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Sunday, 5 April 2015

05.04.2015 Stream (ended)

Doing a short stream now, will be attending activities with the RITA clan, like platoon and maybe team battles to celebrate Easter or as i like to call it "Many chocolate day"!
Will be passing some Classic Rock music.


  1. hey rita, be sure to teamkill an arty!

  2. hey rita, you should ask storm if td's will be compensated. all this time, the are nerfed. on view range, on camo, and now they will be nerfed in penetration power. they should be compensated by giving them more HP.

    1. TD's are nerfed because it is necesary (to make armor worth it) and compensating the crybabies will only result in them continuing to be imbalanced. As a whole I am sure WGs attitude is to fine-tune any TD's seperately "if necesary" and not as a whole...

    2. sure, that is why ALL tier 10 td's get nerfed. even the isu-152 gets nerfed. they dont need more nerfing. they should simply balance the mediums and heavies. maus has huge hp pool, but against a t110e3 its shit. then atleast give that 128mm more power. 248 pen isnt giving that gun the fame it actually had.

    3. but what about historical correctness they keep banging on about when they nerf vehicles. oh that's right, its just a BS excuse. I only play turret less TD's, since 9.7 my weekly game play has dropped from around 18hrs a week to about 4hrs as I only bother playing for a couple of hours at a weekend now. the next nerf they make on TD's will be the last for me.

    4. they gave up on historical correctness a long time ago. i first saw it when they changed the hull of is-3. it old hull was correct, but its new hull has a totally wrong front. that lower plate is supposed to be way higher, much like the chinese 110. now they replace the vk-b with a mini maus, while no one is even sure if the turret of the actual maus is the correct one.

  3. holy crap Rita, a clan full of officers!

    NA Server
