better gun" having the current noob friendly spaced armor and 1500 HP? Why do you fail to see that this tank has pref MM, it never sees tier 10.

    1. man it Sounds like you been trolled by the big super P on more then one occasion its only a game relax and have a smoke it all be fine

    2. man it Sounds like you been trolled by the big super P on more then one occasion its only a game relax and have a smoke it all be fine

    3. SP gun is adequate with its gun depression AND with an armor buff, but it needs an engine buff as its speed compared to the 112 and is6 is horrible.

  7. M47 Patton as tier 9.
    M46 Patton OR M46 with M47 turret (prototype vehicle we have in game) as a tier 8 no limited MM vehicle.

    WG, do it. Simple, logical.

    1. You know you are talking about logical.....for WG that's often not going to work :)

  8. "9.8 date ?"
    9.7 isn't even released yet and they already want to know the release date of the next one. wow

  9. lol Chinese parents wont upgrade computers for gaming purposees

    1. IIRC, the majority of the Chinese market is rather poor. So expensive computers aren't common-place.

      Kinda hard to afford new PC parts when you simply can't make money.

    2. I'd say it was either a new computer, or a gold type-59. They already enjoyed the game so they picked the latter.

  10. rita ,what about the t34-2 for a buff? its arguably the worst t8 med.

  11. Never forget the days when SP's LFP, MG point or upper part of UFP couldn't be penned with D-25T and hitting its turret's top at 100m was almost impossible.

  12. - Apparently, Storm had old info: the problem with microlags (one of them at least) is actually known and will be fixed in one of the upcoming patches
    /// so Windows XP ppl get banned :D ?

    (duh duh duhhh)

  13. - Storm states that it's not as simple as it looks to release "similar" models together in HD (Pershing and Super Pershing etc.)

    That is a bloody lie. The JT88 model for example would have only needed a different gun.

  14. Dear Rita!

    I would like to mention that the translation of “KTTC” as "when it's done it's done" is not 100% correct.

    In Russian the fixed phrase which is abbreviated to “KTTC” definitely has very strong ironic shade of meaning. In ANY situation when in Russian “KTTC” is used it means “Fuck off, I will not tell you any exact dates!”. This fixed phrase can not be used in any kind of polite speech or business writing.

    By this comment I would like to stress the manner in which WG officials communicate with Russian WoT gaming community.

    So, if translated correctly, the following should be published, e.g.

    - 9.8 date: Fuck off, I will not tell you any exact dates!
    - Havok: Fuck off, I will not tell you any exact dates!
    - Arty changes: Fuck off, I will not tell you any exact dates!


  15. If the T-34-3 was Russian it would have got a moderate buff by now.

  16. Yep, stil waiting for the 113 (tier 10 heavy) buff... 😒

  17. SP armor buff:

    I think they should add it after new physics reach the live server if WG decided to make SP's front suspension stressed even when its on flat ground.
    Then, armour buff can negate the worsened angle of the front plate, and increase slope of the lower plate.
