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Monday, 9 March 2015

Temporary Premium Tanks

Hello guys,

you might find this interesting - temporary premium tanks mechanism arrived on Russian server. The event goes as follows:

From 10.3.2015 to 13.3.2015, using KV-85/KV-2/KV-3/IS/SU-152/ISU-152 or ISU-2, destroy 2 enemy tanks and damage three more. Repeat this 25 times and you will receive temporary SU-122-44 to use for 4 days (after which it will get removed).

What you think?

Skritt Thief says: -Oh! Shinies! I like shinies!"


  1. yeh, and in rus server can win t34 for free, what in eu server- nothing :)

    1. Nothing? what about most recent one, wz-111

  2. trial use premium stuff ? Good idea, but is challenge needs ?

  3. Soo, basically you need to score 50 kills in some SPECIFIC tanks and damage 75 more tanks to get a tier 7 premium for 4 days? That's totally not worth doing on purpose

    1. In previous missions structured like this tanks you killed also counted towards your damaged total, so its really kill 50, and damage or kill 25 more, not 75 more.

  4. I agree not worth it if you specifically try to get it, But just let it happen naturally and you get to Test drive the Su-122-44. Clearly aimed at making poeple want to buy one

    1. Which makes you wonder, I thought the SU-122-44 is one of the best-sellers on tier 7 now that E-25 is gone. Why not do it with a tier 8 prem?

    2. I reckon youre right Viktor, my guess is that they will see how this goes, and if all goes to plan and the sales increase, We'll start to see more of these test drives appearing for other tanks (Tier 8's like you said)

  5. what if you already have the tank

    1. Also worried about that. I really want to know what/if compensation will be

    2. I dont think there will be any compensation. Borrowing you 7500 gold for 4 days? I dont think trial for other prem tank would be able neither, since some players got all prem tanks...

  6. Good marketing idea. Try before you buy. The process is a bit difficult, I guess they dont want entire battles of 122-44's.

  7. With IMs and missions that give out premium tanks there is practically no point in grinding for this imo. As a test run type promotion it kinda works but you could always just wait for the test server and get it without having to go through the hassle of trying to complete the mission (unless you are grinding those tanks).

    1. Agree...almost. Test server is very specific and testing of the tanks is very problematic whne everyone around you going to the battle with X tier tanks filled with gold ammo.What you can sayabout possible pen and using of amrmor, when gold flying around you.
      And waiting for battle with tier lower than VIII can take ages.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. You are very correct that it is practically impossible to check out a tank via random battles but it is easy enough to just join a random training room or create one yourself and have people join it to test something that is hard to test via conventional random battle search. Speaking from my own experience I thoroughly tested out a t14 and a panther/m10 using the training room to determine they don't fit my play style and aren't worth the gold.
      Personally if it gets people to buy their premium tanks good for them their strategy worked on some scale but I don't feel that grinding for a tank that isn't permanent is worth most peoples time.

  8. Well sure. Dont mind if its optional.
    Still... 4 days? How often u use that then?

    An fix number of battles sounds fairer to me...
    They might also play more serious then.

  9. Marketing grade 9. Usefullness 3. But I am sure if it will come to EU a lot of people with no premium account/tanks will try to get it. 4 day credit grinding in a SU 122 44 could mean up to 4 million credits or more...

    1. 4 days of credit grinding on any tier 7 can net you even more than 4 mil credits man, be serious. Get a Tiger or a T29 for example, virtually no way to lose money from them.

  10. How about they alow us to try the tank for a day but without the normal "premium vehicle" extras? That way you could, actually, test the tank without any exploit.

    The requirements would be that you need to have at least 1 vehicle of the same tier and you could only test 1 vehicle per month.

  11. meh .. Bad enough that I spend real money on digital tanks, now they want me to rent them for a few days? Now let me have a Pzkw IIJ for a couple of days and I might think about it :)


    1. Whiny and dishonest much? You arent renting jack shit. You're being LOANED something for FREE. You dont even have to go over to your neighbors house to ask to borrow it, they just park it out front of your house and leave you the keys. What the hell is wrong with you that free isnt good enough?

  12. Would be better if they gave you an SU-122-44 token that's valid for a month or so. Four days isn't much, might as well at least guarantee a few consecutive days that they can play the thing, by allowing people to choose when.

  13. thank god this isn't on EU, its bad enough with all the idiots trying to do personal missions messing up match's.

    1. They require people to kill two tanks and damage three more... Situations where this would be counter to the team objectives are _very_ rare.
      In fact, it will probably make normally staunch campers move out a little in order to get their damage and kills. Either they do so and help the team, or they'll provide free spotting for a while thus keeping the better players alive longer, both of which are more useful than camping base without hitting anything until there is no team left.

      I'm not particularly interested in actively chasing this thing, but contrary to some of the sillier of personal missions I don't see any problem negatively affecting team play here.

    2. I understand what your saying Bart3h, but unfortunately it wont work out that way. you will start seeing players doing stupid moves to get their second kill at the expense of the team win. you don't need to be Nostradamus to see this coming.

    3. Those two are far from mutually exclusive. My point was that in _by far_ most cases, getting more players interested in doing damage and getting kills will not negatively influence the team win, on the contrary.

      This isn't the silly personal missions situation where people drown themselves to stay undetected, it's effectively telling them to reduce the enemy hp pool by killing two of anything and damaging three of anything more.

      And considering his only accurate prediction was that he'd be dead the next day, I don't think anyone would _want_ to be a certain overhyped astrologer ;)

    4. im guessing you haven't experienced getting killed because your team mate is saving his shell for the kill shot rather than saving you yet. i'd love to have your optimism about WoT pub players but unfortunately im a realist.

    5. You're pointing out fringe situations again.
      I've experienced plenty of idiocy in this game, including bad players parking behind while you're camouflaged and drawing enemy fire and even the rare teamkill after you save someone (because they wanted the kill, even though they'd have died well before that). This doesn't exactly happen every single game, and even if it would it'd be one or two players out of 15.

      The _majority_ of bad to average players will get an incentive to do more damage, not quite every single one of them will actually do so but the effect _on average_ will most likely be positive rather than negative. I'll once again emphasise _on average_.

    6. I agree that withholding fire to score a kill is a situation that I rarely encounter, but on the other hand I'd prefer if they could make the conditions into something that is undoubtedly beneficial for gameplay, like

      "Score Fire for Effect on a victory, do it x times to get a reward".

    7. I'm guessing they wanted to keep it very simple (as with the personal missions on top the number of objectives possible in a single game is frankly getting a tad out of hand), but that would certainly be interesting :)

  14. Rita, the original announcement states:

    "- damage at least three enemy vehicles in a battle
    - destroy at least two enemy vehicles in a battle"

    It might mean that destroyed ones count as damaged as well (just like in a post-battle report), i.e. destroy at least 2 tanks, damage at least 1 more.

    1. It means PRECISELY that. That is EXACTLY how it worked during the previous missions that were formatted like that, and they were less than 2 months ago iirc. People have such short memories.

  15. by the way, what ıs ISU-2 ?
    "From 10.3.2015 to 13.3.2015, using KV-85/KV-2/KV-3/IS/SU-152/ISU-152 or ISU-2, "

    1. Given that the IS is listed in there I'll second what Trent said- its the IS-2, the chinese version of the IS, although why they added a (technically, at least) non-russian into the mix I dont kow.

    2. Given that the IS is listed in there I'll second what Trent said- its the IS-2, the chinese version of the IS, although why they added a (technically, at least) non-russian into the mix I dont kow.

  16. Temp prems are like baiting fish.

  17. I'm just glad you continue the blog!
