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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

07.04.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- Storm was confronted with the fact that on one hand he claims that the French heavy line would not be original (in the sense of the game style being the same) while on the other hand we get spammed by premium clones of existing tanks (such as the Japanese Tiger). Storm's reply was that the premium clones are "rare";
- In 9.8, some individual missions will be simplified. Players who did complete them previously when they were harder will not receive any compesation;
- M48 Patton and SU-122-54 are "normal" statistics wise;
- The East German T-55A will not receive different marks of excellence than the Soviet ones, it would require an overhaul of the code and "that's not worth doing for one tank";
- Storm confirms that the first two HT15 missions will be simplified;
- The XP for tanking bonus will come soon. HE shells counting towards this bonus however - no ETA on that;
- There will definitely be a penetration nerf of very high penetration guns;
- In 9.7 test 3 the French hightier tank characteristics are already final;
- M56 Scorpion is NOT a regular premium vehicle. It will be sold or given away only during some events;
- Ferdinand in the game is "historical" according to Storm - with the exception of guns and engines "but that's unhistorical on almost all the tanks";
- Ferdinand is reasonably popular (not too many play it but also not too few);
- Historical Ferdinand setup will also not be introduced as tier 7 premium;
- M48 Patton will be buffed ("when it's done it's done");
- Developers are considering unifying the launcher for all the WG games (RG: maybe also allow us to change servers with only one downloaded copy?)
- When reworking vehicles in HD, hightier and premium vehicles do have priority;
- It's possible that when historical battles return, they will also cover smaller local conflicts (but no guarantees);
- ARL 44 turret will be made historical when the vehicle is reworked to HD;
- It's possible artillery will be changed "not to be so frustrating for players". Storm later adds that WG "does not consider artillery to be a problem", but "there are some ideas how to solve it";
- No planned changes to Karelia and Mines maps;
- There are no plans to limit MM to less than +/-2;
- Limited MM premiums will be removed from sale because "they are breaking the food chain";
- There will not be a special initiative to rebalance the light tank class. What there will be however are fixes of all vehicles that will include LT's as well;
- There are no plans to nerf the E-25 (RG: Good);
- Fake Panther III aka E79 will not appear in the game;
- Developers are not planning to introduce premium tanks as a part of regular branches (as in you'd have to buy it to progress further);
- There are no plans to convert existing tanks into premium status;
- WG does not consider bad players a problem;
- There will apparently also be round 4 of the 9.7 test (RG: Again, let WG take their time with it, better waiting than receiving something rushed and barely playable);
- Artillery exping will likely not be made any faster because developers are afraid of "large concentrations of artillery on high tiers";
- There will be more premium tanks in 2015 (apart from those in 9.7);
- There will be more hightier regular tanks this year as well (apart from the 9.7 branch);
- Perks will not be reworked this year;
- Minsk map will not come this year (it's possible it will not come at all);
- The Paris map is only being tested so far;
- Players are whining a lot about the VK4502B historical nerf (80mm of armor) Storm: "the old gameplay based on armor will remain with the prototype Maus on tier 9";
- Mauschen (VK4502B replacement) frontal turret is 240mm thick and it doesn't have the machinegun weakspot. The only real weakspot of the Mauschen is the lower frontal plate, but its area is 3 times smaller than the one on the VK4502B;
- Mauschen upper frontal plate is 200mm thick (31 degrees);
- Dx11 support is still deep in development, too early to talk about it;
- AMX ELC will not get a 360 degrees rotating turret;
- There are no plans for third Soviet TD line (turreted) for now;
- According to WG statistics, IS-4 and IS-7 are not the worst tier 10 heavies;
- For now there are no plans to review the XP and credit profitability of tier 8 LT;
- Regarding reworking the artillery for less alpha, bigger splash and more randomness inside the aim circle, this will not happen - Storm states that this would in the end produce higher damage output and frustration to non-arty players;
- Currently, high-end content is the main direction the WoT development is heading to;
- Current accuracy level in WoT is final, no other plans for accuracy buffs or nerfs;
- There is no single player discrimination in WoT (Storm refers to the presence of platoon missions in the individual mission program);
- 9.7 ETA: "when the bugs are fixed, we don't want to release a broken patch";
- Developers are planning to introduce vehicle customization in the future - players will be able to hang track links, fuel tanks and other stuff on their tank. These will influence the collision model (will act as extra armor) (RG: Now that's interesting).


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    1. to repair what I said: region changer is a thing for WoT, you run that program (.exe) and it changes your region (download NA client and switch to EU e.g.)

      Anyway, any info on roaming/ account transfer between clusters?

  3. Quickly spam the pz. II J with track links, won,t be op at all

  4. - M48 Patton and SU-122-54 are "normal" statistics wise;

    pls atleast buff M48's up to 7rpm

    1. Patton damage is fine, camo buff on the other hand is a must.

    2. They should also make it slightly shorter and the turret needs to be smaller. In real life, the M48A1 turret wasn't nearly that tall and dome like. It was a little flatter than it is in the game (though it still did have that annoying cupola).

  5. "RG: maybe also allow us to change servers with only one downloaded copy?"

    Not possible - they differ in files, sometimes just a bit, sometimes a lot (looking at you, China). The devs could probably write the dependencies so it didn't rely on the core so heavily, but it'd still be huge problem with China and around patchdays (Ru version comes out, can't play Eu/Na for a day or two because confused client).

    And of course it'd mean lots of extra work for almost nothing.


    2. This is just bullshit, of course. They failed to design their game properly and now they can't justify the costs of redesigning the structure.

      A lot of other MMOs are doing it without problems and I'm sure WG would be able to do it as well, but they probably don't feel like they can spend the time on that right now. Who knows what the future holds.

  6. - M56 Scorpion is NOT a regular premium vehicle. It will be sold or given away only during some events;

    W...T....F.... is the problem at WG?

    There are other nations that have 3+ Premium TDs and the US line has been waiting for a LONG time to get a TD trainer and now they get two (T28C adn M56) and NEITHER is a true premium????

    FU WG.

    1. WG realises that this tank would have a lot of success.
      WG wants money.
      WG will put it in shitty expensive bundles to milk the cow even more.

      Fuck you WG. I'll spend my money somewhere else, you fckin greedy guys.

    2. Why don't you blame WG for global warming, gays, vaccines, GMOs and god knows what else while you're at it.

      Jeez simmer down and wait what actually happens will you. Some people never think before they speak.

    3. Why does anyone need blaming for gays.... or vaccines, especially vaccines, i thought they were a -good- medical thing...

      The original point is correct. We have two US tier 10 tds.... but no premium crew trainer, people have been waiting forever for one and now WG release two in a short time, neither of which are as freely available as every other nation

    4. Stupid people that pay for useless stuff in the game is needed so the majority of players can play for free and/or pay very little.

    5. - M56 Scorpion - only thing it has going for it, is its gun.. the whole damn tanks armor profile is 1mm..

    6. The Scorpion isn't all that great anyway. All it has on its side is stealth and pen. In terms of DPM it's abysmal.

    7. I feel you, Crimson. I was very happy with the Scorpion and was waiting for 9.7 to come out just so I could buy it. This is a huge disappointment.

      WHAT. THE. #@%&. WARGAMING??

    8. @Aleš Sinčič7 Oh look a Wargaming asskisser oh wait its a WG troll that gets payed by wg for saying nice things.

      Screw off prick.. everyone has a right to be upset every tree has a prem TD anericans dont have any prem TDs.

    9. Elc amx needs a 360 turret.. it would make the long 75mm so god damn useful.

    10. Just the opposite, by not offering Scorpian as premium WG will make LESS money, but, i am tired of all these tanks to be given to clan noobs that i cant buy or earn through my individual play.

    11. I supposed your going to bitch about the Individual missions as well? those are 4 tanks that can't be purchased, but go to people based on their "individual" play.. minus a couple platooning missions

  7. *sigh* WG hates French tanks..once again :(

  8. "does not consider artillery to be a problem", but "there are some ideas how to solve it"

    Interesting, they have fixed all the real problems and are looking for non-problems to solve then?

    I'm going to chalk this one up to a translation issue.

    1. Something that's a nuisance is a problem though.

  9. - Current accuracy level in WoT is final, no other plans for accuracy buffs or nerfs;

    You mean global accuracy? Or accuracy for every single tank?

  10. Developers are planning to introduce vehicle customization in the future - players will be able to hang track links, fuel tanks and other stuff on their tank. These will influence the collision model (will act as extra armor) (RG: Now that's interesting).

    Heh... again I sense Armored Warfare rubbing off on WOT the right way. Or maybe that is just me.

    1. Like Jingles always says, more competition for Wargaming can only be better for us players!

    2. Not really. Devs said track links alreaddy existing on tanks will work as 20-24mm additional armor. It makes sense that additional shit like visual track links, fuel tanks, tool boxes etc. also work as additional and spaced armor. HD models have a more detailed collision model and this is nothing new.

      I hope that they limit the amount of track links and make so you CANT mount them on common weakspots, making it even harder to play with standard ammo only. This customization should be visual first like camo paint, but only have a slight improvement in line with the more detailed collision model for HD tanks.

      Is4 alreaddy have 180mm armor where the track links are on the lower plate, and is3 in 9.8 will probably also have additional armor on the track links in the front.

  11. - The East German T-55A will not receive different marks of excellence than the Soviet ones, it would require an overhaul of the code and "that's not worth doing for one tank";

    This is... weird, it would need a workaround if it were to have Soviet marks of excellence since it's a german tank, not the other way around, the game does not "know" it is a soviet design tank, but it "knows" it's a tank in the germar tech tree...

    1. I know right? My Panther/M10 has american marks of excellence yet is German, I guess they mean marks that are different than any other in the game right now.

    2. Zee sneaky Germans just dont want to blow their disguise with wrong marks.

  12. @Rita

    Rita, pls is there any info on M47 Patton? :(

    I really want it to replace current M46 and the M46 to be made a premium (or the current M46 with M47 turret as some prototype tier 8 prem)

    1. How about the M48 becoming a premium, with its historical 90mm gun, and the M60 replacing it at tier 10 (like they should have done in the first place).

    2. we already have the M47, it's the fully upgraded M46...

    3. No, the m47 had a frontal hull angled at 60 deg vs the m46 at 45 deg, which gave it a significant increase in its effective armor thickness.

      The closest thing the elited m46 in WoT resembles is the early production variant of the m47 where they did just mount that new turret on a m46 chassis.

  13. - 9.7 ETA: "when the bugs are fixed, we don't want to release a broken patch"
    Whatever. GTA V is being released next tuesday. See you.

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  15. - Limited MM premiums will be removed from sale because "they are breaking the food chain";


  16. "- Ferdinand in the game is "historical" according to Storm - with the exception of guns and engines "but that's unhistorical on almost all the tanks"

    - Well as I have said, when tanks are balanced and dont cause any apparent issues on the tier then WG dont care if they have a few unhistorical modules. So please stop complaining about that the vk45b and wte100 will get removed. They are problematic and also have alot more unhistorical stats than the ferdinand will ever have. Why do you think the tier 9 maus will not have gold ammo and "only" 225mm pen on the 15cm? Well because of balance. Balance has always been more important than historical accuracy even though WG often pull the "history" card when rebalancing tanks.

    "Developers are planning to introduce vehicle customization in the future - players will be able to hang track links, fuel tanks and other stuff on their tank. These will influence the collision model (will act as extra armor)"

    - The ability to customize a vehicle in a vehicle based game is always fun and popular. I think it will be more fun to custiomize the tank visually and also get a slight effect of it such as camo paint and track links etc. It will be fun for those players who like a particular tank very much to get it unique :).

    "There will definitely be a penetration nerf of very high penetration guns"

    - Ofc, now days there are huge inbalances on several tiers where some guns makes the armor of same tier as well as tiers above totally insignificant. This is mainly high tier TDs but also some middle tier heavys and mediums at tier 5-6. Pen is not consistent. Also we know they will nerf tier 10 mediums std pen and gold ammo pen. I also hope they nerf all gold ammo pen for all tier 5-10 tanks as well.

    "Perks will not be reworked this year"

    - I dont think a rework will come ever. They didnt even give 6th sense for radioman which was announced 6 months ago. We will see little happen on the perk/skill side.

    "Limited MM premiums will be removed from sale because "they are breaking the food chain"

    - They very much break the food chain where they outperform same tier elited tanks in terms of global stats, just because they face one tier max. Also they break the MM. The focus should be on elited standard vehicles and I am glad WG have come to their senses. Prems should only be to train crews and get more credits and XP, not be simiar or better than regular elited ones.

  17. - Mauschen ......The only real weakspot of the Mauschen is the lower frontal plate, but its area is 3 times smaller than the one on the VK4502B;
    /// Mäuschen turret has a giant hatch (like TigerP)... what about that?
    vkb hatch was quiet flat and tough


    - players will be able to hang track links, fuel tanks and other stuff on their tank. These will influence the collision model
    /// oh good idea. some Benzin on the side of my German tanks... sounds like nothing ever could go wrong there! But much as i know wg, benzin wont burn historical accurate.. so meh

    1. The tier 9 maus cupola is 200mm thick, but it has angles and you need to aim "up" to shoot it = higher effective armor. This has been discussed all over on ftr. The maus in tier 9 will be invincible for pretty much all tier 7 heavys, some tier 8 heavys and tier 8 mediums. The armor is OP and WG knows it therfore they nerfed some stats on it.

      Tier 9 and 10 will pen it though because they have enough AP pen to pen pretty much anything in the game. But for tier 7 and 8 tanks, its another story because they generaly have alot less pen than tier 9 and 10 tanks.

      Maus on tier 9 is historical but bad balanced and problematic. I really think WG will nerf it even more just because they "have" to.

  18. "- M56 Scorpion is NOT a regular premium vehicle. It will be sold or given away only during some events"

    Because the American Tank Tree doesnt need a prem TD. Because it has so very many Prem TDs, Lets build one for the Germans, they dont have one yet.

    1. Yep, this pisses me off. I've been sitting on 10k gold waiting for an American Premium TD for about 8 months now.

    2. Well, this is pretty stupid. However, I kind of understand why they don't want to release the M56 as a regular premium, it is pretty terrible for the average player. If people paid real money for it, it would likely generate much rage. Sure, very good and better players will be able to make it shine, but it is not an easy tank to play. It probably would have made more sense to make the T28C a regular premium for sale and the M56 the mission reward.

      Still, this news makes me especially glad that I unlocked the T28C on Sunday night. At least now I can train my US TD crews faster.

    3. I'm with you there. I'm hoping that it will be on sale for a good bit after the patch goes live so some of us can get it before it gets removed.

    4. I guess that's the "high-end" content WG is focusing on. We will see a flood of yet more event and mission tanks. From time to time a rare tank will appear in a €99.- bundle. No need to care about normal players..

  19. Wow once again so much great info. On the preferred MM you can look at it this way, every tier nine and ten receive preferred MM. So why shouldn't the rest of the tanks receive it? Just my two cents. Thanks for the info Rita, looking forward to your live stream.

    1. Pref MM cant be had for all tanks only for tier 10 because there is no tier 11. As for tier 9 there is only tier 10 and no tier 11. Also tier 9 and 10 cost alot more to play and that is the trade off. This made sense back in the days when tier 9 and 10 were alot less played due to beeing more expensive and less noob friendly due to no gold ammo for credits. Now tier 9 and 10 is a playground that also force tier 8 more often into tier 9 and 10 than it used to be.

      +2MM is a must and it works really well if all top tiers play as they should. If you are half decent +2MM is good for xp and credits because you earn more damaging higher tiers. In tier 9 and 10 its harder to earn xp than in tier 8 for example.

      Removal of +2MM would break the game, specialy the economy in terms of xp and credits.

    2. I agree on xp farming with the current MM. I was referring to tier Nine being preferred in that it does not face a plus two penalty. Playing tier ten has no MM penalty so therefore it would be considered preferred MM. As I mentioned above the +2 does not apply to tier nine and ten.

  20. Great... they do not consider arty a problem, but still they have ideas of how to change it, just because some players tend to cry as soon as they get hit. And here's the funny part:

    T92: 2250 damage every 53 seconds.
    E25: 135 damage every 3 seconds.

    *** When the T92 has reloaded the E25 has done 2430 damage ***

    Some notes:
    - T92 is tier 10, E25 is tier 7.
    - T92 rarely do full damage, mostly just splash.
    - E25 has no problem penning most tier 7s and some 8s.

    Yeah sure, let's nerf arty even more but keep the stupid E25 untouched >.<

    1. E-25 is a tank that you can fight and whose shells you can bounce
      T-92 takes a shit on you almost anywhere on the map you decided to go.
      E-25 misses or bounces? Zero damage
      T-92 misses? 1000+ damage and at least 2 broken modules or dead crew.
      I'd much rather get shredded by an actual tank that leaves the base and participates in fights more than once every minute than possibly one-hitted by somebody playing with only one hand.

    2. 1000 damage would be a close miss with premium HE.

      In a more likely case consider it 500-800 damage and that's if your lucky... And usually you are not.

    3. in the E-25's current state, it out spots anything.... it barely has to leave base and can just sit back and pump out a round as fast as half of the autoloaders out there, without needing to reload a clip after 4-6 rounds without being spotted. If it doesnt have forward eyes it will still focus you down long before you can spot it if it has half decent camo skills and good map cover.... I'd sooner be in a T-92's sights than the perma-track death of a cloaked e-25

    4. @John Dearnell:

      lol really?

      - "almost anywhere"... Do you know how many spots that are unaviable for most arties (with maybe the exception of CGC) because of their flat shell arc?

      - Do you know how many buildings that block that perfect shot that you wait for 30+ seconds to take?

      - Do you know how many shots that miss entirely and not even does any splash damage? That happens very often, even more often with the accuracy nerf...

      - Do you know how many shots that finally hit but is absorbed by the tracks for like 50% of its full damage?

      And that you can play arty with one hand is bullshit. In that case you can play all sniper tanks with one hand. Arty still needs to turn to attack new targets and relocate to get better firing angles and avoid getting spotted or arty-countered.

      What you just wrote are the usual arty-hater arguments that makes no sense at all because they are not even true, just made up arguments to make arty look OP, which it's not.

    5. You are absolutely right sir, let me change my statement.
      Artillery is just a Garbage class for shitty players and it makes my butt sore

    6. Start playing arty and we'll see how well you do, wouldn't be too hard if its meant for "shitty players" as you just said. There's a big difference of playing arty and actually doing well in arty, like in every other class. Or maybe you've already played arty and started to hate it because you can't perform as well as the ones hitting you?

    7. Yeah surprisingly I like playing tanks in World of Tanks. Sitting in base firing at unsuspecting players engaged in their own little battles once every 30 seconds with the hope that I'll ruin the rest of their match isn't exactly my cup of tea. Keep doing it yourself if it suits you I'm just saying SPG's are parasites and have no place in this mess of a video game

    8. John Dearnell..
      Whether you like it or not artillery is part of the game...2 points counter ur 3 posts...
      1.If you know how to play you will get hit by arty rarely.
      2.If you get hit while hiding or on move then enemy arty is whether skilled or powered by RNG.In first case you should congratulate him (at least I do)
      P.S. Sorry for any bad english as I'm 12 and my native language isn't English
      P.S.2 I have Green stats (That means I can do well in Randoms) BUT I still get hit by arty because I'm very stubborn

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    10. Let's just agree that fighting_falcon93 isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He's pathetic arty apologist that shouldn't be argued with.

    11. Actually fighting_falcon93 made a lot of good points. He was very logical and not accusatory or inflammatory. Personally, I agree with him, but if you don't, that's fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if you disagree, at least try to be as pleasant and logical as he was, instead of resorting to insults and personal attacks. I really would like to hear a legitimate, logical argument about why fighting_falcon93 is wrong. If anyone can give one.

    12. That's the problem you genius. Arty sucks, both when you play it and when you get hit. I don't give a flying fuck if you have missed 100 shells before you hit me. If you shave off half of my health from 1km away I will get annoyed. Everybody is so happy when there is no arty and the games are so much nicer. If I die, it's bc I am bad/the enemy is better, fair and square. If I die by arty it's bc I didn't camped in my top tier heavy so that I don't get hit by pathetic scumbags.

      Anyway, I can't wait for WG to do something about it.

    13. That Dashing Rogue, y previous comment was not directed at you, but at fighting_falcon93, there is no editing function so I had to post again.

    14. @ both of you.

      Im not an arty player - I got one, unlocked from kv-2... I play it sometimes to break stereotype... but Im on falcons side with this - its plain frustration to hit something. Sure, when you do, it's insane damage as John described, but it's surely not "easy-mode". I hate it, 15 seconds of aiming and the target moved... another 15seconds aiming, fire, miss. 1 minute afk to reload... repeat... When it hits, it's usually 1-shot kill.

      But than again - it took me over 2 minutes to do that... I could do the same damage in any other tank.
      Playing arty is pain. Mostly because it takes forever to aim properly and from that moment there is nothing you can do, just hope it will hit. And then wait one minute to reload... its pain, but those one-shot-kills are worth it.

      Most of the players can only see how some idiot one-clicked them... they see only the last shell that hits them.. they dont know about those previous 4 shells that missed. And if you knew about them, you had 4 minutes to get to cover.

      regarding e-25 ... its OP in good players hands. Its rubbish in bad players hands. that gun - L70 - is from space... even stug is using it, and I had no problems against tier 8 in my Stug when playing in fail platoon. I really doubt that gun has 150pen. If it does, the RNG tends to roll really high then.
      I've seen E25 palyers doing more damage than rest of his team, Ive also seen e25 players die in first 2 minutes.

      E25 is weird tank... its tier 5 StuG (gun and camo) with buffed mobility and RoF in tier 7. On paper its meh, in battle it highly depends on the driver.

    15. even if WG is reluctant to change arty they could at least limit them to one per match. even that much would reduce my salt levels dramatically

    16. @Vlad Pomar

      "Everybody is so happy when there is no arty and the games are so much nicer. If I die, it's bc I am bad/the enemy is better, fair and square. If I die by arty it's bc I didn't camped in my top tier heavy so that I don't get hit by pathetic scumbags."

      if they removed arty, another class will be OP.

      Ive seen 3 heavies pinned down by one T95 destroyer almost 300m far away in a corridor. All 3 heavy tanks useless, none of them able to pen or get close to t95. If we had not had arty in that match, that T95 is camping there till today.

    17. @Bugii That is true, that's why arty shouldn't be removed but changed. In my opinion arty should play somehow like the Bert does. Small alpha with high firing rate. This way, if you are pushing a flank in your heavy arty hardly does anything if it hits you 2-3 times, you lose 5% of you HP. If you camp in a strong position than arty will hit you over and over again and you will be forced to move.
      Not just YOLO, here's and IS-6 pushing on a flank, now he's not. And as I said, I don't care if you hit once in every 100 shots, you are still annoying as fuck.

    18. Good players dont play arty because its boring as shit and to easy, PERIOD. WG wont remove or nerf arty because red noobs who play arty solely, because they cant play anything else, will quit the game.

    19. ARTY causes camping, it does nothing to prevent camping. If no arty in game i play more aggressive, but if 4 arty in game then i camp or find arty safe place and dont want to be the first tank spotted to have all 4 shoot at me.

    20. @Mark West
      "ARTY causes camping, it does nothing to prevent camping. If no arty in game i play more aggressive, but if 4 arty in game then i camp or find arty safe place and dont want to be the first tank spotted to have all 4 shoot at me."

      Well for me its the exact opposite. If there's no arty, I find good hull down position and stick to it. If there is arty, I'm forced to reposition quite often.

      IDK, I dont have much problems with arty... as long as I keep moving - exact opposite of what you are doing...

      Sure I get oneshot sometimes, but lets be honest - how often that happens ? Once in 30 matches. Honestly. I get ammo racked by regular tanks more often...

    21. @Medjed: Let's just agree that the best option is not to post an answer to something that you don't have any constructive to say on. Your way of answering people that you don't agree with is pathetic.

      - "If you shave off half of my health from 1km away I will get annoyed"
      Ok, so you get annoyed if an arty damages you for 1000 HP with 1 shot, but you do not get annoyed if a hidden T-62A damages you for 2560 HP with 8 shots during the same amount of time? What exactly is the difference? You can't see anyone of them and you are completely defenceless in both cases. Honestly, a medium tank is even worse because if you hide behind cover, it will either move to another location, or shoot you each time you peek out. Anyhow, there's no difference. Both tanks are hidden and you can't do anything to counter them while you're pinned. Your team can counter the medium tank by getting it spotted, and they can do exactly the same thing to arty. No difference at all.

      - "If I die by arty it's bc I didn't camped in my top tier heavy so that I don't get hit by pathetic scumbags"
      Erhm... so you camp because you're afraid of arty, but you're not afraid of all the other tanks that have like 2-3 times higher DPM? Let me tell you this; Arty struggles to even hit you. Most times it will splash you, doing the same amount of damage that any other heavy tank would have done to you. In a few cases, arty will get lucky and do 1500+ damage to you... and in a few cases, any other tank will get lucky and blow up your ammorack. You just need to realise that there's no difference, it's all about RNG. Arty OR ammorack OR double de-track in wrong position... Does it matter? You'll be blown up in any case.

      - "Small alpha with high firing rate"
      How can a 240mm howitzer have small alpha? Imagine a 240mm howitzer that have the same alpha damage as a 120mm, that makes no sence at all.

      - "Good players dont play arty because its boring as shit and to easy"
      That's complete bullshit. Every evening I play I see atleast 2-3 unicums playing arty on tier 10. Even QuickyBaby and Circon plays arty sometimes. So basicly you say that all these players are not good players? I bet they all perform better than you even if they would be blindfolded.

      - "Arty causes camping, it does nothing to prevent camping"
      Ok, so you camp more if there's enemy arty firing? I think that I start to understand why you hate arty so much. But regarding your statement, that is not true. If there where no arty, tanks like IS-7 and even T-29 would be completely OP in some hulldown positions. Sure, you can camp far behind so that you won't be spotted, but eventually you will be alone on your team because you didn't help out, and then you'll have to eat the shells anyway.

    22. 1. If a T-62A manages to snipe me for 2.5k dmg it means that I just parked my tank in the open, un-angled and wrote in chat "free HP". Against a T-62A I can angle, I can spot him, i can fall back if I don't fell confident enough. After I get shot by arty for 2.5k dmg I can go back to garage and cry when I receive the pay bill.

      2. Pushing on a flank provides you with cover from sniping enemies. In the few cases when it doesn't you know exactly where the enemy is and you can angle your tank. I can't angle against arty.

      3. I don't care what caliber your guns are. This is an arcade game, not a simulator. You can remove all high tier arty and replace it with more arties with small cannons, as we see in the lower tiers. I'm not a game designer, this was my opinion on how I would se arty balanced.

      Arty is frustrating because there is nothing you can do against it. It completely ruins the gameplay. People want to brawl, flank and ambush. Not to get wrecked from above from 1 km away. You flank me, I can find a wall. You ambush me, you only get one shot. You have me in your arty sights...there's nothing I can do.

    23. 1. Oh comon dude. Tell me, how many times do you get hit by arty for 2500 HP? Compare it to how many times you get ammoracked, double de-tracked or set on fire twice.

      - No, you can't angle your armor against shots that you don't know where they come from. And even if you are in that corridor where you're safe from sideshots, eventually you'll have to leave it. In the meanwhile, that medium tank will chew on your allies and save you for later.
      - Again, how do you wan't to spot something that you have no idea of its location, especially when you're pinned down by its fire. A scouting run does not really sound like a good idea.
      - Yes you can fall back. And you can do the exact same thing to arty. Almost every map offers many locations where you are safe from arty if you have an approximitation of the artys location. For each shot the arty makes at you, it will slightly spoil where it might be.

      2. No, you can't angle against arty, but you can make unexpected turns.

      3. If it was a pure arcade game, WG wouldn't remove certain tanks because they "where not historical accurate". You know it must not be either one or another. I'd rather say that WoT is a mix of arcade gameplay and realistic simulation.

      I don't know why you're so obsessed with the distance? Does it matter if the thing that hit you was 1000, 500 or 100 meters away? What matters is how much damage you actually took, and if you got killed or not. And that is why I compare with other tanks. Other tanks do much more damage to you than arty; but you don't notice it, because you just look at how much damage each individual shot did. For instance, you don't get mad at that T-62A because he took away 70% of your HP, because he only did 320 average damage per shot. However, when you see that arty did 500-1000 hp damage you get annoyed... but you miss the fact that that arty guy can't damage you again for 40-50 seconds.

    24. I don't get mad at how much damage I take in one shot, I get mad when there's nothing I can do against it. If a JPE100 pens. me and shaves off half of my health, well, fuck, I should have payed more attention, at least now I have 30 secs. to flank and kill him. If arty does the same I'm going to say fuck, I should have camped more and now I have 30 secs to go and start camping. It's not about dmg. it's about the fact there's nothing you can do about it.

      -You can angle your armor accurately against invisible tanks, you have an indicator of where the shots come from.
      -A Maus will spot a firing T-62A at about 385 meters. A T-62A will spot a Maus at 400m. How many shots do you think you can put in my Maus before I spot you and wreck you for 500 alpha? I'll give you a clue: maybe 2, which will probably bounce anyway, at that distance.
      -I would love to see you making unexpected turns with a Maus, or a broken track.
      -If I leave that corridor it means that your hole main flank has collapsed and you have lost the battle 9/10. My job is done, the mediums can have their way with me, I just won the battle.

      Every tank has a role in this game apart from arty. Lights scout, Mediums take key positions, Heavies win flanks, TD's keep heavies at bay. Arty just fucks everyone up and ruins the fun. Oh look, I just won this hill from the enemy mediums BAM arty shell on top of you. Oh look, I just brawled my way through the enemy flank, here, take some arty love. Oh, look, I have to destroy that heavily armored tank with my powerful gun, nope, arty says no, sorry. Pretty much I do my best to win a battle only to get wrecked by the sky.

      Either way, i just want arty and gold ammo re-balance soon, the game is fun as it is, but with this two major problems solved it could be so much better.

    25. Lol honestly, there's nothing you can do against a JPE100 either. In order for you to get that JPE100, he must be alone on that flank. If there are other tanks protecting him, you won't be able to flank/circle him before those tanks have been destroyed. And while you do that, the JPE100 will have plenty of time to get the next shot into you or anyone else. Arty works exactly the same. Has one flank fallen? Go kill the arty!

      1. Yes, but you won't get any indication before the first shot. And it's difficult to angle your armor for 2 different directions at the same time. For instance, your turret must face some direction, turn it where the shot came from, then the heavies will try to push, turn it against the heavies, then the flanker will shot again.

      2. You're forgetting about the 15m bush rule. If the T-62A finds a good bush and stands 15m behind it, the bushs camo will still remain even after the T-62A has fired unless someone on your team helps to spot him. That means that T-62A will be able to sit there all day long and pump shells into your Maus without you being able to spot him.

      3. Well each tank has its weaknesses. If Maus wasn't a slow big fat target, it wouldn't basicly have any weaknesses. If you drive a Maus you've agreed to sacrifice (small) size and mobility for better armor and more HP.

      4. Not really, winning 1 flank does not win the game.

      Arty has also a role in this game:

      Light: Scouting, can also flank.
      Medium: Flanking, can also scout.
      Heavy: Holding flanks, pushing flanks, dealing/absorbing damage.
      TD: Damage and support.
      SPG: Destroying heavy targets, splashing dense groups, destroying TDs in second line, punish campers.

      That problem exist even if there's no arty in the battle:

      - Oh look, I just won this hill from the enemy mediums BAM TD shell in your face.
      - Oh look, I just brawled my way through the enemy flank, here, take some exploding ammorack love. And why not a burning rear while we're at it.

      And trust me, let's imagine that the removed arty, then you would do your best to win a battle only to get ammoracked, OR de-tracked twice, OR set on fire for the second time. Mate, I understand what you're saying, but the thing is; It's not something wrong with arty just because the arty managed to wreck you; all tanks on the enemy team will try to do it, it's just a question who will do it first.

      Gold-ammo on the other hand I totally agree with you, that is something that should be removed. But arty, no, it's a part of the game, heck it's even a part that WoT needs to keep working.

    26. @fighting_falcon93 I completely agree with you. I only have one arty (my FV3805), and I've got my good amount of experience with it to know how to play with an arty properly and how to do my best to avoid them.

      Some of you complained that you can get utterly wrecked with just one arty shot. Well, mediums is what I play the most, so I know how painful that can be... But, unfortunately, I'm much more afraid of JPE100s and FV "Death Stars" than I am of artys, to be honest. Both are much more accurate, both hit really hard, and I've been one-shot more than once when playing with tanks like the STB-1 and Centurion 7/1 (yeah, I like my brits) the moment I. And I've been ammoracked many more times when driving my WZ-131 and Type 62 (seriously, even a pebble could make those things explode, nevermind huge russian bullets). Yeah, some of those times, specially with the meds, come from errors of mine. But others, are just the result of me showing my turret out of cover for the first time in the match, and suddenly a HEAT bullet blows me to Uranus because the enemy FV chose to come to that same side and wasn't even spotted. The same goes for SU-152 at tier 7 and the WT familly (even if that one can't kill you in one shot, it's a goddamn ninja). Hell, that even happened to me while driving my KV-4! (only once, but damn, that hurt like hell)

      Artys can also be easily avoided if you start moving in an unpredictable manner (what I like to call "dancing in the rain"), and I kinda enjoy it, seeing all those bullets exploding around me while I know that the enemy arty is focusing completely on a soft target that it can't hit and keeping the rest of the team safe. And, when you're driving a heavy, most of the time artys won't hurt that much.

      Also, some people have said that artys should becoem more like lil' lovely Bert... Are you crazy?! You DON'T want more Berts, I guarantee you that. A good Bert player can be a huge pain in the ass, specially if it can keep you permatracked while its teammates fill you with lead. And a higher splash ratio would also make that happen more often. Do you REALLY want that?

    27. @fighting_falcon93

      Well, this conversation isn't going anywhere and it's obvious that we have different opinions about the subject, which won't change. So, let's just agree to disagree and move on, in the end it's up to WG how they will or won't change the arty.

  21. - Developers are planning to introduce vehicle customization in the future - players will be able to hang track links, fuel tanks and other stuff on their tank. These will influence the collision model (will act as extra armor)

    Sounds like buying armor with gold ...
    Well, we can already buy better camo with gold, maybe that'll be the same kind of deal, teporary with credit, all time with gold.

    1. Also track links dont give you better armor all over, only on those spots links are and that is roughly 20-24mm additional armor. Not a game changer. Yes it is a credit sink, but so is camo paint even if it gives slightly advantage as well as food and prem aid and fire extinghusiher.

      How ever gold ammo is unique, that gives you more pen and that is stupid because all tanks are balanced around standard ammo. Track links wont give you nearly as much benefit as gold ammo since, regular ammo on high tiers is enough anyways. Also who say these track links will be placed on tanks weakspots? Some tanks have track links as default and this will work as 20mm additional armor by default. We dont know if and how many additional track links people can buy either and where to place them.

      Also since we have better accuracy now than in 8.5 and also gold for credits, it kinda makes sense to nerf pen on some guns as well as add 20mm optional track links to make people aim again like it was in the old days. This will maybe make game a bit balanced again.

    2. Yeah, tracks on weakspots
      Historical track links in front of driver's view
      Also, a hellcat with historical roof made of tracks :)

    3. I think we can expect a very nerfed version of customization, just like havoc and other stuff that WG has spoken about for ages. I wouldnt get too optimistic to get "gold armor". Also what about those tanks alreaddy having track links as default, should they also get ability to put extra track links? This WG needs to think about otherwise it gets stupid.

    4. This is a great idea being able to pay to mount tracks on a lower plate. We need customization of tanks, YES.

    5. I hope not you can be able to mount tracks on lower plates because that suppose to be weakspots for many tanks, and will increase gold usage. I get that you can mount tracks on sides and turret for the looks and also get additional armor due to the tanks being HD, but I dont think this customization should be an armor improves as a purpose.

  22. The personal missions:
    They wanna nerf the HT15, but this can be done by simple skill with most of the tier9-10 HTs, but what is with this stupid luckmissions like damage 3 tanks with one shell. After the accuracy nerf this mission is a candidate for being nearly impossible...

    1. Lets not even get into the spotting damage for LT-15 that purely depends on your "team". Atleast with HT-15 if you die your entire HP goes towards that total.

    2. THIS ^ THIS RIGHT HERE. Freaking hell SPG-11 mission. It is like buy a GC and a luck fairy or fark off.

    3. The only problem I see with the HT-15 missions, especially the first two, is that they are hard to do in anything other than a tier 10. Not impossible, but having a tier 10 makes the whole process a lot easier. That is kind of a big thing for tier 5 and 7 reward tanks. I'm of the opinion that the missions should be reasonably possible (not easy, just doable) in a tank the same tier as the reward.

      My real problem is with LT-15 though. Scouting is not what it once was, and most of the newer lights are better damage dealers than the old "spotting lights" were. If LT-15 was a combination of spotting, tracking, and direct damage, it would be a lot more reasonable, especially with the current maps.

    4. What annoys me the most are missions that don't make sense. Like kill 2 medium tanks or get spotting dmg. without being spotted. Why the hell is killing two medium tanks a good thing for the battle?! And why do I have to do passive scouting if I can easily do more if I'm on the move?

      This missions are stupid and they force you to play like an idiot.

    5. "My real problem is with LT-15 though. Scouting is not what it once was, and most of the newer lights are better damage dealers than the old "spotting lights" were. If LT-15 was a combination of spotting, tracking, and direct damage, it would be a lot more reasonable, especially with the current maps."

      this ^^
      the mission objectives could as well change to "get lucky enough and have a team that doesnt consist of complete retards who cant fire a single shell when you spot"

      Also, the arty/LT platoon missions are stupid. Nobody in my friendlist plays arty, how am I supposed to complete that. Shall I offer gold to anyone in randoms to play with me ?

  23. - Artillery exping will likely not be made any faster because developers are afraid of "large concentrations of artillery on high tiers";

    lolz, because high numbers of TDs, Mediums and Heavies is a good thing right? Its not like there are 2 T10s for every SPG line... One does wonder what goes on in WGs head...

    1. Are you really that stupid? It was a hypothetical question btw.

    2. Tier 10s are infested with MT/HT/TD. Poor arty players have too many targets and can't decide who to shoot.

    3. Armored warfare is med, light and hvy tanks with tds. Theres NO arty. Arty in real life is anti-infantry and suppression fire not shooting at individual tanks.

    4. SPGs are in AW. Clearly you have heard wrong.

  24. ~Storm's reply was that the premium clones are "rare"~

    Yeah. ok, lets not use the word clone.... but in terms of near carbon copies of tanks already in the game... Other than a few changed parameters such as gun or armor....

    T-34-85M, Panther mit 8.8, T-34-3, T-54 prot to name but a few.... I mean there are more, but the variances are a lil bigger.... Yes they are all -technically- different tanks in history but they are more or less variables of pre-existing tanks that are relatively easy to make.

    "Clone" tanks are far from rare

    1. Hey now, the WZ-111 is *completely* different than the WZ-111-4, which is itself completely different to the 112 which uses the 113's hull !

      Let's not go into into all the differences between the T-44-85 and regular T-44.
      Or even the KV-220 and KV-1.

    2. chinks.
      Whole tree is copy-paste. French and US at low tiers, soviets 5 and up.

    3. Really? The whole tree? I'll grant you the low tiers, but many of the tier I tanks are really just reskinned FTs. Other lower tier tanks, sure, though the tier II is a British design, the III is Japanese, and the IV is US. The V, VI, and VII (Heavy) are Soviet.

      On the other hand, there is nothing in the Soviet tree that compares to the T-34-1, T-34-2, 59-16, WZ-131, or WZ-132 directly. Sure, those tanks look like T-54 type vehicles, but they have their own unique flavor. The T-34-2 is pretty close to the T-44, but they have their differences and one could hardly be called a clone of the other. The 110 looks kind of similar to the IS-3, but it isn't the same. It offers a different set of strengths, not the least of which is much better front armor. Past that, Chinese heavies don't compare much to Soviet ones. The 111 1-4 has IS-3 mobility, but better armor and a much bigger gun. The 111 1-4 plays more like a mobile E75 than anything in the Soviet tree. The 113 is really more of a medium than a heavy, but it is nothing like the IS-4 or IS-7.

      Obviously the WZ-120 is a T-54 clone, it is also a clone in reality. The 121 is also T-54ish, but it isn't similar in playstyle to the Soviet tier 10 mediums.

      Claiming Chinese tanks are pure clones is ignorant and simply untrue. Many of them offer similar playstyles to Soviet tanks, and there are a few pure clones. However, in the upper tiers where it actually matters Chinese tanks have their own flavor.

  25. Guess I should expect nerf to Lowe 105mm L/71 and E50's 105mm L/52

    1. Löwe has 235mm AP pen, that stands out on tier 8. E50 has like 223mm pen, that dont stand out on the tier 9. T34 has 248mm that stands out. You see the pattern? Some tanks pen do stand out on the tier and just because the plattform may be "weak" it doesnt make any sense to give tanks just so much pen to compensate and hence make all other tanks armor neglected.

      Tanks that stand out on pen at tier 9 is the TDs and the cent 7/1 and lepard those has like 268-250mm apcr, which will get nerfed to 258-259mm apcr (equivalent to 235-240mm AP), which is enough for a medium.

    2. Do you realize why Lowe and T34 have that high pen or do i need to draw it for you? Did it ever occured your tiny brain that high pen is a compensation for other stuff such as horrible speed and agility, horrible reload times(DPM) etc.

    3. Pen is always a balancing factor, but soon some tier 5-10 tanks will get pen nerfed wihout getting compensation and this may be valid for löwe and t34 as well. Or it should be valit at least.

    4. @mistermex1

      "and the cent 7/1 and lepard those has like 268-250mm apcr, which will get nerfed to 258-259mm apcr (equivalent to 235-240mm AP), which is enough for a medium."

      When APCR is a standard shell (not gold ammo) it doenst loose that much penetration. But I'd happily loose 10mm of penetration on leopard to get the accuracy on the move buff proposed earlier.

    5. What I meant was that cent 7/1 has 268mm apcr and leopart pta has 270mm apcr, after nerf these will have 258 and 259mm apcr instead. Apcr has 2 degrees normalization I get that but the efficiency of apcr is highly dependant on the impact angle.

      I doubt any tank will get buffed after the pen rebalance, because in that case many tanks from tier 5-10 will have to get buffed or nerfed when pen rebalance come. Also note that some tanks might get their standard pen increased as well to make it more "logical".

      The tier 8-10 TD and tier 10 medium pen "nerf" is just a part of the big pen and gold pen rebalance. My example was in a extreme case if shooting on a highly angled surface with AP vs apcr. If you shoot less angled areas apcr is better due to the faster shell speed and higher pen even with 2 degrees normalization.

  26. Wha??? No scorpion??? Well in that case may all at WG next sh*t be a hedgehog.

  27. Are they going to nerf the E25?

    1. Yes, reduced penetration, increased gold ammo cost and reduced track traverse

    2. What NO!!!

    3. You forgot to mention three additional crews so you gotta train them from scratch as well. =/

    4. That's it, I quit this game!

    5. you people are idiots.. reading comprehension wasn't your strong point in school..

    6. "Yes, reduced penetration, increased gold ammo cost and reduced track traverse"

      I never understood gold ammo on premium tanks... whats the point ? 150pen is more than enough on e25, who needs gold ?

      Ive never even used it on superpershing... even 170mm is doable imho.
      These tanks are supposed to earn credits - whats the point if I spend them for ammo anyway ?

      On the other hand, driving vk3001p, ive used standard ammo only in one battle... so much pain I had to go full gold to finally earn xp and get rid of that tank.

    7. "even 170mm is doable imho"

      Have fun against Type 59s, T-54s, ST-Is, E-75s, KV-4s, IS-3s and quite a few other tanks that a Super Persh regularly sees

  28. "There are no plans to limit MM to less than +/-2;" too bad i would like the possibility to manually set MM spread for myself in options. Some(like me) would like to set it to "0" and play vs same tier tanks and some good players would probably like to set it to let say "+3" or even more for extra XP earn for killing stronger opponents.

  29. Rita you doing a live stream today?

  30. Thanks for the information!

  31. - It's possible artillery will be changed "not to be so frustrating for players". Storm later adds that WG "does not consider artillery to be a problem", but "there are some ideas how to solve it";
    buff aim time, reload and dispersions to pre-8.6 level, lower alpha, lower pen increase splash, change arty MM to -1/+2 , and arty will be more fun and less OP

    - Limited MM premiums will be removed from sale because "they are breaking the food chain";
    i buy pak40 and T14 just for trolling the food chain >:)

    1. Arty is not OP. The top 25 vehicles in terms of damage dealt per battle according to the stats on are tanks. #26 is the CGC, the obj 261 is #36. There are only 4 SPGs in the top 50 in terms of damage dealt per battle. 44 of the top 50 are tanks. Arty is in no way, shape or form OP. The numbers prove that.

    2. oh yes but arty is a great game mechanic , we can all see that, fucken idiot. over powered is not what it's about , it's about how as a mechanic, artillery is broken.

  32. - M56 Scorpion is NOT a regular premium vehicle. It will be sold or given away only during some events

    The hell? Why would they put it on the test server to test out if it's not going to be a regular premium? Also, is it just me, or are 3/4 of the new premium tanks which keep getting leaked event tanks now? I thought WG wanted to actually make money...

  33. "- Historical Ferdinand setup will also not be introduced as tier 7 premium;"

    If it were... oh boy... imagine that, no more tier X. And it would use tears of tier V and VI drivers instead of fuel.

    1. I like that. I like that a lot. It makes me moist.

  34. Extra stuff...

    *Makes my E8 look like the E8 Fury*

  35. HT-15 simplified? It was the easiest by far. LT-15 is what needs to be looked at.

    1. LT-15 just needs to be modified to include direct damage in addition to assistance damage, then it would be fine. HT-15 isn't super hard if you have the right tanks, but I'd say the easiest 15 missions are the TD and SPG ones. Play either of those classes exactly as they are intended to be played and you will get either TD-15 or SPG-15 done, provided you have a high enough tier example to do the required damage.

    2. I find the HT-15 to be the easiest, since I have a tier 9 VK and a Maus. 10K dmg blocked by armor is nothing to be amazed of in the VK...

    3. LT15 sucks ass because they are removing all the open map, and replacing with city maps where spotting assistance it nearly impossible to get with everybody basically in the action negating everything

  36. Give me a Scropion!! I need a Scropion!! Waaaaaa....... no Scropion :'(

    (I prefer Scropion to Scorpion)

  37. Per Chieftain, as far as the America desk knows, the M56 will be a NORMAL Premium tank. He does state that it could be different on the RU/EU servers.

  38. - Developers are planning to introduce vehicle customization in the future - players will be able to hang track links, fuel tanks and other stuff on their tank. These will influence the collision model.

    Any customization of vehicles could open another pandora box in terms of forbidden mods and probably real hacks this time. Doubt many people realize that.

    - Mauschen (VK4502B replacement) frontal turret is 240mm thick and it doesn't have the machinegun weakspot. The only real weakspot of the Mauschen is the lower frontal plate, but its area is 3 times smaller than the one on the VK4502B;
    - Mauschen upper frontal plate is 200mm thick (31 degrees);

    Mauschen gona be fail, as this tank makes very little sense at all. I am pretty sure they will rework it very soon after it is released in the game. It's armour wouldn't be of much help as probably most tier 7 and tier 8 will switch to gold ammo once he is in sight. The same way most players in tier 8 and tier 9 switched to gold when they see Maus. Which is why Maus is the probably the most rarely played tier 10 heavy since the prem ammo for credits was introduced.

    1. thing is , most tier 7 and 8s don't have the gold to pen that thing , the 416 is the only one i can think of that would shred the mauschens armour.

      As for the hacks ,depends how it is implemented i suppose.

  39. "- M48 Patton and SU-122-54 are "normal" statistics wise;"

    For once I wish the morons who claim this would actually play the tanks in question, instead of looking at the meaningless statistics.

  40. Platoon missions in the _individual_ missions is F*CKING oxymoron. WG is sooooo full of shit...

  41. Rita, I will kindly ask you to point a way through which you can fund my chemotherapy, I will most likely need it after reading the arty-apologists posts from above...

  42. - WG does not consider bad players a problem

    For sure, including everything else in this text " like arty crying" etc. i will keep playing BF and give my money to Dice. Let the potatos play this sh*t game.

    1. well that's 1 bad player leaving, bye bye Tomi

  43. - M48 Patton and SU-122-54 are "normal" statistics wise;
    - M48 Patton will be buffed ("when it's done it's done");

    - Storm confirms that the first two HT15 missions will be simplified
    Just when I have done them both ;)

    - M56 Scorpion is NOT a regular premium vehicle. It will be sold or given away only during some events;
    Omg omg omg!! Yeah, there are so many buyable prem US TD's, that you can put this as a reward tank for sure, great job WG!

    - No planned changes to Karelia and Mines maps;
    Then why they did several rounds of supertests in several new Karelia variants?

  44. 9.7 ETA: "when the bugs are fixed, we don't want to release a broken patch";


  45. 9.7 ETA: "when the bugs are fixed, we don't want to release a broken patch";


  46. "- Developers are planning to introduce vehicle customization in the future - players will be able to hang track links, fuel tanks and other stuff on their tank. These will influence the collision model (will act as extra armor) (RG: Now that's interesting)."

    I'll take a triple layer of tracks on my Maus all over please.

  47. - According to WG statistics, IS-4 and IS-7 are not the worst tier 10 heavies;

    And the Maus wasnt the worst according to WG statistics, 1 question: What are the worst Tier 10 heavies then?

    T110E5? (Which I love)

    FV 215B is stronger and better then the E5 with a better RoF.
    E100 is a HEAT Spamming magnet, so thats not the worst T10 HT.
    T57 is OP.
    AMX 50B is a faster T57 with a longer reload.

  48. "Perks will not be reworked this year"

    Does this mean that Sixth Sense for everyone is not going to happen?
