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Wednesday, 8 April 2015

08.04.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- Female crew voiceover will not come in 9.8;
- Developers will not disclose how exactly is the second British TD branch (FV4005 and others) doing statistically;
- Right now it's not clear whether the marks of excellence are bugged or not, it will be investigated;
- One player is concerned that even if gold penetration is nerfed somewhat, gold shells will still effortlessly penetrate Maus, E-100 and others. Storm's answer: "you are overestimating the role and amount of gold shell use in battle";
- It's possible that the ingame Maus is smaller than in real life. It will be investigated;
- Storm confirms that future renders will be made with ingame textures, not the ultra-high quality textures used for renders now;
- Ultra-high quality texture pack won't be released, it would be useful only for a small number of people;
- Artillery will be reworked to HD as last;
- VK4502B with 80mm armor will not be made tier 6, it would be too overpowered;
- The way to obtain tier 7 VK4502B will be disclosed a bit later;
- Storm confirms: developers are investigating how to rebalance artillery but it's too early to say anything. One thing's for sure: it won't be the "less alpha more often by splash" approach because the fact you actually get damaged irritates the players even more than an occasional oneshot;
- WG is currently reviewing the platoon demand for individual missions (whether it's needed);
- Tank customization (additional armor plates and such) will come only in far future, it's completely possible these will fall off from the tank when Havok is implemented;
- "Many" Object 260 missions will be changed in 9.8;
- Apparently there are no plans to buff Leopard prototype;
- Developers are definitely not considering removing the standard artillery satellite mode and replacing it with "battle assistant" mode;
- T92 Light Tank will definitely not come in 2015;
- T32 will not get a penetration buff;
- For now, there are no plans to buff Challenger/Avenger by giving it a better gun.


  1. "you are overestimating the role and amount of gold shell use in battle"

    This guy is so full of sh*t .. Lets give him a maus and see how well he performs and have a good laugh.. anything with half decent armor gets spammed with gold instantly when not facing horrible potatoes

    1. "anything with half decent armor"

      That might be the problem - how many tanks are there around with that? Pz II J, Maus, 4502B, T95... around tier 4 - 7 you can go totally gold-free for games and be fine.

    2. I am driving a Maus and gold is not what kills it, but arty and open maps. City maps or maps with many corridors, most time it is fine. I don't know if people are shooting a lot of gold at me or not, all I know is that I bounce a hell lot of shots.

    3. Not even just with a Maus.
      Get any tank high tier tank (so APCR gets phased out by HEAT), drive around and count the *pshh* sound distinctive of someone throwing Schwepps rounds at you.

      It's rather impressive really. People will spam gold at you no matter the tank, no matter the armor, no matter the tier difference.

      And you might say "why are you mad, he would have penned you with ap anyways!". Well, I'm mad because that's the sort of people who spam ONLY with gold ammo on match, then yolo rush with tier8 premium tanks to fund the games. They also give 0 fucks and play their tanks obliviously to their intended roles and just frontally spam armored vehicles, and get away with it.

      Gold ammo is the lazy man's solution to a problem that doesn't even exist, and WG cashes in on it. Indirectly through premium accounts and premium tanks, but they cash in on people's laziness, no matter the cost to gameplay.

    4. e100, vk7202 , kv4 ,kv5 st1, e75 and there r many more

    5. Exocet said it perfectly

    6. I load gold when shooting maus. Thats the hazzard of driving tanks with strong armor.

    7. and what can a maus do when going up against a strong armored target???? pray

    8. If you drive heavily armored tanks you are asking for it - if you drive lightly armored tanks why would you care if the enemy is using expensive ammo against you?

    9. Gold ammo is a problem that doesn't even exist

      There, fixed it for you.

      I load gold when i fucking well want to load gold and couldnt care less when i get shot at with gold or otherwise.

      GOLD. IS. PART. OF. THE. GAME. Whether or not you get used to it is your problem, not WG's.

    10. Thomas you just dont get it do you ? But then your probably one of those players that run nothing but gold. This game has become less about skill and more about who shots more gold plain and simple.

    11. Sixonefive there is the reply that i was waiting to see. See people anytime this is brought up you have your gold spammers chime in with its part of the game deal with it. You know why because they lack the ability to aim or they never took the time to learn the weak spots of tanks or they are nothing more that stat padding shitlords.

    12. @sixonefive

      Fine then, but now you won't ever have a leg to stand on if you talk about rebalancing arty. Nor about any current mechanic out there.

      In fact, if it's as simple as stating that it's part of the game, why don't we apply that to all bugs?
      You get stuck on an invisible rock? It's part of the game.
      You have massive seal-clubbing on tier2 ? Part of the game.

      Hey, it's really simple to justify things like this.

    13. I bet you're feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside now that you got the opportunity you were waiting for.

      But it seems you squandered your opportunity replying to me. I didnt say i spam gold. I said i use it when i feel like it, not the same thing.

      On the other hand, i give exactly -3 fecks about what you think. Whether you like it or not, gold is here to stay. Have a nice day.

    14. I'll be the first to admit that I will shoot gold ammo when I find it to be necessary. However, I only have two tanks where I load gold by default, the Pz. B2 and the SU-152. I don't even have any AP on my B2, I'm evenly split between HEAT and HE on my SU-152.

      Past that, I generally have 1/3 or less of my ammo loadout on any given tank "gold". The exception to that rule is my E100, which has 20 AP 20 HEAT, and 10 HE. I really enjoy the "no skill gold user" posts. People with even reasonable skill that this game known when to shoot gold, and when not to. Sure there are people out there spamming nothing but gold, but it is their money, so whatever. It might well be a crutch for those people, but again, who cares? The fact remains that one generally still has to aim. The T-62A's 100mm gun has 264mm of pen with APCR and 330mm with HEAT. Shoot APCR at the UFP of a Maus and it will bounce. Shoot HEAT at the UFP of a Maus at it will bounce. The place to shoot a Maus with HEAT where APCR isn't likely to pen is the turret face. If a Maus is hiding his "license plate bracket", then the obvious target is the turret face from the front. It would be foolish not to load gold in that situation. On the other hand, the APCR from the 62A will pen a Maus just about anywhere else that HEAT will.

      I had a game in my T-62A the other day where I did 6900 damage. I fired all 12 of my HEAT rounds and many of my APCR rounds. I run a premium account and had a gross income of 98k credits on that game. Net I lost 5k credits. Even those 12 rounds of HEAT were really expensive. Of the 12 I fired 2 bounced (off a Maus when they didn't hit my point of aim), one flat out missed, and 9 penned for full damage. I have no idea how anyone affords to run full gold ammo, but more power to them if they can. I hope my tracks eat their HEAT. :-)

    15. The nerf's you see to accuracy and various soft stats are occurring because WG is trying to fix the premium shell issue without changing them. They have created the problems you see now in higher tiers where mediums and td's are out performing heavies. Most players at those tiers spam premium shells so everyone pretty much knows armor is largely irrelevant, instead speed and health are king. You can see this in the auto-loaders and various mediums. They keep talking about making armor more relevant, change the very round that is making it less relevant then and stop dancing around it. OR just flat out admit you like lining your pockets too much and tell everyone game balance isn't important enough to worry about. That way the average player can just skip the heavy lines and center on mediums and lights with punchy guns :).

      Of course premiumshells don't bother light skinned tanks and people will load as much as they want - it in the game for everyone. The issue is it completely buggers the tanks BALANCED against their ARMOR. These tanks lose speed, maneuverability and often firepower for the ARMOR wg gives them. Why bother if your going to then balance the tank against rounds no ones using on those tanks, ASSUME they will be spammed with premium shells and balance the that way,

    16. Arty will never be balanced, at least from the players perspective. Either its crap or OP. Arty is a binary thing, there is no middle ground. My view on it is simple: learn to avoid it, play safe. Usually this is when people will say its impossible to be safe all the time. Which is PRECISELY the reason why arty exists, so that you are never 100% safe. Do i get targetted and sometimes shot by arty? Yes, and fuck XVM for that. But then at the end of the day, i care as much about arty as the number of arty games i have ever played.

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. I know gold's here to stay, what I want to see is the ARMORED tanks balanced against the rounds used on them [premium shells] and there armor being accordingly balanced. Its ridiculous to see an armored heavy evaporated from the front by a premium shell spamming medium or light. Tanks without armor it matters not so much, though the increased pen does lend to more chances to ko modules on penetration.

    19. Exocet, there is a difference between bugs and things that exist by design. Arty is not an ugly ducking, it's the child that WG wanted and planned to have.

    20. Hasn't it been renamed from "Gold" to "Premium" amunition three years ago?

    21. Gold is easier to write on the subway, sue me :P

    22. @Sixonefive if you dont care then why reply just shows you are doing nothing but trolling

    23. Oh wait was i supposed to try and hide it?

    24. Sixonefive dont you have to go pad your stats some more on your hellcat ?

    25. "If you drive heavily armored tanks you are asking for it - if you drive lightly armored tanks why would you care if the enemy is using expensive ammo against you?" Right, Thomas... I play most of my games late at night, using the StuG IIIG, both Jagdpanthers, Nashorn, Rhm etc. All vehicles with impressive armor. Yet there's almost no game when I don't get hit by at least one premium shell. Hell, I've even seen a game last month when a T34 fired not one but FOUR premium rounds into an Rhm.

      Even WG realized (and that's no small feat) that armor should be useful. Right now there are only a few vehicles that can truly rely on it (amongst them the aforementioned T32 - nothing like bouncing time and again Tier X gold shells and hear all those poor blue players complain what a coward I am). For the rest, their armor is useful against normal AP and nothing else. Switch to APCR/HEAT and many vehicles become simple right-clicking targets. Most HTs are slow, heavy and large for one reason: armor. Premium ammo basically turns them into smaller TOGs. There's one thing to use it for some tricky or desperate shots (but even then there are alternatives if you have the brains to find them), and another to simply spam it at everything you see.

      While buying premium ammo keeps the servers going and helps with SerB's Hugo Drax inspired space shuttle master plan, all the idiots running full gold for that all-important WN of theirs ruins the game more than artillery ever did. Competitive play my ass. They should keep that crap for their CW gangwank parties.

    26. Premium ammo makes the game MORE skillful, and rewards the better players more than the weaker players. No one can afford 100% premium, but the better players can certainly afford to shoot more of it than the bad players, since they are missing less and saving the premium for tanks that actually need it.

      Limiting or removing premium rounds would most hurt the lower tier tanks in battles, enlarging the already big gap in the two-tier spread. A game is more interesting when all the tanks matter.

      Ideally, most premium rounds would have a bit more tension...for instance, APCR doing 90-95% of the damage of AP, which would prevent APCR from being a strict upgrade in power. But this isn't necessary.

    27. Not really, kiseki. Even half-decent players know some weak spots and how to use them. Forcing them to learn those things actually helps them improve. On the other hand, gold spam rewards especially those with large enough wallets for whom it's too hard to know that a Tiger P, for example, can be easily damaged in its cupola or LFP, so they simply fire gold ammo that penetrates it basically everywhere. The only limit for gold ammo is its cost. If you care so much for your stats that you're willing to invest a serious ammount of real money, then that limit evaporates.

      A premium ammo hardcap wouldn't hurt all lower tier tanks. True, some have basically useless guns, but those are few. Learn to flank, have patience and know where to shoot instead of right-clicking and firing wildly knowing that most of the shells that actually hit will penetrate.

  2. all serb needs to do is play a couple days on the NA server and he will see that amount being fired is alot higher than they are willing to say. They want the gold/credit rounds to be fired. Since this means the players that cant make in game credits will be buying more credit bundles for RL money which makes wargamming more money

    1. All SerB needs to do is look at the statistics which are collected from all servers.

    2. (In other words - I usually carry about 10 gold shells on any tank, sometimes more on competitive ones or stock ones, but never full gold. But still, many players presume I use full gold. Based on that I shot them when it was perfectly reasonable to use gold, or when I used gold because I ran out of standard ammo - which can happen easily in some tanks like T37 or M10. This is how easy overestimation is - everyone likes to think that the enemy uses full gold instead of reacting well to situation, because it makes enemy look more unskilled and themselves better.)

    3. Oh yes the Serb butt kisser shows up to defend him. How long you gonna keep drinking that Kool-Aid. If it wasn't as bad as he states anytime it was brought up Why would it constantly brought up in every Q&A. But then again your probably one of the players that state (get better nob, qq more , or you can shot them to) every time someone calls you out on spamming them in every tank and every match.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Nah, you're just full of shit mate. You are going against solid facts with your assumptions and crap opinion.

    6. Ok i see the Serb defenders are out in force today. Must be hard to see very much when you have that much sh*t built up on your nose.

    7. Dont play on NA server.

      Problem solved.


    8. fix the game ,problem solved

    9. Gold use is wildly overstated by noobs who need excuses for poor play, "they all shoot gold at me."

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. i mean t to say pls stop coming on here and propping up WG , we all know what you are, it is just sad

    12. Oh yes should i go play on a server that i get 200+ ping then. It all comes down to wargamming not wanting to cut their profits by nerfing or putting a cap on the amount of gold rounds you can carry. Just remove them from randoms and leave them for clan wars , team battles and such. But then you will have nothing but crying and b*tching because said stat padders cant pen anything because he never learned how to aim at weak spots. This is the same crap that is spewed any time this subject is brought up. Your gold spammers dont want them nerfed so they come up with any excuse as to why they are not a problem. This game has come to the team that spams more gold wins. Sure you still have your players that know how to rape tanks with out the need to shot gold but those are the players that have been around since beta. And how many of you that have made comments today have went into battle with a full gold load out just to troll someone.

    13. And just because you can buy them with credits IS IN NO WAY a reason to run full load outs of gold.

    14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    15. in over 24k battles i have never once ran even half gold

    16. Seriously gold ammo is a huge problem, I mean yes everyone and their dog usually spams it at a Maus etc, but they spam it at anything. I could play a 110 and get shot at by HEAT-54's (T-54) or HEAT-100's (E100). Actually no matter toer or tank the balance ammo spam is real.

    17. Same 31k battles 55% win rate and a 2126 wn8 and run no more than 3 rounds of gold in any tank i play (unless it is an auto loader) . and those rounds are only used for players that spam me with gold.

    18. i say limit gold ammo to 10% on load out.

    19. I have 1 tank which has 10 balance rounds, my Maus. Those 10 are specificly for a APCR spamming Maus. No other tank that I have ever played used premium ammo, simply because it's not necessary. ps ingame name is Lord_Duckington incase anyone thinks I don't own a Maus etc

    20. Seeing how sure you are about everyone spamming gold and how hostile you are to anyone who disagrees I'm sure you have plenty of evidence to support your claim and you're keen on sharing it with us.

    21. and where did i say EVERYONE was spamming gold ??? Pretty sure i stated above that there are still player that DO NOT have the need to spam gold and do just fine with out them. And where is you evidence that they are not being spammed more and more ???????

    22. You're the one making the claim. It's up to you to provide evidence. Either do so or fuck off.

    23. oh some one not happy now he is mad and results to saying fuck off

    24. @Atomic
      and again where did i say everyone was spamming them. no where that right. the only thing you have to stand on is wanting me to show you stats. you probably one of the spammers who does not want them fixed because you would no longer know how to play the game with out your crutch gold rounds. so your the one that can suck serbs dick all you want i voiced my opinion that you do not like. so keep playing your mediums while spamming gold to keep them stats up.

    25. So you have no evidence. Ergo your statements are just empty whining.

    26. @Explicit "If it wasn't as bad as he states anytime it was brought up Why would it constantly brought up in every Q&A. "

      Because people ask again and again in Q&A? The same reason why there are still replies about no skill MM and no removal of arty - because some retards keep asking these questions to no end.

    27. developers even said the game was balanced around regular rounds not premium so they need to be reworked

    28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    29. @ Atomicand what evidence do you have that they are not ? Ergo your statement is just an excuse to keep them so you can pad them stats in your 34-85.

      I see you got off Serb's dick long enough to make the excuse as to why they should not be nerfed.

      Exactly. but your spammer are going to make any and all excuses as to why they shouldnt be nerfed or rebalanced because then they would have to learn how to play again.

    30. I bully every T-54 who spam golds without even bothering to aim and react to gameplay properly with my 430 II regularly, with me shooting 99% silver ammo (although same gun). Get to my level whiners, I ain't even a blunicum yet and killing some everyday joe spamming 100% (?) gold is easy.

      The problem is still always, a good player. Gold ammo won't leviate a crap player to be good. If you're also a good player, react to meta. Either overpower them with skills or do the same since you could easily afford some gold ammo (for credits) yourself without paying any cent to serB. Why you even mad at players spamming gold to RHM? Laugh at them, they were burning cash!

    31. I am not making any claims, so there is no reason for me to provide any evidence. You, on the other hand...

    32. @atomic
      tell you what you keep thinking what you want and ill do the same. and my thoughts are you are nothing more than serbs bitch boy that is so far up serbs ass you cant see anything other than what he keeps telling you. maybe just maybe one day you will pull your head out and see. until then fuck you and suck my dick. since you are the one that wanted to tell someone fuck off when they stated their opinion. oh and you got some white shit on your chin.

    33. Oh crap, we have a badass over here!
      Look, you little shit: if you say that there's too much premium ammo being used and it makes the game unbalanced, you have to provide data to support your statement. Otherwise there is no reason to believe you.
      Your refusal to provide said data and propensity to personal attacks make it clear you're nothing more than a whining bitch or a troll. Either way: fuck off.
      Have a good day, sir.

  3. I hope they either get a functioning brain cell between their retarded selves, or die

    1. I agrew, WG is doing an awesome job, its the moaners who r the problem.

  4. "- Storm confirms: developers are investigating how to rebalance artillery but it's too early to say anything. One thing's for sure: it won't be the "less alpha more often by splash" approach because the fact you actually get damaged irritates the players even more than an occasional oneshot;"

    BS, artys would be much better with lower alpha and wider splash radius - just reduce module damage and pen too

    1. The problem with arty is mostly the accuracy.

    2. thats why it should have less alpha, less pen, less module damage and wider splash.
      And aim, reload time and dispersions should be changed back to pre 8.6 state and arty MM should be -1/+2 so tier 1 tanks dont meet artys at all and tier 8 tanks dont meet tier 10 artys

    3. @ Halosixteen
      What do you mean ?
      20second aimtime and 0.9 accuracy is OP ?

      Have you ever tried arty ? Its frustrating as hell. And now withe the accuracy nerf if not fully aimed, its even worse. If you dont wait those 20 seconds to aim, you can hit somebody on Battlefield Hardline server. You know what really happened to Columbia space shuttle ? Somebody fired arty while not fully aimed.

      What I'd like to see is, triple the accuracy, but reduce the aim time to half. 10 sec. aim and 2.7 accuracy.

    4. Arty is by far the easiest class of tank to play, BY FAR. All u do is sit and click. Arty needs nerfed. I would prefer less alpha and more splash, but i rarely get oneshot so WG is prob right, as usual.

    5. Which is why mostly red noobs play arty.

    6. Arty don't needs to be nerfed, it needs to be reworked. No nerf or buff could balance them.

    7. Most red noobs play TDs, Heavy Tanks, Medium Tanks and Light Tanks too.

  5. The Challenger is the worst grind I can recall having to deal with for a tier 7 tank.

    1. Grind through the Sturer Emil then, you'll look back at the Challenger in fondness.

    2. I'm working my way through the Challenger now. It is really terrible. The gun can be made to work, but the tall turret, no armor, and slow turret traverse are really painful. If they gave the thing a faster turret traverse and perhaps a better camo rating it would be much improved. Or, they could leave it the same and give it the 20 pounder.

    3. I'm also at the Challenger and while it's not stellar, it's not awful, either. I essentially play it like Comet's retarded brother, though.

    4. T25/2 is much worse, the Challenger needs to be played well to shine, otherwise if your over aggressive it gets railed. Loved the grind through it myself and the Charioteer is worth it.

    5. "T25/2 is much worse"
      It's the best tier 7 medium.

    6. Sturer Emil was indeed unpleasant. But satisfying to "complete". Once I was under 100xp left, I spend a few free xp to not have to play another battle.

    7. Tier VII grinds
      T25 fake hurts until you realise the camo rating.
      Uralmash, same idea in case get the engine upgraded
      Mr. Stubborn Emil, very depressing tank not by the gun, but camo and gun arc
      AC 46, very sluggish makes the engines worth more than the gun

      I haven't stared the second British TD but I started the game with the heavies and mediums, TD up to AT7, SPG up to A15SP. I am not going, not qualified to say it will be a grind for me because most of the module are common modules for British vehicles. I don't have any of the gun but the best gun on the Firefly unlocked (feeling pretty non-sense), therefore similar to Challenger / Avenger. It maybe a grind but only cost you once. Not the case like ST-I you have to free or take the BL-9 from another line, KV fortress cost you 44k XP for a gun for it own. T25 fake wants your XP for a nearly exclusive 17-pdr.
      These occur out of the British tree. Or I should get this reversed. Highly shared modules, one of the features of the Brits. I am not tanker nor histroican.
      Look at Centurion. Two in the medium branch, two in the TD branch, what FV3805 is I dont know. Even those FV200s remain the uses of different Meteor engine until I guess the L60?
      Again not historican, feel free to correct me, I am willing to know.
      It only takes you to grind once

  6. - T32 will not get a penetration buff;
    How about some ROF(DPM)/Accuracy/Stabilization/something?
    I guess no... sigh.

    1. I just sold my T32 (and happily so), that grind to the M103 was one of the most painful ever.

    2. If T32 is a painful grind for you then you should maybe get back to playing Call of Duty tank missions

    3. I don't know why are you complaining about T32. After 50 battles on it I have ~2k average dmg, lately easily doing 3k. Up to t8 you have really good armor - side and turret. At t9 and t10 you can use your gun depression and decent speed to peak-a-boo. And the gun? I played with both 105 and 90 and liked the 90mm better. Up to t8 the 170 pen on it is enough, on t9, 10 you have to spam gold or wait for the right opportunity on both of the guns, so why not take the one with better acc. Overall i liked the tank way more than eg. IS3.

    4. Oh its not that a bad tank, it was just a hard luck tank for me. You run into those every once in a while or at least I do.

    5. Its a great tank, but its gun struggles a bit to much in high-tier battles and, considering how RNG heavy the game is, I really don't think good soft stats and an impenetrable turret mantle is enough to make up for it.

      You either get lucky and only run into tanks you can pen with AP, or you don't and have to break out the APCR a very expensive option compounded by the tanks high repair cost.

      T8 aren't for making money, I know, but I also don't think they should put you in the black if you don't have a premium account. Especially for a game you not only won, but survived.

    6. It is already a good tank in its elite configuration. It is complete trash without turret or without tracks (the mobility bonus from the tracks is extreme), but is a real joy to play.

      I think they should increase the performance of the stock tracks so that the thing can actually move.

    7. I think T32 is just overhyped because of usage in WGL(?).
      T32 top gun is THE worst among ALL regular T8HT, it is a FACT.
      T32 was ok (even good) few years ago but now it's just average joe apart from good view range +wild battles with a lot of T9-10, with T8 and below it is a decent tank and fun to play.

      Also want dat hull without frontal weakspot.

    8. Oh yeah, worse than the Caernavon.

    9. I am about to buy a T32, I struggled to do that because I have two marks on my T29. I am good at hull down however looked at tank inspector made me not very confident about T32. It is okay for the all the gun stats and T32 is only tank with the same hull actually has a tough turret. Yes I am saying this. Those who've looked into tank inspector carefully know T29 and its friends have weakpoints excluding the cupola. The edge of gun manlet, the cheek of the turret belongs to side armour, high pen guns, especially German accuracy, aim there, you will be suprised.
      I am concerned about T32 not about its ability when face to face, but suitcases.
      The Pershing turret is smaller than those rabbits (T29), one of the tactics when I am in my T29. When I feel a suitcase coming in, I line myself up with the trajectory I presumed, also use my cupola to cover my engine deck, therefore at most I am only losing my CMDR but engine and fuel tanks lived.
      However T32... I am not sure this is going to work or not. Facing 212A, GC etc. High as hell arc arty. I am a Bert player with battle assistant, I have noticed the arc cannot go over T29's turret of course but T32's like enjoying sunshine.

      Caer is a freak tank incase no arty in that match. Basically a Centurion with higher firepower.
      God when there is an arty even only M44. I wish he is dumbed not to focus on me. I was once torched by M44, splash. Not to mention how hot the fuel tanks are. Engine doesnt suffer much, just a ring of fire. Buring ring of fire~

      198 pen yes doesnt enough, but I think the problem doesnt go to the penetration but RoF. I have a King Tiger, I love it even it is stock. Stock turret is hopeless to some people but the upgraded turret isnt tough. 185mm nearly flat, not good without angling. Angling the stock turret still gives you auto bounce, no problem.
      The upgraded boxy turret gives a RoF buff only to 10.5cm guns.
      Now the point, I use only 8.8, the historical gun. 203 pen. Aim faster than a Tiger. Most important, 5.65s reload.
      Shots after shots putting pressure on my line of defense. I reckon this is the best gun. 225 pen is higher but make so less different and I will be rushed by tanks with a 9s reload gun.

      Back to T32, yes it doesnt have that accuracy of an 8.8, pen is not even 200.
      By giving it more pen. Result is it can deal damage easier. When CQs, IS-3 cupolas werent a problem for a 198 pen gun I guess. I am saying these under hulldown situations. A RoF would be great, better than pen buff. Pen buff gives advantages to sniping shots but not CQ line / ridge pushing that I do the most in my T29. It is not a tank best for city street anyway, Caernarvon's friend

  7. You don't need to have diecent armor I get gold shot at my Jackson and hellcat all the time

    1. exactly its doesnt matter the tank your in.

  8. >For now, there are no plans to buff Challenger/Avenger by giving it a better gun

    what? challenger don't need buffs, only players who know how to play with it.

  9. - Storm confirms: developers are investigating how to rebalance artillery but it's too early to say anything. One thing's for sure: it won't be the "less alpha more often by splash" approach because the fact you actually get damaged irritates the players even more than an occasional oneshot;

    -> worse reload
    -> worse aim time
    -> better accuracy
    -> better shell time travel

    Arty would be more effective when firing but would do it fewer times per battle.

    1. -> worse reload
      -> worse aim time

      my CGC with 121% crew reloads in 48 seconds and aiming time is about 25 second... most battles are over after firing 3 or 4 times

      artys need faster aim reload time, bigger splash and less pen, module damage and alpha

    2. Arty is by far the easiest class of tank to play, u just sit at spawn and click, which is why mostly red noobs play arty that and its boring as hell. Arty needs a huge nerf to alpha and accuracy along with track traverse and bloom so killing scouts is next to impossible.

    3. Im pretty sure WG can change how much HE will affect each armor-layer so more shots, less damage and maybe a little bit more splash still seems like the better solution for everybody unless WG want to introduce some kind of autoloader system where arty waits for a minute to reload and then spits out 2-3 shells in a target area?

    4. Mark, don't you get tired of telling the same story over and over again? Or do you have it saved in a .txt and simply copy/paste it?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. best arty nerf would be as follows:
      *remove player names from enemy tanks. (so that XVM can't pull data on the name)

  10. And I dont know why arty gets less exp than the rest.

    The faster ppl grin their artys up to tier 10 the sooner they leave them gaining dust in the garage. Happens with the other tier 10s as well. And with this we would see less mid tier artys in game..

  11. I don't get all the anger about arty
    It's not like you get OS by it every 3 battles, damage is high but rare, most often it's a complete miss or just some splash through armor or tracks

    1. Arty don't shoot shitters. They are shooting by XVM and that's the problem. I would like to ask you how rare is arty shooting at you once you're acutally good at the game.

    2. my words.
      sure it pisses me off when i get oneshot, but hell i get ammo racked by scouts more often than getting oneshot.

      IMHO, people who are getting OS more than once in 30 battles really need to learn to play. Find cover, know how to relocate and which path to take. It's funny how some players play the same way when there is arty in the game as if there wasnt - peekaboo on usual spots like rocks in steppes, hill in pearl river, etc. these places are just arty magnet.

    3. Yeah you certainly get more arty on your ass when you are violet
      I'm just green/blue, not enough to attract attention on high tier battles

    4. Artillery is aggravating to play for any length of time, having used them for the missions I can say the people I generally one shot or cripple are the tunnel visioned people or the lumps who weren't really being of use to there team anyways. Most of the time though artillery is key in getting hull down vehicles who can't be moved directly, to move after getting hit indirectly. Also good for those low tier tanks fighting such beasts like JT 8.8 and such. It has a purpose, if your getting hit a lot you need to reevaluate why and find better cover more often.

    5. I am happy with WN8 focused arties. Maybe I am just 1600.
      If it wasnt such matter. Who is going to stop a hulldown Jageroo, a corner hugged AT7, or sth has so large health pool at its tier such as HMS TOG?
      Basically if we dont have enough situational awareness, how do you able to reach a rating caused arties to focus on you? Seal-clubbing? Pz II J? E25? I don't know.
      I have to agree some situation say in a Caernavon or Conqueror or the fake FV215, fuel tanks made out of Molotov,
      Caernavon has to fight ridge lines. Quite annoying but I am okay with that, otherwise I would just hulldown move within a 30 metres radius, plant flowers with 20-pdr.
      Imagine how hopeless it will be in a Tier X match in your Conqueror, finally make it to a ridge line, gun depressed 7 degrees, spotted a Unicum 263 says hello. I reckon Pressing T is not going to help much.
      I do not deserve 1800 because I am master of dodging arty fires, I shoot okay, hulldown okay, sidescrap okay, just not dodging arty's splash :P

      Balance factor. Factor balanced


  13. because someone is spotting for you, if you did your own spotting you would get the same but since a mate is doing the spotting you have to share the xp with him/her

  14. So if additional track links and shit fall off, they loose their effect such as additional armor and spaced armor? And then you have to rebuy them for every game if they get damaged?

    1. Don't give them such ideas !

      I'm expecting something similar to the tank decoration system, it makes sense

    2. I doubt WG is capable or coding this function - dynamically changing armor values. they cannot do just visual eye-candy destructions becasue their servers would melt, yet alone havok on each tank part and changing the armor values on the fly...

    3. i'm pretty sure the cost of a new tank (for every time your tank gets rekt) e far more expensive than some track links

    4. I just ask questions because some stuff doesnt make any sense. First it was tree logs, tool boxes, fuel tanks, and other visual stuff and then track links and then all of a sudden "additional armored plates"? This tank customizations is not consistent.

      Since havocs visuall effects are optional it must either mean that once these items is beeing shot for the first time the armor effect is zero, and/ or they only fall off and still have the same armor values but you cant seen them. Either way its retarded.

      I really hope you dont have to resupply this items every game (if beeing damaged) because then it is litterarly premium armor protection and a additional credit sink. Looking at what premium consumables cost now we can count on like 20k credits per item (track link, tool box, extinguisher, tree log, fuel tank, shovel, etc.).

      Also if im not wrong didnt WG say havoc will not affect tanks as in there will be no additional visual effects on the tanks because the game engine wouldnt manage it?

      WG contradict themselves alot, 2 days ago they specialy said that some tanks will not get track links since they have good armor alreaddy, and now everybody will be able to buy "gold armor". Huh...

    5. It's just a project for future, the whole thing is not even fully decided by wg yet

    6. It would make more sense to have more camo paints and inscriptions and decals and "visual" camo net i.e. if you equip your tenk with camo net you can see it. Also spall liner, model that as well on the tank. Of if you choose tool box equipment you can see it outside the tanks.

      They better model the equipment that is alreaddy in the game rather than making up BS ones that will have no function other than 2mm spaced armor ahaha.

  15. not sure , last i heard they weren't adding it , they just said that 2 days ago, the face doesn't know what the ass is doing at WG

  16. - It's possible that the ingame Maus is smaller than in real life. It will be investigated;
    Let me guess. IS-4 is also too big. It's not yet light tank size, how it should be. You know, "historically"

    1. imho it depends on the screen you are playing on :D
      how could it be the same size as in real life if the screen is only 27" :D

  17. Storm's answer: "you are overestimating the role and amount of gold shell use in battle" - someone hasn't played the game in the 8-10 tier much then if this is an answer. Especially tier 10 battles - it seems to be rare when I don't see a premium shell flying around [doesn't matter which 9 or 10 I am in either - premium shells get used against my WT Pz4 and we know that beast's armored :) ]. Premium shells completely change the dynamics of the game for any armored tank [at any tier] and so makes playing them more and more problematic as you get higher in tiers.

  18. >you are overestimating the role and amount of gold shell use in battle

    And you're underestimating the lengths people are willing to go to inflate their stats or win, especially at high tiers.

    By the way, T32 is fine as it is.

  19. I have been thinking, it's not that I not enjoy the T32, nor does it feel unbalanced. But, why can't they give it the Patton's T5E1M2 gun, with nerfed RoF and other soft stats? That way you get 218 pen which is more than fine, that inaccurate "brawling" type of gun, and 390/218 is same alpha but less pen than the IS-3, which also has a very hard turret to come through and a not so good hull.

    Since the T32 is quite mediocre and tank-wise quite similar to the IS-3, why not?

    1. Dont you think a tank with 218 pen coupled with shitloads of depression and a turret that trolls tier 10 guns is a bit too much?

    2. Nevermind these jokers, they only think about themselves because they underperform in a specific tank and therfore want it overbuffed. The T32 is borderline unhistorical as it is with the 105mm....just for alls info. It is good as it is ans 198mm pen is enough to pen most weakspots frontaly except some tier 9 and 10 heavys.

      Also how did people manage to play the T32 before we had prem ammo for credits and worse accuracy? Kids these days are spoiled even in PC games. There is no hope for the future generation...

    3. What mistermex1 said.

      Patton gun on T32 is overbuff bullshit, tank is perfectly fine as it is now and the gun is plenty workable... so long as one bothers to learn weakspots and know where they can pen and where they can't. There seems to be a 'I have to pen everything ot tank is shite' mentality going around.

    4. Give the T32 a better gun and it becomes unbalanced. Far from being mediocre, when played properly it's one of the best tanks in the game. But this is only true for a narrow niche because it is a vehicle defined not by its gun (quite weak in its tier), but by the insane turret armor. In Tier X games just go hull down, watch for artillery and soak abnormal amounts of damage. Yes, you won't do much damage in return and you will be called a coward and a cheater, but while they're busy raging and firing uselessly at you (some will even switch to gold ammo - icing on the cake), your team should be busy taking them out. In some games, on a proper map, you can tie up a whole flank by yourself. But if you want to go out and fight like a man, don't be surprised you'll be back in the garage in under a minute.

    5. mistermex1, how? Easier than now and a lot funnier. Aaand top turret was smaller with invincible roof.
      And stop it with your "spoiled/no hopre for future generation" thingy, it's becomes annoying after few dozen times, thanks.

  20. This is a viable solution IMO, considering two factors:

    1. The T32 never had 105 mm gun IRL anyway, so historical accuracy isn't a problem.

    2. The 105 mm it gets ingame is visibly different than it appears on the T29 (not as strong an argument, but I feel it has some merit).

    I do think the alpha should be nerfed to 320 avg on the T32, and it shouldn't have as good ROF as on the Patton.

    Its true, the T32 is an effective tank already, but considering the weight put on gun pen in WoT, the T32's positive attributes just don't make up for it when fighting higher tier tanks.

    Another potential option could be making the gun it already has more accurate.

    1. It isnt a viable solution. Devs said they will NOT buff the pen on the T32. What about the vk45a it has 200mm and the 110 it has "only" 215mm compared to tiger II and is3 which has 225. Pen is a balancing parameter and according to WG the T32 is fine.

      Dont play the T32 if you dont like it, you cant get everything. Pen is important in wot, but not alone. If you want pen play TDs or something.

      Also how did people manage before gold ammo for credits and worse accuracy that trolled more? Answer that...

    2. Well obviously they didn't manage that well, considering the changes the Devs implemented thus far in regards to buying prem ammo with credits and improving accuracy.

      I also have a hard time believing these changes were made due to user complaints WG received, at least in how they publicly respond to criticism and they're apparent confidence in analyzing public gameplay.

      I like the T32, I've played it a lot and successfully. But considering how penetration is so RNG heavy in WoT vs the static thickness of higher tier armor the odds are almost never in your favor. APCR helps, but they're expensive rounds for a tank that is already expensive to repair, even if you survive and win the battle in some cases.

      I don't want an OP tank, but none of my other t8's struggle as hard as my T32 in T9 and 10 battles.

    3. mistermex1, "according to WG the T32 is fine." bwhahaha, according to WG everything is fine...
      And again, it was sorta different kind of battle few years back than now, rules of battle and maps changed but T32 mostly the same.

    4. Penetration of all tier 8 heavys stayed the same. Pretty much all stats of the first tanks in the game never got changes. Why is the game different now? WG specialy made sure to bring back the game to the "old days" where heavys were encouraged to get closer and that exactly what is happening now with rebalanced maps and accuracy nerf (to discourage sniping and/or snapshotting).

      With the nerfs of TDs and the gold ammo nerf in the future, heavy tanks benefited alot. So I dont agree that T32 is in any way weak, it maybe even is too strong hehe.

      The only possibility the T32 may be weaker now days is the universal fact that gold ammo is for credits as well as more tanks with more pen on the tier making armor less powerfull. This in return to a faster paced game where tanks aim fast and shoot, making you punish them less other then if they would have to aim carefully and then take more risk. But this issue all tier 8 heavys suffer from.

  21. - For now, there are no plans to buff Challenger/Avenger by giving it a better gun.

    Although it'd make sense to give the Challenger a 20pdr gun (since the Charioteer gets a better gun than the AT-15, the Challenger could do with the same and/or better gun compared to the AT-7), I don't really think it needs it. I love my Challenger with the 17pdr, as it's not only an excellent sniper at long ranges, but it also can wolf-pack with mediums due to its mobility. Averaging 1.2k damage a game despite the low alpha damage (although the DPM is quite good for a 17pdr). Oh yeah, and it's always funny when someone rages after bouncing off the back of the Avenger turret (200mm-thick counterweight)...

  22. Developers are definitely not considering removing the standard artillery satellite mode and replacing it with "battle assistant" mode;

    Well, how about change arty into a normal vehicle: more hp, better accuracy, better aim time, better reload and a WOWS style aiming reticle in exchange of terrible camo, terrible view range, no gun depression, no satellite view and no bs AP shells.(That's what we want, an arty that can't just sit back in a corner and click, an arty going second line providing in-ur-face fire support).

  23. I would really like to know how arty is in need of being rebalanced. How is it not balanced? Arty has no armor, it has very long reload time, it has very long aim time, and they are generally very slow to turn. Arty is in no way OP. Tanks deliver much more damage per battle than arty does. Arty can deliver more damage per shot than tanks can....that is the only area where arty has an advantage...and that advantage does not exist with every arty at every tier.

    1. How about the advantage of dealing that damage by sitting in complete safety where it spawned over the whole map by clicking once a minute? Do you see nothing wrong with that?

    2. It doesn't matter if it is is broken.
      Good mechanics promote interesting play and counter-play. The counter-play to arty is spazing around the map whenever you are spotted. This is uninteresting and annoying. Arty isn't terribly fun for the arty player, because there is lots of waiting, then wild flying shots. Arty isn't very fun for the victim, because you don't get to fire back, and huge shots feel bad.

      A mechanic can be PERFECTLY balanced and still be bad.

    3. @Atomic_Emu: Try playing tier X arty. Doing damage is completely random. In fact, the chance you will hit anything, even with a fully aimed hit circle, is small. So, if you are hit by arty, it's sheer dumb luck most of the time. Thus, it is 'balanced' in there being good and bad sides to it.

      Does that mean it is working? No, it doesn't. Right now, Normal players are p*ssed oof by the fact the can be taken out by one single shot of RNG (even though it will take the arty ten shots to land said shot) and arty players are p*ssed off because playing arty is like playing on the slot machine in a casino, you never know what you'll win...

  24. '- Developers will not disclose how exactly is the second British TD branch (FV4005 and others) doing statistically;'

    They must be doing REALLY badly if they wont even disclose this info lol. VBaddict has both FV TDs as the worst tier 10s by a long way and if thats just a small snapshot of better than average players, I can only imagine how bad those tanks are performing globally.

  25. "- One player is concerned that even if gold penetration is nerfed somewhat, gold shells will still effortlessly penetrate Maus, E-100 and others. Storm's answer: "you are overestimating the role and amount of gold shell use in battle";"

    Oh yeah ? Is that why my Tiger II never had any problems penetrating Maus and E-100 FRONTALLY in the turret with APCR ?

  26. - T92 Light Tank will definitely not come in 2015;
    Does that mean we are getting a T92 light ?
    Should I start saving money for a tier 8 premium light tank ?
    Can't wait to get it, even if is a premium, just don't make my heart break and let it a tier 8.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Biggest problem with Premium rounds and Premium consumables was when they made them available for in game credits.

      Now that they're available for in game credits, (and not for purchase gold).

      I don't see why sooo many people are bitching about their usage. It's now part of the game.

    2. People bitch about it because it makes any strategy as far as how you utilize your tank, fucking pointless.. why have armor if its irrelevant to everybody except 2 tier lower tanks? Most people shoot premium just because they can, not because they need to. in the end, it comes down to people slinging gold because they are to freaking lazy to aim, or don't know how to implement a strategy, so they just auto-aim, load their pathetic skill, and click..

  28. Imho prem ammo is not the biggest problem of the game. They cannot remove it now, because it will creat even bigger problem, since it is a balancing factor for mm +/- 2 tier. Not all tanks need prem ammo pen often, but there always could be situation when you needed, no matter what tank you are on. For those who claim they don't use prem ever Never - no matter how good your rating is, you don't understand how the game is balanced and conditioned by the use of prem ammo or you playing on the NA server :D, famous for it's stronk lemming tradition.
    Only way to go for WG is to follow AW, which is to decrease prem ammo dmg little and give every player sth to think about ingame.

    Regarding arties I admit I don't have that much experience, but I tend to agree it's the easiest gameplay. One thing they could change to make all happy, instead of balancing arties is simply make bigger maps. So games will last longer, arties will have more time to shoot and more places to hide, while other players having more place for ta tactical maneuvres will have more options and cover to avoid arties' attention. All happy!

  29. "- Storm confirms: developers are investigating how to rebalance artillery but it's too early to say anything. One thing's for sure: it won't be the "less alpha more often by splash" approach because the fact you actually get damaged irritates the players even more than an occasional oneshot"

    I REALLY disagree with this. I and most people I know with me are in fact NOT annoying simply by the fact we are getting hit. If we are getting hit, that is our own fault for not satying arty safe most of the time. What p*sses us of is the fact arty can take out 60% of your HP pool based on a random roll of the dice to get hit. Why does arty have to be so random??
