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Saturday, 14 March 2015

Type 59/Patton hybrid, new tier 8 Chinese MT

Here are the pictures of the new upcoming tier 8 Chinese premium. It's a combination of Type 59 hull and Patton turret - but whether such a thing existed or is a Wargaming invention... who knows?

There are no characteristics are available yet.


  1. Replies
    1. *ps. because i doubt it ever existed... but why put such a thing ingame?
      bet its just CW reward....

  2. my eyes! they hurt. also why would you mix a decent hull with a (to be honest) crap turret?

    1. i cant argue with that. also wait a second is this what will be replacing the t-34-3? considering they want to remove limited matchmaking prems? if it is then i may need to get one.

  3. I don't get it, but it might work. It has this T8-T10 japanese med style. Probably this mutant will have -10° gun depression.

  4. Real or not, it looks smexy.


    WG pls

  6. And you wondered why tanks dont have genetaila? well this is why...

  7. I would really love the explanation from WG about this ridicules nonsense, who on earth would get Patton AND a fucking Type 59 to do this ridicules crap? Only country I can possibly realistically think of is Pakistan.

    1. There's a lot of speculation that this would actually have been a Vietnamese kitbash.

    2. Plenty of countries have/had access to Type 59s and Patton tanks,
      Could be Pakistan, Iran, Vietnam, Egypt or even Israel. And all of them experimented quite a lot with tanks during the 1960s and 1970s.

  8. What a catfish of a tank! My gosh it's hideous. Who would ever be caught dead in this tank? Not my Chinese crew I'll tell you that...

  9. the commander hatch on the T110E5 looks small compared to this giant ass pos

  10. Bet a couple months after ya buy it they nerf it to crap

  11. I think it is the T95E2 -USA Tank


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  13. Its soo ugly... I want one!

  14. Oh god
    It looks....malformed.

    Jesus ******* Christ it looks like they took the pz4 Vaderturm, and decided to make it even uglier.

  15. Hmmmm... but wait, don't we already have the T95E2 in world of tanks? what will be next, the same turret on the hull of a indien panzer? :)

  16. Okay i also bet its April joke - set up early...
    they will hand it out to everyone and remove it after...
    and if they dont - i just pretend it was an jokes they just forgot about :|

  17. I am pretty sure I read somewhere about the evolution of the Type 59 and support from the US. So this might be one of those paper concepts

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. You one ugly mother fucker...hahaha... :-P

  20. The only Countries I could picture in a situation where they would need to "kitbash" some tanks together like this would be Iran, Pakistan, or Taiwan.

    Wonder if its related to PRC-US Jaguar project?

    Irregardless, Not driving that into combat with that 4ft tall tumour stuck on top of turret.

  21. My guess is that Vietnam captured a patton with the turret still intact so maybe sent to China for testing since at the time Sino-Vietnamese relationships were really good. And since there arent a hull for the turret, the type 59 hull was selected

  22. I am 99.999999% sure that this is April 1st prank tank. BUT, its Wargaming, so who can say? These are the guys who came up with the WT E-100, T28/T28 Prot., etc. However, in real life, the turret of the M48 would never fit on the hull of a Type 59. For starters, I'm pretty sure the turret was just too heavy. Also, the turret ring of the M48A1 turret was too big to fit in the hull of the Type 59, unless someone did some major remodeling of the hull, which is very unlikely. I can say that with confidence, because I have seen both up close and personal at a museum. Side by side, actually, and its easy to tell the turret wouldn't fit the hull.

  23. I am 99.999999% sure that this is April 1st prank tank. BUT, its Wargaming, so who can say? These are the guys who came up with the WT E-100, T28/T28 Prot., etc. However, in real life, the turret of the M48 would never fit on the hull of a Type 59. For starters, I'm pretty sure the turret was just too heavy. Also, the turret ring of the M48A1 turret was too big to fit in the hull of the Type 59, unless someone did some major remodeling of the hull, which is very unlikely. I can say that with confidence, because I have seen both up close and personal at a museum. Side by side, actually, and its easy to tell the turret wouldn't fit the hull.
