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Saturday, 11 April 2015

11.04.2015 Q&A

- developers never promised to give HD Leopard 1 the anti-HEAT spaced side armor, it won't be added just so;
- the reason for the statement above is that the Leopard 1 with spaced armor is too modern with a powerful engine and firecontrol system, new shells and additional armor - it would be too powerful for tier 10;
- the Leopard 1 HD model is final, at least until the introduction of customization (it's possible that the side screens for Leopard 1 will come as a customization option but no promises);
- it's not possible to implement the text feedback option into the test client - the problem is filtering of the feedback and too many players;
- it's possible that the 9th of May event will be introduced by a micropatch if the 9.7 is delayed too much;
- 9.8 will be somewhat delay by the very long 9.7 testing;
- some players report issues with microjerks (the screen is jerking a little whenever the tank is driving around), Storm states that this is an old issue and WG did not manage to even repeat it, let alone fix it;
- there are no plans to make Ensk bigger;
- there are no plans to rework the Airport map;
- it's not true that there are too few heavies in battles now;
- Batchat HD rework is delayed by WG waiting for new references (data) from the trip to French museums


  1. - the reason for the statement above is that the Leopard 1 with spaced armor is too modern with a powerful engine and firecontrol system, new shells and additional armor - it would be too powerful for tier 10

    Just stronky russian tenks made of stalinium can have this honor. German tanks have the same treatment ? Would be a blasphemy .

    1. Indeed, don't want a revolt in Russia from all those non-paying players.

    2. but what about all these nerfs to keep tanks historically correct ? why isn't there buffs for the same reason WG ???

    3. German tanks screwed again....

    4. Not to mention the HUGE armor nerf on HD model!

      They removed the cloth from mantlet... this decreased the effective armor by 50% :D :D

      Seriously, what would be point of skirts on Leo ? Sure it can detonate HE, but the blast will cut half of his health anyway.
      It would only increase its weight.
      In fact, I'd love to remove useless stuff from it, rear mirrors, lights, etc. Make it as light as possible :)

  2. - the reason for the statement above is that the Leopard 1 with spaced armor is too modern with a powerful engine and firecontrol system, new shells and additional armor - it would be too powerful for tier 10

    But a T-54 with 1946 hull, 1949 turret, 1960's gun with late 1960's HEAT and 1970's T-55M engine is fine?

    1. It's russian, of course it's ok

    2. ya exactly, t-54 gets the prototype armour which is 20mm thicker than the mass produced version yet it gets a really modern gun compared to the hull. Tanks like T55a, wz-120 all get 100mm. Russian bias

    3. And all that, i might fucking add, on tier9.


    4. I don't get why people still insist that only prototype version of the T-54 got 120mm of hull armor.

    5. Show me a single T-54 variant other than the first production run from 1946-1947 that had the 120mm frontal armor that overloaded the suspension so much, that they reduced it to 100mm.

  3. - it's possible that the 9th of May event will be introduced by a micropatch if the 9.7 is delayed too much

    9.7 appears to have a release date of April 21st, as on the NA portal, they changed the "roughly two weeks after patch 9.7" date in the TOG removal article from April 22nd to May 4th. Hopefully it'll actually be released this time...

  4. An upgraded Leopard 1 is too modern for the game, but a Chinese Type 79 prototype from the early '80s is ok? Watch, an upgraded Leopard 1 will be a reward tier 10 at some point too.

  5. - the reason for the statement above is that the Leopard 1 with spaced armor is too modern with a powerful engine and firecontrol system, new shells and additional armor - it would be too powerful for a german tier 10;

    yeah ..

  6. " it's not true that there are too few heavies in battles now"

    How did they came up with this? There almost always at least 2 heavys in the games I'm in. Just had a random battle with 8 heavys on both sides :P

    1. In the way of how the players came up with this (is this correct English pronounced?)

    2. Only problem I have is when one team has 2 top tier heavies and the other has 5, like wtf.

  7. Is it just me or are WG afraid of giving Germany equally strong tanks as USSR? It's not just at tier 10, just look at Tiger I... Tiger I should actually be in tier 5 or 6 facing T-34s and Shermans. Exactly the same goes for Panther. Why, are they afraid of a new invasion if they make German pixel tenks too stronk?

    1. wait for the japanese tiger tank.

    2. "Tiger should be tier 5"

      And that's why German tank fans shouldn't be in charge of game balance.

    3. T6 always been the right Tier for the tiger actually.

    4. Yeah, because Russian tanks with 107, 122 and 130 and 152mm guns on tier 6 are so balanced, one shotting tier 5 TDs, and sometimes tier 5 mediums. So balanced...

    5. Oh really? Let's take a look at USSR tier X heavies, shall we?

    6. Tupinambis, shut up, when KV was as Tier 5 heavy with freaking 107mm and 152mm guns it was ok for like idk few years i guess, and KV-1 is on of the best T5 heavy tanks.

    7. not that tiger 1 would stand much chance against T34 and shermans in this game... None of those tanks have its historical guns.

      This is what really bothers me... they are all crazy about fucking 2 degrees of armor slope for HISTORICAL reasons, yet every fucking tank have a gun that was never mounted on it.
      88L71 on tiger 1 ? 75 L70 on StuG ? Yes sure it was proposed to mount L70 on Stug, but it couldnt fucking move, the wight of L70 lifted Stugs ass from the ground.

      If we had historical guns on the tanks, they wouldnt fucking need to mess with accuracy to make armor viable. Armor would be good!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. why are they concern about the modern fire control system they can just ignore it anyway leopard already has an impressive fire control .
    Also about the A1 turret in FTR (Storm states that the A1 version with anti-HEAT side armor is just heavier without any significant armor improvement, so it wouldn’t be better anyway)

    1. exactly my point. It would be good if I could shape some weight off the tank, not to add more pointless armor. What would be sideskirts good for? Fucking Maus have 200mm all around and its armor is almost as useless as Leo's.

  10. The tanks jerking happens all the time. And I'm.running a good system. Couldn't replicate it my boll0x, maybe if they weren't trying to replicate it on Russian stronk calculators they might succeed. Useless bastrds.

    1. Bet their FPS is so low they don't notice the difference.

  11. What "Event" on 9th may?

  12. - Batchat HD rework is delayed by WG waiting for new references (data) from the trip to French museums


  13. People complaining about Russian bias clearly haven't played the game long enough to remember the KV , KV1s ,PZIV.
    And then you have the German fanboys who think the t54 is OP while never having played with that gun and shot AP out of it, all while they play their VK4502 b pretending that German tanks are under powered. We all know the tiger should be tier 6 and just lode the top gun, but I'd like to hear what the new t7 will be.

    1. Or for that matter besides the vk the E75 is clearly one of the best tanks in the game. Are we going to pretend that the is8 is even close performance

    2. T-54 was either OP or VERY (borderline with IMBALANCED) good MT9, the only time when it was somewhat most closesly to "meh" type of tank - after introducing of MT10 in the game but after that it was buffed.

      IS-8 is decent tank.

    3. Or for that matter besides the vk the E75 is clearly one of the best tanks in the game. Are we going to pretend that the is8 is even close performance

    4. They are both good tanks, just different.

    5. Well if you ignore the long time after adding E-50 and M46 when T-54 was inferior to both...

      IS-8 is by far the worst tier 9 heavy. Half of tier 9 mediums are better heavies.

  14. "the reason for the statement above is that the Leopard 1 with spaced armor is too modern with a powerful engine and firecontrol system, new shells and additional armor - it would be too powerful for tier 10"

    And of course people in comments are whining about Soviet tanks, ignoring all the unhistorically buffed and cherry-picked non-Soviet tanks...

    1. Not really no, I could ramble on about what they did to the Panther, the idiocy of the E50M, utterly moronicFV4202, even more so ARL V39, ridiculous Type 61 buffed with a 105mm just to make it viable...

      What I'm pissed at is their hypocrisy at stating that the Leopard should be limited strictly to the first production variant, while the T-54/55 (it's main rival) is a pick and choose of the best possible variants, ranging from 1946 to the 1970's, with an engine derived from that of a T-fucking-72, and only fitted to T-55Ms and on.
      That would be like having upgrades from a Leopard 1A5.

      But no, giving the Leopard 1 first production run, with massively gimped gun control side skirts, would be too modern. Sure.

    2. You could, but you don't. Nobody ever does. That's enough for me to see that you being "pissed at is their hypocrisy" is just your own hypocrisy.

    3. Really?
      That's your excuse to call me an asshole?

      You don't see me do it, so obviously I'm not mad about seeing an overbuffed VK4502B ?

      You're just plain dumb, and condescending.

    4. I didn't call you an asshole.

      If you're mad about unhistorically buffed non-Soviet tanks just as much as you are about Soviet tanks, why do you whine only about Soviet?

    5. Because I don't feel the need to vent about every unhistorical tank on a gaming blog as much as you need to contradict others for the sake of contradicting.

    6. So why do you feel the need to whine about Soviet tanks?

  15. People complaining about Russian bias clearly haven't played the game long enough to remember the KV , KV1s ,PZIV.
    And then you have the German fanboys who think the t54 is OP while never having played with that gun and shot AP out of it, all while they play their VK4502 b pretending that German tanks are under powered. We all know the tiger should be tier 6 and just lode the top gun, but I'd like to hear what the new t7 will be.

  16. - there are no plans to make Ensk bigger;
    Strange, Storm is lying him self? Map Ensk is allready developed BIGGER. We sow the bigger map in one of there blogs video, in the Historical battles bots tests. So, the map is already done, only is not implemented....
    This map have no place in this game over tier 3 - it is not only too small, it is also very tide, overloaded with elements and objects....

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. There is a Steam gift card giveaway at I recommend this!
