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Friday, 10 April 2015

10.04.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

A developer (only introduced as "Nikita" in an official stream), a programmer responsible for the matchmaker, explained the issues with XP bonus for tanking and why it was delayed as such in an official stream:

In fact, the bonus XP for tanking depended on the normalized thickness of armor at the point of impact. The game designers decided that this was a good idea despite the fact that under some circumstances, the effective thickness of armor could be extremely high due to the angle of shell impact. There was a divisiom by the angle (cos) (effective armor calculation) - the problem is that this value is not limited in any way so extreme impact angles (ricochets) gave extreme results (in one case, a ricochet caused 5000-6000 XP bonus). This mechanism was not fixed on time and required a complete overhaul, hence the delay.

The moderator of the stream was shocked, why armor thickness should be actually taken into account and not just the shell damage. The answer to that was that there is another solution already and it will be released at some point.

- Batchat in HD will not come in 9.8;
- It's possible that 9.7 test 4 will come this week still;
- IS-3 in HD will not come in 9.7 despite the delays;
- HD KV-2 will have the same guns it has right now;
- Average duration of battles on mid tiers? "No comment";
- No plans to add crew-member visual models to vehicles (RG: Games like WoT and AW don't like very much the idea of having real crew shown due to the age rating of the game, its understandable);
- Light tank hit-points will not be increased across the board;
- long testing of 9.7 does delay 9.8, but not by much;
- Storm states that the information that vehicles present in Kubinka will be allowed by the museum to be photoscanned the same way the IS-3 was is false;
- Type 59 in HD is being worked on, including possible collision model (armor) overhaul, no decision was taken yet though.


  1. Olders 007 games are gore-free and were rated 12+. Dont tell me WoT needs more 7-8 year old kids

    1. Or the devs can just show the crew crying in the tank or just sitting around the tank watching the battle instead of being dead.

    2. Ikr, I can't stand going into a train room and hearing squeakers. "Guys why are you shooting meee???"

    3. 7 and 8 year olds aren't a problem in WoT. It's the 30 year olds that act like they are 5.

    4. I think that is all the worlds problems Mark

  2. 1 Question
    where does come all those Type59 accounts from?
    seen so many and usual in PL hands... having 4k rating and such...
    are there codes laying on the street or do they get sold there per ebay more often?

    1. It was in the shop in the past. You don't need a skill to become wallet warrior.

  3. Type 59 in HD?
    Another Chance to get it nerfed :/

  4. Same, I see lots of accounts with type59 recently, they don't even play it well, it's there sitting on their account record with 44% :/
    It's supposed to become more rare each month ..

    About visible crew, it's a lot of work for something so useless

    1. people just want it because they are to lazy to look up, and actually remember where crew members sit in a tank.. typical baddies not wanting to learn a game, but rather have it handed to them.. nothing worse them lazy people feeling as if they are entitled because their mom gave them a cc

    2. ...and then getting mad because a crew member didnt die after 1 shot

      I totally agree

    3. That actually has nothing to do with it for peopple I know saying this. They (and me) think it's just weird seeing those open-topped ghost tanks driving around.

      And their argument for age rating makes no sense either, since World of Warplanes does have visible crew members visible and has the same age rating...

  5. "No plans to add crew-member visual models to vehicles (RG: Games like WoT and AW don't like very much the idea of having real crew shown due to the age rating of the game, its understandable);"

    WarThunder with Crews = PEGI 12, USK 12, Rated T
    World of Tanks without Crews = PEGI 7, USK 12, Rated T

    A realy big Problem! :)

  6. @Gregory: Boom! Tank turns into wreck, crewmen disappear, problem solved (I wont expect the same level as OFP/ArmA). And crying? Cmon....

  7. Being far to complicated about the xp for armor use, just give a fixed % of xp based off the amount of damage actually blocked. Block 5000 damage get like 400 xp etc ... 8% for example. That way its not based off thickness at all but instead of how effectively you used your armor to actually negate an incoming shot.

    It also would scale with tiers too, so tanks like the AT2 and others wouldn't be getting big numbers for bouncing tiny damage shots. You already have a total damage blocked by armor, lol use the stat as the base for xp bonus for using it.

  8. The moderator of the stream was shocked, why armor thickness should be actually taken into account and not just the shell damage. The answer to that was that there is another solution already and it will be released at some point.

    I think they take armor thickness into account so that heavily armored tanks are encouraged to take hits while lightly armored tanks get little XP bonus even if they bounce a BL-10. Good idea, but isn't it better to just based it on shell penetration value?

  9. It's going to be a brutal weekend with this silly X5 XP.. nothing but booger eaters, and bots will infest the servers. WG needs to implement something to deter Bot runners, and the fools that sign on, just to get the free XP and not do anything to help. for instance, issue the X5 XP to only the top 10 tanks in damage, or to those that do at least their tanks hitpoints in damage. or at the very least, 1/2 their tanks hitpoints in damage.

    to give bots and non-playing players who suicide to the next match free XP for doing nothing, is just plain stupid, and ruins the game for all the other players on the team with bots.. and I knw, WG says bots are impossible, I call BS. I have reported several bots to WG.. and of all the 200+ bots I have reported, only 1 has ever NOT played within the next day.

  10. I see no reason why the KV-2 should not have all the guns in the first place. There picture of the KV-2 with a 107mm and early KV-2 mounted 122mm U-11s.

  11. Not surprised about the xp from armor, because, yknow, using a simple solution like potential damage taken is silly.

    Lets make it as complicated as possible so it takes more man hours, ends up being buggy as hell, and takes 2 years to fix. Because that way as a dev, you get guaranteed work and pay and can pat yourself on the back for designing something cool yet complicated; instead of an easy application of a simple concept that has been asked for years.
