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Monday, 30 March 2015

Top of the Tree: IS-4

Hello warriors,

the next Top of the Tree (tier 10 discount) on EU server will be the IS-4.

Other vehicles of the branch on discount and with income bonus include: KV-1, T-150, KV-3, KV-4 and ST-I


  1. Does anyone know which tank that will be Top of the Tree after IS-4? RU announces 2 tanks each month (1 in advance) but I can't find it on their portal?

  2. Oh god, I hope we don't see a ST-I spam...
    Those tanks are f***ing terrifying, and it's a damn good thing most people don't know about it.

    1. more terrifying if u see t-54s

    2. yeah the st-1 is the closest thing to incvulnerable in tier 9 most people think its the e 75 but thats just because the e 75 is more common. in a 1 on 1 the st-1 will win every day of the week. the sloped and angled armour also makes it very tough to pen even with heat which is fun :)

    3. Well yeah its really strong, but the lower plate of it is absolutely shit, 175mm pen guns can pen it easily

    4. Even worse, its batchat on NA Server and since French tier 1-4 tanks all suck its gonna be an ELC Fest for the next 2 weeks.

    5. you basically play it like a maus cover the lower front plate and your set except this has arguable the best turret in the game plus that lower plate may be flat but its still 160mm thick so angle it at 45 degrees and that gets a lot stronger and the rest of the tank the upper plate and the side is still strong enough to bounce tier 9 tds.

    6. Yeah I loved the ST-I as well, I know it's almost invulnerable even in tier 10 games if done properly, but the lower plate hinders it so much, every player that knows a bit about the tank will go for the lower plate and that is not healthy for the tank.

    7. thats only if you allow them to get close enough them to get clean shots in to it if your sly about it you can turn its biggest disadvantage in to its biggest strength.

  3. Thinking over if it's worth selling the ST-I & buy the IS-4....


    1. yeah i have an 3 skill is-8 crew ready to go in to the is-4 as soon as ive unlocked it so im keeping the st-1 and getting the is-4 if i can grind the money fast enough of course.

  4. ooooh time to get the KV4 then!

  5. ooooh time to get the KV4 then!

  6. Great, I bought the KV-Fortress at full price a week ago -.-

    1. For me it's the other way around - unlocked the ST-I and now I get it cheaper.

    2. Grind and buy ST-1 then.

  7. getting the Premiums out for cashgrinding.... KV-4 im coming to get ya.,.....need to get some free xp too.....maybe get the T-150 back for fun at Strongholds

  8. dont know if i want to get ST-I for the is-4 since i got 113 m103 is7 and t57 heavy

  9. 200 000 XP to unlock IS-4 (counting tracks, engine, turret)... I am no-lifer, I can do it!

    1. you need to at least have the bl-9 on the st-1 before playing it because the IS gun really really doesnt work on a tier 9 heavy and i have seen the rage in chats when ever someone sees an st-1 with the is cannon just thought id mention that.

  10. Oh, great, can't wait for all those top tier tomatoes in ST-Is.

  11. boo Im only 80k xp away from my is4 but on the na sever we get the bat chat:(

  12. I am 25k from the is4 , to bad I am on the Na server, then again I am 60 k from the bat so win win I guess

  13. woot, I was eagerly eyeing that tree anyway. I want Stronk armour!

  14. just realised now if i get the is-4 then i will have got all the german tier 10 heavies and russian tier 10 heavies before getting a single medium or tank destroyer at tier 10.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. There is no income bonus anymore on EU, just 50% more crew exp. RU will publish their April bonuses video tomorrow and we will see what they are getting.

  16. Income bonus or crew xp bonus as was in last "top of tree's"?

  17. Nice, this tempts me to finish the KV-4 grind.

    Dunno though, I already have VK Ausf. B if I need an armoured fortress.

    1. thats being changed for the maus prot soon which may be stroinger than the vk armour wise but its gonna be slower but with a 150mm gun which will have a 225 pen gun with no prem ammo so a lot of ups and downs so who know if it will be good or bad.

    2. I imagine it will be both, depending on the person driving it.

    3. What James said.

      Anyway, I suck big time with glassy tanks, so Mauschen is more than welcome as long as it's decent - VK is very good despite people's opinions, it would be a shame to remove it for something worse.

      ST-I is also a monster worthy of its grind, but KV-4 armor is overrated, I don't have fond memories with that thing.

  18. Replies
    1. Don't sell it during the event, or it'll also get a 30% cut on the original selling price.

    2. Right. So sell KV3 now, buy KV4 when discount starts.

      Or if unlike me you have a spare garage slot, you could just sell the kv3 after the discount.

  19. Right after I bought IS-4, of course.

  20. Will be nice finely buying the is-4 seems like a good time considering the lower plate buff on the HD model
