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Monday, 6 April 2015

06.04.2015 Q&A

Storm confirms: 9.7 will not come tomorrow: "you have to wait a bit more" - likely until next week. The 9.7 test will be resumed shortly (not test 4 but still test 3).

- Ferdinand is doing fine on tier 8;
- Storm confirms, Ferdinand will not be made tier 7 despite its unhistorical elements (gun, engines): "The vehicle is alright. No need to screw around with it."
- Storm reacting on how players spam about skill MM: "Enough with writing this under every topic twenty times. We do not plan this. Repeating it many times will achieve nothing except annoyance. Sorry :((("

And because there wasn't much for today:



  1. I haven't been paying super close attention lately, but I have yet to see a "skill based MM" proposal that doesn't indirectly punish players for trying to improve, reward players for intentional stat-badding, or rely entirely on some 'skill measurement" system that isn't extremely vulnerable to abuse.

    1. Well put. Even if you decide on an algorithm and assign a skill range, you'll still end up with vastly different types of players. And let's be honest, countering the annoyance of ending up on a terribad team, there also is the joy of the opposite, completely stomping your opponents without so much as a scratch :)

    2. I'm also happy we have another week before we have to go through the motion of reinstalling mods again. It's become simpler as XVM seems to absorb a lot of functionality I used to have separate mods for, but I still prefer not to have to bother with them :)

    3. I agree... And yes, no matter how cool mods I want to use an absolute minimum of them.

  2. Instead of doing skill MM (ie choosing players with their stats), they should blance teams (switch players from teams to get 2 balanced teams)

    1. That's still a skill MM, if you balance the teams like you desribed - based on SKILL.

    2. I dont get why people want skill MM. If unicums can become unicums with the current MM playing solo, why cant others? Well because they have bad personal skill. It doesnt make any sense to be punished just because you are better. Whats the point becomming better if you constantly will meet equal or better players? Skill MM will break the current stats and everybody who are above average will get dercreased stats because they get punished by meeting better players more often.

      People dont realize that as long as you are better than the majority of tomatos you have above average stats and therfore you can mess around. Since even with this MM most times 80-90% of the team will be below 50% or 50% players.

      Everybody got the same MM so you cant blame bad luck or "bad teams" the reason you are 45% after 10k games.

      Its the abiliity to perform excellent in good teams and carry a weak team that makes you a unicum and/or a very good above average player. Hence the term "random game".

    3. Skill MM brings excitement because it's not funny to loos 2-15 or win 15-3. I prefer having close games

    4. Emilien hit it on the head! CLOSE GAMES are more fun. I don't want to get stomped 2-15 and I'm bored with stomping a team 15-2. Quit wasting my time with excuses WG. A skill based rebalance added to current system would be a great improvement. PERFECT? Hell no, but using data from say the last 1000 games, you could likely eliminate most games outside a 40 to 60 percent probability. There would be those 40% games you could still win to improve and move up AND 60% games you lose and move down. The algorithm could even consider TIER you are playing as well. You might be good at Tier 3 seal clubbing and pretty horrible at Tier 8 but a better system could give you 40-60 matches regardless of Tier selected.

      You know when WG will fix it???? When and if Armored Warfare comes out executing this perfectly................

    5. I have seen some serious losses against all odds because bad players on a team managed to make a strong attack against very good players...
      Skill mm is not the ultimate answer!!

      I do however agree that mm should try to balance teams around some stats like number of battles and try to make more balanced teams instead of things like mediums vs tank destroyers like we sometimes see

    6. Of course skill MM is not the ultimate answer. I think they should do unranked battles for tomatoes who don't want to get roflstomped and ranked battles for players who wants excitement and fun.

    7. What makes anybody think there will be close and exiting games if both teams always have equal players? Stop focus on xvm and just play and focus on the game and you will progress, if not you may have weak gaming abilities.

    8. If both teams have equal players then none has an advantage so it won't be 2-15 games. I'm not saying there will only be 14-15 games.

    9. And how fun is it if none have and "advantage"? This shit will in the long run stangnate the WR and stats of players and benefit only those below 50% and 50% wannabe players who complain about everything.

      Roflstomps happen now and then but if you are good you get good stats in the long run end of story. Only bad players and 50%ers who think they are better than they are want skill MM.

    10. It may be sad to say, but the point of the game it to become good and then platoon with 3 people in 3 good tanks with good skills and win and dominate noobs. Its the reward you get from spending time and money into the game. And time and money is what makes this game "free to play" for the majority.

    11. +1 to mistermex1
      Of course it is frustrating to get roflstomped. But thats not the fault of the stomping team, its fault of your team. And you are part of it. So maybe its your fault too?
      On the other hand... you only don't like when your team dominates the opponents when you're sitting in your never questioned camp position and the battle is over before you even could adapt to the situation resulting in low damage if all.
      To stomp an enemy you have to know what to expect from the enemy and make the right decisions to bring you into a position to "stomp". Thats called skill.
      That 700 dmg shell wich hits you does not distinguish if its delivered from a red or a pink player. You "less skilled" player decided to catch that bullet due to your poor situational awarenes, positioning and tank handling.

    12. Yes. In this current system everybody benefits in the long run because random MM makes eveyrbody now and then dominate and even win against better players. Pre determined MM will be all the same and there is little room for progress due to equal number of good and bad players in both teams. Then it is all about who has the better tank and more gold ammo. This can be neglected by random MM to some extent where the skill can take down even the best tank using gold.

    13. XVM is just information, tells you something about the opponents. Helps you to prepare. It does not take skill to roll a greatly inferior team. It is in fact a boring waste of time. A hard fought battle with a close ending can be fun and certainly a learning experience even if lost.

      Too many today want something for nothing. Too many today find enjoyment in easy to accomplish 'triumphs'. I am talking about a BETTER balance, not a perfect balance which is not really achievable.

      Hopefully we will see what AW does in this regard and have a test of popularity in better balances. If it is too popular.........WG will be there too.

    14. We dont know that since AW has a different approach than WOT, they copy wot and trying to make things that are supposed bad "better".

      The progress, credit and xp system is different than in wot. AW can do what they want , WT:GF also did their thing but I dont see WG copying their MM mode or anything like that. Also how well is WT:GF doing no again?

      Those players that complain about the MM and dont contribute to the game, WG dont need these people anyways,.

    15. Wrong there, WG needs all players they can get. Complaining wrong??? Absolutely not. Have you ever owned a business? You want to hear the issues. You may decide to leave things as they are, but you definitely want to know about it and consider it. What do you mean by contribute to the game?

      As it turns out WTGF is very different. I've only tried it on PS4, didn't like it. Looking at AW, what a stolen copy, for starters. It really appears they are building a better their minds anyway.

      I think you'll find that the US based Obsidian team is much more efficient than the WG unit and without the graft present in eastern EU. Should AW come out and be much better than WoT for a number of reasons, WG will have to analyze that and attempt to meet or better yet beat Obsidian's quality. And if they don't, AW will capture a greater share of the market. Competition is a good thing. Gamers will profit.

  3. I wish someone ask the US M47 Patton to Storm. Coming to alternative hull or new medium tree whatever

    1. I want it to replace M46 on tier 9.

      The M46 can be made a premium or another tree or something.
      M46 with M47-esque turret would be a great tier 8 med!

    2. I think it would be best if they put the M46/47 at tier 8 (or maybe even just combine the M26 with the M46/47, seeing as they are all similar enough to be differentiated by alternate turrets and alternate hulls. At tier 9 should be the current M48 Patton (with perhaps a slight DPM Nerf, like the Centurion 7/1). At tier 10, they really should put the M60. First of all, the M60 is more chronologically concurrent with vehicles like the STB, the T-62A, the Leopard 1, etc. Second, the M60 would (theoretically) be better able to go head to head against brawling mediums, seeing as it had better armor, better angling, better speed, better HP/ton, and a better gun.

      But that's just my opinion.

    3. I think it would be best if they put the M46/47 at tier 8 (or maybe even just combine the M26 with the M46/47, seeing as they are all similar enough to be differentiated by alternate turrets and alternate hulls. At tier 9 should be the current M48 Patton (with perhaps a slight DPM Nerf, like the Centurion 7/1). At tier 10, they really should put the M60. First of all, the M60 is more chronologically concurrent with vehicles like the STB, the T-62A, the Leopard 1, etc. Second, the M60 would (theoretically) be better able to go head to head against brawling mediums, seeing as it had better armor, better angling, better speed, better HP/ton, and a better gun.

      But that's just my opinion.

    4. I think it would be best if they put the M46/47 at tier 8 (or maybe even just combine the M26 with the M46/47, seeing as they are all similar enough to be differentiated by alternate turrets and alternate hulls. At tier 9 should be the current M48 Patton (with perhaps a slight DPM Nerf, like the Centurion 7/1). At tier 10, they really should put the M60. First of all, the M60 is more chronologically concurrent with vehicles like the STB, the T-62A, the Leopard 1, etc. Second, the M60 would (theoretically) be better able to go head to head against brawling mediums, seeing as it had better armor, better angling, better speed, better HP/ton, and a better gun.

      But that's just my opinion.

    5. No need to powercreep down a tier 9 to tier 8. The pershing is good as it is, as a tier 8.

      Whats the issue with the m46 patton, appart from the unhistorical gun?

    6. No power creep necessary. The Tier 8 M26/46/47 would when fully upgraded have essentially the same stats as the current M26/Pershing. Maybe with slightly better ground resistance or something. That way the M46/47 gets its historical (90mm) gun, and at tier 8, it wouldn't be overpowered or underpowered.

    7. The way I see it working (with alternate hulls) would be like this:

      1st hull: M26 Pershing. Ok stock gun, bad HP/ton, ok agility. (Thing stock Pershing)

      2nd hull: M46 Patton. Improved HP/ton, first 90mm gun, slightly better mobility.

      3rd hull (= fully upgraded): M47 Patton. Essentially the same gun, maneuverability, handling, HP/ton, etc. as current M26 Pershing.

      That way you get optional hulls, more variety, more realistic (historical) development progression, and no power creep.

    8. That is a possibilty but WG said they will only change those tanks that are problematic and also too historicaly incorrect. The fact that the m46 patton has a 105mm is not an issue even it its unhistorical since the tank is simply balanced and not problematic on its tiers, just like a bunch of other ones.

    9. This is true. The change would only serve to make things a little more interesting, so I can see it not being a priority.

  4. If you are an above average player you will out perform most folk whether your team is made up of tomato's or not. Too many folk thinking they are better than they are and wanting a skill matchmaker which would in all honesty just shopw them up for being what they are.

    Yellow/Orange players would still be bad.. it's not the teams holding you back from becoming blue/purple, it's your own gameplay. Sooner folk realise this and start adjusting thier own gameplay the better it will be for the game in the long run.

    1. That is true, in the current system up to 90% of all players perform bad or very bad. So if you pay a bit more attention and play better you will improve fast and hence have a "skill" advantage over around 80% of the players. You only get above average stats by beeing better then the majority and this works in the current MM system pretty well.

      The only ones that will benefit from any kind of "skill MM" will be those who have below 50% WR and below average stats, they will probably get a buff to their stats in the long run, while those having over 50% WR and over average stats will stagnate or decrease slowly. This isnt fair. Noobs already have it too easy in wot with gold ammo and premium tanks and other OP noobwagons.

    2. To be fair, the only people I see abusing hold ammo and deliberately op tanks are unicums. I agree with your point, but still. When a unicum will sit there and fire nothing but gold ammo all game its just wrong. It makes it hard on us little screbs

    3. I'm a yellow player but I'm quickly advancing to green. I think your remark about yellow/orange players is to wide.

    4. You also have to keep in mind that the total number of games played on your account effects your rating as well. Therefore, its more difficult for someone with a lot of matches to improve (or conversely to get worse) than it is for someone with fewer games played. That's why so many rerolled accounts look like super unicums. Its a whole lot easier to look good if you play a few games well than if you play a whole lot of games and improve slowly.

    5. Its always hard to improve if you have played many games mediocre, luckily there are "latest stats" on different sites showing your progress. Not to mention that there will be big differances between overall stats and tank stats.

      If you are yellow turning green, you will not benefit a squat having skill or balanced MM of any sort because they will limit your progress even more than this current MM. If skill and "balanced" MM would be in play, you would maybe not even moving towards becoming green because you would face more equal players and possible even more better ones.

    6. My point exactly. Take my stats for example. I don't remember the exact numbers, but my "latest stats" claim I'm solidly in the upper blue echelon. But my overall stats make me mid green (1409, I think?) And I've been stuck there for a long time. But that's because for the first 2 years or so that I played this game, I absolutely sucked, and it wasn't until this past year that I've really started improving. Still, its annoying that your current score is dragged down like that.

      And I see what you're saying about how skill MM wouldn't always be the appropriate amount of challenge to help you improve.

    7. My point exactly. Take my stats for example. I don't remember the exact numbers, but my "latest stats" claim I'm solidly in the upper blue echelon. But my overall stats make me mid green (1409, I think?) And I've been stuck there for a long time. But that's because for the first 2 years or so that I played this game, I absolutely sucked, and it wasn't until this past year that I've really started improving. Still, its annoying that your current score is dragged down like that.

      And I see what you're saying about how skill MM wouldn't always be the appropriate amount of challenge to help you improve.

  5. Does Matchmaker(tm) have it's own fulltime programming team? Or is it a product of neglect? A project that random people around the office play with from time to time when there's nothing else to do?

  6. Yes Balanced match maker, not skill based, the you have 22% chance to win over and over on MM/XVM gets old. Yeah you can carry a lot of those, but..

    I had to laugh at your picture Rita. Last night Scared Valley, one of those 28% chance to win games. My platoon was 2 RDDTV Bat Chat 25t and my OBJ261. Tough and hard fight, we slowly got the 1 tank advantage, and kept it in a seesaw battle. Problem was, our base was threatened from the north, our tanks were spread across the map, no help there. I got down in the gully under the big bridge, drove between the castle hill and monastery hill, undetected. I accounted for the 5 remaining enemy tanks being on or cap side of the map. and drove for near their cap. I got right next to their cap, and rained fire down on the enemy from the side they were not expecting. The enemy E50 was searching for me like a hunting dog all over our side of the map. He was getting pretty frantic, as I watched him from above. Finally the right shot set up came, and I ended his battle, then 2 more enemy tanks, met the same fate. Then when I knew there was no chance of them getting back to me, I got on their cap, and continued to provide fire support. I killed a 5th tank as the timer clicked down, as the enemy tanks kept looking on the wrong side of the map for me. One left a IS4, I put a shot in him at 4 sec left on the timer, leaving about 110hp. He died to another tank as the timer hit 0 and showed enemy base captured. 5 kills, 4500 pts damage, Invader, and Raider (its my 3rd in arty, first was a GWE100 on Ensk.). So you picture reminded me of the E50, and I had to share,

  7. Replies
    1. Yes, in a Scooby Doo movie, I'm confused....

    2. they never gonna find batman... :p
      or wait... they always do! .. could become a paradox

  8. "- Ferdinand is doing fine on tier 8;
    - Storm confirms, Ferdinand will not be made tier 7 despite its unhistorical elements (gun, engines): "The vehicle is alright. No need to screw around with it."

    Yes as I have said many times, slightly unhistorical vehicles that are doing fine and dont break the balance will not be removed/changes. Why dont people get this? As if ferdinand is the only unhistorical vehicles that is doing fine...hurr durr T32, m46 patton, JT, JP, JPII, etc.

    Tanks like wte100 and vk45b are not only overbuffed and fictional on pretty much all aspects they are also problematic for their tier and gameplay. Ferdie has a unhistorical gun and engine yes, but armor is historical. Vk45b dont have historical armor, turret and gun and even though there were proposals of better frontal armor and gun on the vk45xx tanks, the closest we can come to a historicaly "buffed" vk45xx is the vk45a. The vk45a has slightly buffed frontal armor, better turret and a 105mm but it is still pretty mobile which was the intention with the vk45xx tanks. Not a super slow and super heavy project with a 128mm like the current vk45b.

    E75 is also borderline overbuffed in terms of the gun and armor, but no sources say anything about armor thickness so WG can mess around. Also E75 is not problematic on its tier not even close to what vk45b is since it was never designed to have heavy armor or beeing slow, and the most armor it would have is what the current vk45a has in the game.

    1. Was just working my way through the Ferdi. It was tough running for awhile. Got to get the big gun, makes all the difference. It should hang well with the tier 10's after that.

  9. - Storm reacting on how players spam about skill MM: "Enough with writing this under every topic twenty times. We do not plan this. Repeating it many times will achieve nothing except annoyance. Sorry :((("

    The problem, is that people keep saying "Skill MM" instead of "Balanced MM".. Balanced MM would be something where there is a balance of the PR (personal rating) between both teams so that the teams are somewhat balanced.. and I know they (WG) aren't that stupid, that they can't figure something that simple out. but to constantly get thrown on a team where every single player has 1K battles played or less, vs. the other team that is full of 10K battles and more played players, is just plain stupid, and does NOTHING to help the game.. PR might not be the greatest system, but its a helluva lot better then whatever the hell they have going on now (nothing).. people who think MM and 'random" battles is random, are really clueless, and naive enough to think what WG says, is truth.

    1. With balanced MM the same people who complain about the tomatoes on their team would complain about the stats padders on their team.

  10. I don't care about skill-based MM. It is what it is, and if you have a platoon of unicums on one side, so be it - just deal with it. I've seen such platoons screw up too.

    But what I do want to see is for MM to provide balanced teams in terms of hardware. We constantly see teams where the top tier on one side are, say, a half-dozen heavies and no mediums, and the other side has a half dozen mediums and no heavies. On many maps that instantly decides the match.

    MM needs to be modified so that there should be an equal number of tank types and tier, plus or minus 1, no more.

  11. I agree with Charles. I think there are enough players that a plus minus of 1 tier is reasonable. I am not opposed to letting light tanks go 2 tiers.

  12. I want both balanced team MM and more importantly skill groups. The bottom 25% (new players, children and bots) grouped together, the top 25% (unicums) battling for their all important WN8 stats and epeen, and the middle 50% (the normal players who just want competitive games). Virtually every unicum that I've seen acts like a d-bag when you don't fall in line with their gameplan or if you don't understand every nuance of game mechanics. The bottom group causes huge swings in games due to either inexperience or botting. This fixes the problem.

    1. Some unicums do have a bad mentality because it is that mentality that have gotten them so far in the game. The motivation and agressivity to keep progressing. As long as they dont break game rules, this shouldnt not be a reason to force a skill balanced MM. Also the bottom 25% is alot higher than that, the majority of the playerbase are not really good.

      To be fair, the game is random. How do sub 50% suffer from this current MM? I dont see that since if they become better they will also be able to pwn. Ther is like less than 1 blue player per game in tier 8 and even more rarely do you see a unicum and superunicum. 8/10 times the games are unicum free at least at tier 8 because unicums and superunicums are very rare, even more rare in high tiers than it use to be.

      Unicums and superunicums are 1% of all players more or less....

    2. I'm also talking about WN8 not WR which is irrelevant.

    3. Tiering MM based on skill would be a terrible idea.

      Let's assume that they implemented this based on WN8 and the tiers are Below 800, 800-1499, and 1500+.

      Those players with stats of around 850 will find themselves constantly being shat on by better players. So they will intentionally screw up their stats to fall below 800, thereby ensuring that they fall into a lower tier and consistantly be among the best players (mini-unicums). Same will happen between the medium and high tiers.

      Finally, with such tiering, what would the incentive be to improve your skills?

    4. Skill MM is only benefitcial for bad players and sub 50% players who think they are better than they really are. For all +55% (green and almost blue, to blue and almost purple) players skill MM will ben a huge nerf to their stats and skill advantage.

      The only solution to have more fun is to become better and if you cant do that just accept that you are mediocre and play better and focus less on xvm bullshit.

      You can become better and one evidence is my two tomato 48% player friends who became 51-54% by becoming better and learning the game. Why on hell should my friends be punished when working so hard becomming better? Its not fair. Skill MM will not benefit tomatos or potatos becoming better, only those who stay red or yellow after 5-10k games.

    5. That is a silly ass idea.. Balanced MM doesn't segregate players based on their skill level, and quite frankly, people who recommend that are shitlords that don't want to face competition. you balance it so each team has the equal amount of good, bad, and excellent players, period.

      you basically are asking for a system that will allow you to take the easy way out instead of actually have to work for it.

      I personally am baffled by the ignorance of shit players when it comes to their ideas. most only suggest ideas to accommodate their terribleness, balanced = balanced if your can wrap your brain around that word.

    6. Even if they have the "equal" amount tha´t will still nerf good players because they will meet equal players much more often. Also who say current players dont work hard? If it is so easy to become good why are the majority of players so suckey then?

      MM is random as it should be and benefit better performance.

    7. What if there is not equal amount of players readdy in the teams, then you have to wait very long time and beeing forced into wierd MM just to have equal players. There are far more bad ones that unicums and superunicums. Also is a top tier unicum as much worth as a bottom tier unicum or should it be balanced after what tiers people are playing as well?

    8. Well if this is the mindset of most WoT players then all I can say is thank god Armored Warfare will fix it and we can each have our own game.

    9. What if there are more unicums for the moment in high tiers, forcing a low tier unicum into more high tier games? This will cause even more issues and opunishment for the minority who are not tomatos or sub 50% yellowish green players. This is not right, its evil.

    10. If armored warfare will have skilled MM, then even more emphasis will be put on "pay to win" to make players who spend more get advantage over others who spend less.

  13. But even when balancing of tank types that is also forcing for a "non-random" MM which will also change the outcome. The reason people can have monster games is due to the inbalances in the MM.

    It might not make sense to pair unskilled players with low games againt better players with high games. But everybody has been a beginner some time, and hence making it "easier" for new players will only make them even more spoiled and "weak" once progressing up the tiers.

    Even now new players have "too" easy because they can buy any tank (powerfull and weak) and load gold and neglect the skill advantage the more experiance player has, who might be in a weaker tank.

    Letting bad and inexperianced players have a "easier" time is not the right way, as proven with the current changes such as gold ammo for credits, ability to buy prem tanks and the ability to buy any tank in the game regardles of performance and skill, as well and high tier income buff in patch 8.6. And now we see the result, player are lazyer than ever, high tier games are filled with scrubs who refuse to help the team "just because", and 43% ers spam gold on spaced armor and tracks.

    How will these weak players (majority of the current community) become better if they suddenly meet more equal players and hence magicly get their WR to 50% in the long run?

    Its hard to admit but the inbalanced in the current random MM is the only way to make people keep on playing and give them an ilussion that they progress and hence keep on playing. That is what makes a former yellow turning green to keep on playing, wanting to become a blue. The reds after 10k games, well that are lost and I can see why they would want skill MM, they get a free WR and stats boost.

    1. Increasing your skill level may be your reason for playing but it is not the reason for playing for all players. Most players simply want to progress through the tank lines to get new experiences and see the different ways tanks play. Most players want competitive games rather than 1 side dominating. There is no advantage in having new players killed without them understanding why or how to abuse view mechanics. If they do get better they will face at least somewhat equal competition.

  14. Increasing skill level is the way to have more fun because you will do more damage, spot more, kill more, win more, get more xp and credits. And this knowledge and experiance will help you "grind" other tanks.

    If you are not very good, you are not entitled to "competitive" gaming, unless you platoon with 2 other decent players. And WOT is even one of the more noob friendly mmos out there to be fair. I am not very good, but I know that the current MM is the only reason I can use my skill advantage towards the majority of players. And I have the right to do so since I have struggled hard to progress, just let us above average enjoy our skill againt others who refuse to learn or are simply "bad".

    Game can only be competitive (for some) if majority are weaker. Forcing equal team will lead to booring and carefull and campy gameplay because less people make misstakes and nobody want to push..due to equal skilled players on both sides.

    There is alot of advantage killing those who dont know, the advantage iof having better skill and use it against others. Everybody have the same resources avalable, if you dont understand or care to learn they dont complain. Not everybody can be good.

    Also if bad players become better they can also use their skill against others and that is the point of this MM, not constantly face equal players the better you get. It will give you 0 advantage. Even my friends in the beginning were tomatos, but we player togeather and became good in short time and therfore I think we have the right to use our knowledge against those lazy and bad ones. Otherwise why even bother spending time and money to become a +50% player?

    1. "Game can only be competitive (for some) if majority are weaker. Forcing equal team will lead to booring and carefull and campy gameplay because less people make misstakes and nobody want to push..due to equal skilled players on both sides."
      We fundamentally disagree on gaming based off this statement. I 100% disagree with your points.

    2. Because why? What benefit do green and blue 55% get from skill MM, other than a nerf to stats due to meeting equal players more often and hence neglect the skill advantage they have over the majority (tomatos and potatoes).

      Unless you dont use xvm you dont know if competitive and equal games are due to "equal" teams. And if you use xvm you do it wrong because you demoralize yourself and others by talking about xvm in game chat. Ban xvm ffs.

      Better players are only better because they have motivation and ability that majority of players dont have, why punish them? Its like punish rembrant or michelangelo just because they were the best artists, in favour of those less succesfull ones.

      Also remember, once that yellow player becomes green due to hard work, he will prolly change his mind because now he have skill advantage over most suckers and that will motivate him to play even better and have fun meanwhile.

    3. Christ West, this is a MMO. So you meet other human players on a competitive battlefield. Both teams get the same conditions (Battle weight).
      If one can't handle that competition, he should try single player games where the difficulty level is adaptable and cheats help you now and then.
      I am a yellow player.

  15. Sven understands this and he is a yellow player, but he has worked hard to become yellow and he has all right in the world to use that advantage against majority red players or worse. This thinking is good and soon he will become green and then he deserve to pwn noobs, as it should be.

    Chris go play AW if you think it will be more balanced, but I doubt it. All games have some form of "unbalance" to make better players stand out.

    1. Seems you're more interested in "stomping noobs" and "having people see your higher winrate" more than you will ever care about having all 30 players with 55% winrates who come out of the game saying, "fuck, that was good game".

      I wouldn't mind my winrate dropping a few points to get close games that test your skill. Instead of getting top gun every match because the other team has very new players.

      You don't like a challenge, you just like stomping. Of course you will defend your statement. You are a stat whore, among other things
      While the real players seeking a challenge move to AW. You enjoy WoT, where you belong.

  16. It will never be a good game if both teams are filled with 55%ers because they will not have any skill advantage anymore just tank advantage and gold ammo advantage. Killing noobs is fun, that is what makes better players earn more xp and credits and progress faster and this is the reality.

    Test your skill you say? If you perform above average thats it, that is your "skill".

    Who say anything about stomping, huh I have worked hard for my stats I deserve to kill those who are worse and that is how the MM works in wot.

    Also "real" players in AW? What makes players less real in wot? There are many challanges in wot depending on the tank and "ammo" you choose. There are no guarantees you will win just because you are purple. Look unicums stream on twitch and you will realise that, they always have a challange that is why they keep on playing. Its not as easy as it looks.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You have really weird ideas for how a skill based MM system would function.

      First, with skill based MM everyone would have 50% winrate (or very near it) and the sorting would be based on other criteria (such as average exp).

      Second, you seem to have the idea that good players should only play against other good playerss and bad players vs other bad players. This can't work and would break any system as there are roughly an equal amount of points handed out in any given battle. So if good players only played good players and bad vs bad they all get the same stats (except at the very top and bottom).

      Your reasoning seems flawed and the impression I get from your posts is that you're really not playing this game for the same reasons as me at all.

    3. You have really weird ideas for how a skill based MM system would function.

      First, with skill based MM everyone would have 50% winrate (or very near it) and the sorting would be based on other criteria (such as average exp).

      Second, you seem to have the idea that good players should only play against other good playerss and bad players vs other bad players. This can't work and would break any system as there are roughly an equal amount of points handed out in any given battle. So if good players only played good players and bad vs bad they all get the same stats (except at the very top and bottom).

      Your reasoning seems flawed and the impression I get from your posts is that you're really not playing this game for the same reasons as me at all.

  17. All the people against skilled based MM are statpadder "unicum" whores afraid of no longer being able to statpad noobies in their E50m and IS7.

    It's been discussed all over and skilled based MM is actually a good thing for the game. There a lot of other games that use skilled based with a larger player base then WOT and that do well and people still play them.

    Stop crying stat whores and get a life.
