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Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Type 59/M48A3 Hybrid

Hello warriors,

what follows are the pictures and description of the earlier leaked Type 59/M48A3 hybrid. According to the description, it's a tier 8 without limited MM, a result of the experiment conducted after 1960. During the program to create a completely Chinese vehicle, they mounted one M48A3 turret on a Type 59 hull.

Characteristics (100 percent crew):

Tier: 8 MT
Hitpoints: 1350
Engine: 520 hp
Weight: 36,36 tons
Power-to-weight: 14,3 hp/t
Maximum speed: 50/16 km/h
Hull traverse: 46 deg/s
Turret traverse: 48 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,863/0,959/1,918
Viewrange: 380
Radio range: 547,5

Hull armor: 100/80/?
Turret armor: 177,8/76,2/?

Elite gun: 90mm ?
Damage: 240
Penetration: 173
ROF: 7,11
DPM: 1706,5
Reload: 8,438
Accuracy: 0,364
Aimtime: 2,4s
Depression: -7,4



  1. it has a worse gun than the type 59??? and worse than the t-34-3 what are the wargaming balance department smoking???

    1. it meets tier 10s wow they must be high if they think people will buy this for more than the price of a tog.

    2. Ever played the T-34-2? This thing eclipses it. Better gun, depression and armour... I'd take this hybrid over the t-34/2 any day. This tank actually looks pretty fun.

  2. Bad gun, but I love how hideous it is. I will buy it and love it just because of its strangeness.

    1. Oh and the DPM needs a boost, badly. 7.11 only equates to 1707DPM, which is really bad.

    2. still better then my poor caernarvon, despite good accuarcy and pen, 1600 really means nothing at tier 8

  3. This tank sucks horrible with those stats, and its got massive tumour on its hull.

    1. For a tier 8 tank that turret armor is actually reasonably good. The cupola on top sucks, but depending on its hidden stats [gun dispersion while moving] it may be extremely easy to bait your enemy into making a bad shot on it and missing.

  4. So a tier 6 gun getting in tier 10 games
    ahahahahahahaha :))))))
    T-34-2 chinese MT has 181mm pen and i couldnt penatrate the arse of E100 :))
    So this gun is like shoting water at tanks :))
    Gj WG - go FULL GOLD

    1. You complaining you can't kill E-100 in T-34-2 ? News flash, you're not supposed to.

    2. Not a complaint moron ! A conclusion :)) noob!
      and i dont wanna kill an E100 :)) i wanna penetrate his ass !!!
      Your to dumb to live....

  5. So they decided to add Type 59 again. Yes it was a huge success, for their wallet that is. It already is much stronger than any standard T8 medium, just like it's predecessor. Good job, balance department.

    1. lol.
      Obj416, Pershing, T69 say "hi".
      Do you even have one?

  6. Wargaming vision :
    -make only premium tanks so we can make lots of cash .
    -a tank is better than avg? Nerf it so hard , so no one plays it! Ex : hellcat, foch 155 etc
    - customer/player opinion . "Who's that???? "
    - we dont really care about making the game more fun doesnt bring money.
    - we made 500 million $ in one year. Not bad , but not enough to make better servers, better game engine, etc etc.
    Go Armored Warfare ! Can't wait to appear!

    1. God you're dumb.
      WG is a business not a charity meaning their primary objective is, you guessed it, profit. How do they achieve profit? By making a game that people want to play. What kind of games do people want to play? Fun games! If Wot wasn't fun then people wouldn't play it. If WG wouldn't make profit of WOT, then there would be no WoT.

      Thank god WG doesn't listen to the community. Whiny tools like you don't make good balance or business decisions. WG seems to be making good decisions to have such a popular game and extensive revenue like that.

      Go back to school and learn basic economics please.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I was being ironic(search google fast), but your name says it all. your just an internet ape , sometimes watching TV :))
      I dont want any charity you dumb primate, i want balance since i paid some cash to WG .
      How can u live being that stupid ???

    4. Since when is " better servers, better game engine" charity ???
      How retard can u be OMG! ?!?!?!

    5. Adding new servers to EU(what i think you're referring to) is pointless as it would add costs and thus reducing profits without making any difference except increasing wait times. Also, why add servers to a game for which its player population has plateaux'd already?

      Adding a new game-engine would be similarly useless. For one, it would take years to do and shift resources from content creation for the existing game and move it to the creation of something marginal. In the meantime whiners and tools like you will start whining about the fact that little to no new content is being added into the game. Tools like you will keep whining no matter what happens because you demand stuff and don't think about the opportunity cost of actually doing these things.

      Also, one of WG's target audiences is people with weak computers. Adding a new game-engine with fancy graphics and physics etc. would cause these players to no longer be able to play or pay as a result. Guess what they'll do as a result: Whine because of it. WT may look great, but that doesn't help people who's computers can't handle the top graphics let alone the game at all. WG is way better off just improving and optimizing the game/game engine instead of making a whole new WoT 2(Getting a new game engine would imply that.)

      BTW. GG on insulting people based on their Google name instead of actually reading what they said and bringing a valid counterargument. Also why whine so much about a game you seem to consider "ruined and terrible because of WG"? There are plenty of substitutes around now. Noone is forcing you to pay or play.

      Game. Set. Match.
      Good day to you whiner and next time please think before you post.

    6. -make only premium tanks so we can make lots of cash .
      Yeah, too bad the new British line of 11 tanks are all premiums.

      -a tank is better than avg? Nerf it so hard , so no one plays it! Ex : hellcat, foch 155 etc
      The hellcat is still strong. The Foch is just difficult to balance because of the high alpha autoloader. Nerfing OP tanks is good for the community. It is better to overnerf an OP tank than to keep it as is, because it hurts the environment.

      - customer/player opinion . "Who's that???? "
      It's too bad that they don't interact with customers and answer their questions on a near daily basis. That would be cool.

      - we dont really care about making the game more fun doesnt bring money.
      If you don't find the game fun, leave already. Your's isn't the only opinion. You are entitled to consider it uninteresting, but that doesn't mean millions of people are wrong.

    7. OzGur, forget it dude. Just observe an restrain yourself from trying to bring logic or truth, well you have some, ehm, errors in your commentary, but the "message" overall is correct.
      Sadly, people live being that (and much more)stupid, deal with it, because there is no other way.

    8. Yo ape , you are again very stupid!
      You understand like an underdeveloped monkey.

    9. If that's all you have to counter what I wrote then you know you lost. An insult + all caps? GG.

      If I were to exchange the words "new" with "better", then my point would be the same. You know you're the idiot because you can't counter what I wrote in any way except with almost non-related crap and insults. GG dude,GG....

      No need for me to bring any new arguments. Just read what I wrote again and use your brain. Next time you comment, please try to bring a valid counter argument to the points I made or just be quiet.

    10. OzGur, if you're trying to appear smart, it would be wise to even try to write in proper english. Oh and you seem like an idiot.

    11. Juniper - ENGLISH is not my language . So i can't be perfect at it . Someone for UK might make mistakes, so i have the right to make some mistakes. I know 3 languages , so don't give me lessons please.
      And the correct form is " Oh , you seem like an idiot" . The comma is a must. You are the retard my friend!

    12. monkey , i don't waste time reading what every retard comments... sayonara virgin!

    13. Little douche called Ozgur just got owned in an argument and leaves with nothing but an insult and a lie.

      Also. I'm Swiss but I prefer to be able to spell and speak properly rather than having some lame excuse. But if you prefer to be ignorant then that's fine.

      Game. Set. Match.
      Check mate.
      "Enter sports related phrase for defeating someone here"

  7. 173 pen? hahaha no, thanks

    1. ...exactly my thoughts. With pershings180/240 gun it would be doable (similar to STA 2), but in this configuration, no thx...

    2. SP has 170 and its decent, but with limited MM

    3. I personally think the SP needs a bit more pen with its 90mm. I mean it is pretty sluggish for a medium tank.

  8. I suppose that had to come up with something to replace the T-34-3 if they actually go ahead with the removal of preferential MM tanks from the shop. Still, hoping this is for April 1st...

  9. Cant we buff Type 59(VERY slightly) and T-34-3 (a bit more) and make THEM have unlimited MM :( ?

    I wont protest (as a driver of those).

    1. I remember when my Type 59 saw tier 10s. I tore them apart in it with ease, if I played it right (as a medium should). But that was back before they nerfed gun pen and mobility. If they return it (not to Open Beta level, but to back before the major Nerf), it could easily compete in tier tens again.

    2. They NEVER nerfed gun pen. They BUFFED IT!
      They nerfed mobility but buffed gun pen.

  10. Hull: Type 59
    Turret: M48A3
    Gun: waterpistol

  11. Almost Type 59! Nice try PotatoGaming, but no. No-no-no!

  12. Also we have t95e2 wich is almost the same tank and sucks a lot.

  13. 173 pene without limited MM :D Never.

  14. Great another ahistorical accurate tank. Just what the game needs more of.

  15. Oh god this is actually going to happen isn't it?

  16. I will never buy prem without limited MM

  17. Any news if this will replace the T-34-3? Or would this just be another reward tank?
    I want to get the t-34-3, but short of some cash for now, hopefully I won't need to deal with this excuse of a tank.

  18. I recently picked up a T-34-3, so this thing isn't a high priority for me. Still, despite the fact that it's dog ugly and has a potentially anemic gun, I think that it could out to be interesting.

  19. Maybe the credit multiplyer is 1 dmg to 5000c... XD
