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Thursday, 19 March 2015

Supertest Mauschen - No Gold Ammo

Hello warriors,

a piece of information was leaked from the supertest. Remember how everyone was angry about the 15cm E-100 gun on tier 9 on the Mauschen (VK4502B replacement)? Well, as it turns out, the developers decided not to give that gun any gold ammo on tier 9. Just AP and HE shells.

No gold for you, goldspammers!


  1. Replies
    1. I dont think its good at all and wont research or play the tank if i cant shoot select gold rounds against say an is7. I expect this will be chgd and sets a very bad precident for WG. If WG removes gold from this tank why not all tanks.

    2. Did you know that SARL 42's last 47mm gun doesn't have gold ammo either?

    3. The best idea of all time WG , they just do it on all the tanks and will finally be a good game. Sorry to say that Mark West but you have no skill if you need gold to kill an is-7... Gold is for noob unskill player who don't know what is a WEAKSPOT and need gold to do good game, do damage and kills

    4. Julien fuck off ,certain tanks need gold to pen certain others , that is how WG designed the game , so shooting gold in certain tanks doesn't make you a noob.

    5. "Julien fuck off". Couldn't have put it better myself.

    6. ewanc9
      ",certain tanks need gold to pen certain others" know, certain tanks aren't SUPPOSED to get penned by certain others. Kinda sucks when you're driving a gigantic, slow, heavily armored tier 8 or 9 TD and medium tanks two tiers below you are penning your front armor.

      Gold ammo is just a stupid crutch for players who don't know weakspots. I'd personally love to see how some player's in-game performance crashes and burns when their precious HEAT or APCR gets taken away from them.

    7. @Tupinambis: I couldn't have said it better myself. Gold ammo removes the whole purpose of heavy armor, whether its on heavy tanks or assault gun TDs. The game would be so much better if the super high pen gold ammo was completely removed from the game. Now, that being said, a fair number of tanks would need to be rebalanced in order to make them still competitive. There are several tanks (I'm looking at you, tier seven mediums) that are "gold ammo" tanks, because their normal rounds couldn't pen the sides or rears of tanks even when they're flanking like a medium should. But the tweaks wouldn't be that big of a deal, and it would make the game so much more tactical and interesting. I dont think anyone but spoiled unicums and noons could complain that forcing mediums and lights and "medium" heavies to flank in order to damage heavily armed tanks wouldn't be for the best, rather than let all those tanks just sit in front of heavies and just load gold and trade shots with Mäuse, IS-7s, T32s, Tiger IIs, KV-4s, etc.

    8. @Tupinambis and That Dashing Rogue

      gold ammo isn't auto pen. learn to use your armor against them.

    9. Gold ammo isn't a crutch for weak players. It's an excuse for weak players to use as the reason for them being shit.

    10. I have the e-100 and use standard ammo and it still does a great job.... For me this will just fine and makes no difference...

    11. I have the e-100 and use standard ammo and it still does a great job.... For me this will just fine and makes no difference...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well...they did it right. Not to nerf the gun, they just removed gold ammo, smart.

  4. Replies
    1. AP - 235 pen/750 dmg

      HE - 85 pen/950 dmg

    2. Mauschen will have 225 pen on its gun

  5. Good, now do it for the rest 😛

    1. oh please no...that would ruin so many fun tanks that aren't even OP with the prem round. Also, it would make grinding some tanks painful beyond belief.

    2. Kiseki, there are a very few tanks in this game that need gold ammo to be fun, let alone effective, AS LONG AS YOU USE THEM AS THEY WERE MEANT TO BE USED. If they remove gold ammo from the game, all they would have to do is buff the pen of normal rounds on only a tiny few tanks to make their grinds fine and the tanks just as fun as with gold. Just play the tank as its meant to be played, and it will be fine.

  6. Is it may still planned to be introduced, not think they will just introduce it without Gold...
    But can u may say its 128 DPM? on FTR it was said, that it was nerfed after the DPM was sai and only 15s 2133 dpm was given in the article.

  7. Good, now do it for the rest 😛

  8. That isn't without precedent, the St. Emil doesn't have gold ammo, nor does the FV304. I am sure there are others as well, not many perhaps, but some. I seem to remember one of the new French tanks not having gold available also. It actually makes a fair amount of sense, as a gold slinging tier 9 Maus would be something to deal with.

    As for pen, I've heard 225mm suggested, as the gun is longer than the Borsig's 15cm (which has 215 pen) and shorter than the E100's (which has 235 pen).

    1. True, Pz Sfl V doesn't have gold ammo, but guess what, with 231mm pen @ T7 it doesn't need it, it is capable of penetrating almost anything it encounters frontally. I never complained about it's gun, but 215mm on a T9 heavy ? That's wrong.

    2. Plenty of tanks don't need it, but they have it anyway. Plenty of players don't need to shoot it, but they do anyway. I will grant you that 215mm or 225mm of pen at tier 9 will make playing the tank more difficult, but is that really a bad thing? Do we really want another HEAT slinging easy mode tank to deal with? With proper aiming 225 pen will get through pretty much any tank in the game. If that isn't an option, there is always HE, and 15cm HE is often reasonably effective. It might be fun if the Maus Proto got a gold round that was HE, with a larger burst radius, instead of HEAT.

    3. @Landric: Excactly. There are actually players who manage to play the E100 without HEAT, mainly due to making use of the overmatch possibilities. Why on earth should a T9 super heavy get the op HEAT pen of an E100?
      The Mauschen will be a damn good training vehicle in this regard, with a much more relaxed MM (lot's of T9 battles, where the average player level is still significantly lower than in T10).
      There is no reason why the tank should get prem shells. If it stand's that's one of the best tank specific balance decisions WG made in the recent past.
      I'm usually not into slow tanks, but I'm keener than ever to play Mauschen. Some challenge is always welcome. :D

  9. So how are you supposed to fight E-75, IS-4, T95 and a few others, not to mention T10 tanks ? 215mm won't put a dent in those, I don't care how well you aim (with that 0.5 accuracy and 3.5 aim time), you don't exactly have the speed to flank them either. Use HE ? Against a super-heavy spall liner, doing 50 dmg per shot ? Yeah good luck with that.

    They should remove gold ammo from the already OP vehicles in the game, not from this Maushit.

    1. Super heavy spall liners are only effective against small caliber HE that is fired at UFPs, they do little against large caliber HE that is fired at the right places. They can easily be bypassed if one simply knows where to aim, just like other weakspots.

      E.g. a shot at the lower part of the turret of a E100 will do its damage as splash through the 40mm strong hull roof. A super heavy spall liner will reduce this damage by only 22HP (50% of 40mm*1.1).

      So you do about 400 damage on an enemy without the SHSL, and 378 damage if the enemy has a SHSL.

      If my enemy wants to waste an equipment slot that could be used for vents or a GLD on a SHSL, getting even more sluggish due to the extra weight, he shall be welcome to do so.

    2. Overmatch that bitchin' turret roof armor on the IS-4. The pen is enough for the cupolas on the T95. The E-75... well, I don't have suggestions for that one.

    3. If it had enough armor (or the opposition didn't spam gold), then it would make sense as a... tanking tank. Sucking at dealing damage but a shell sponge. But considering how many high tier imbeciles are running full gold ammo, its armor will be next to useless and, as you said, its gun even more. So give it an option for an extra long 88 mm and turn it into a Matilda. :D

    4. Regarding E75, T95, IS-4 and so on: Make use of your height advantage and shoot downwards onto their sloped armor, thus negating much of the slope. Or overmatch their hull and turret roofs if they are close enough.
      if that's not an option, annoy the crap out of them with well placed HE. Or just block their path. Neutralizing a IS4 with a tier 9 heavy is a benefit for your team.

    5. Firing HE with these high-caliber guns is not nearly as bad as you'd think. HE shells from my T30 fired at E-75 turret front deal around 400 damage.

    6. hey guys, remember that this thing has the Maus gun as well, better accuarcy, better ap pen, and above all GOLD AMMO for all you whiners

    7. then use the vastly superior 128mm. problem solved, ed-boy

    8. IS-4 ? -please 225 pen is enough for the lover plate, or as was mentioned, you can try to overmatch the turret with a good shoot
      E 75 - try to shoot the cupola, shoot HE at his face, or fuck off
      T-95 - HE shoots or fuck off

      -I think its a good idea because tomatoes would load full HEAT ammo in this monster and would end up shooting T-43s and Chi-Ris with it, not to mention shooting tier 8 heavys with gold on this big-ass gun
      -i would just wish that they would compensate the lack of gold and give it the original gun stats they announced:
      Aim time 3.2 instead of 3.4
      Rate of fire 3 instead of 2.73 and so on...

    9. LoL, reading ''vastly superior'' and ''128 mm'' in the same sentence
      -my experience with the 128 mm gun on E75, VK 45, Maus and stock E100 has taught me that the 128 mm is not superior in anything, other than a minimal alpha advantage against other guns....

    10. Someone has never heard of the HE-100! Even though it is a gag, a decent player can actually troll with HE with the 150mm gun just fine. Just point and click while they have to aim for weakspots because you have tons of armor.

  10. The E100 struggles I see a fire sale when my Vk gets replaced.

  11. I'm surprised they came up with the idea, knowing the shitstorm that will follow (OMG, can't shoot full HEAT, my stats are ruined, useless vehicle, FU WG!).

    It's actually a nice balance. Now if they'd buff that tumor on top (as in making it smaller and harder to hit or better armored) and add some weak spots on the side/rear for balance, we could have a rather nice vehicle. Strong armor and good damage (if hitting vehicles from the flank), balanced by being very slow, crappy maneuverability, nice artillery target, inaccurate gun with slow rate of fire and low pen. Basically, a slow moving bunker good at soaking up damage from the front. It could also have limited MM, as in not being put in Tier VII matches, where it would be a nightmare.

    Too bad they can't also give it some sort of unhistorical 88 mm L/120 something gun. I'd love a Tier IX Matilda with 240-250 pen, 10-12 rpm, 0.3 accuracy and 240 dmg. That would be a fun to drive without being OP.

    1. Thanks god the devs are not taking advice from you....

    2. Indeed, the Matilda is such a crappy vehicle, right?

    3. >I'm surprised they came up with the idea, knowing the shitstorm that will follow (OMG, can't shoot full HEAT, my stats are ruined, useless vehicle, FU WG!).

      Let them whine. We don't need statpadders sHEAT-spamming more than they already are or a flood of Mauschen, let them play their E 100 on Tier 10.

      This will be interesting, I never tried the 15cm monster, glad I own a VK. :)

    4. You won't see me starting an "Occupy WG HQ" movement for all the poor guys who won't be able to right-click most of the things they meet in order to buff their all-important WN (check Morfeusz33's comment below). The problem is that SerB requires a certain amount of tears to be offered at his altar. If that requirement is fulfilled, he comes down and bestows his mercy upon the supplicants: camo nerf, view range nerf, soon the infamous pen nerf too (and that WILL come) etc.

  12. sounds like my kind of tank because i make the e-100 work with no gold so i reckon this thing will be a lot of fun :D

    1. The E-100 has a vastly superior 15cm and the 235 pen is very workable. This thing may as well have a derp gun with its current gun stats xD

  13. ¨Cool, 2900 avg dmg on the E-100 at tier 9 with only ap comming up.

  14. I've always wondered about pen of guns in the game seeing 80% of the guns in the game were tested in Aberdeen in Maryland that data is in the public domain.

  15. If they remove the HEAT ammo for the T-54, too; WG would be on the right way to balance WoT.

    1. If they'd do that (and to the Tier X Russian MTs), half the purple players would quit.

    2. No one missing the gold ammo only bobs statpadding wanna be unicums.

    3. If banning gold made the whiners and ragers quit, all for it. Nevermind that I drive TDs and lights that depend on reliable penetration from sometimes unfavorable angles... I would happily trade gold for pleasant and sporting high tier matches.

    4. if i was given the option of removing the gold ammo or removing the apparently unhistorical front armour i would say screw the gold ammo i want the armour because thats the part of the tank which mainly differentiates it from other tier 9 meds.

      it would also be nice to see a decline in the numbers of unicunts who do nothing but spam full gold in high dpm tanks which are balanced by comparatively low pen such as the t-54.

      watching people like qb play makes me cringe because there is no hesitation to load gold when ever they bounce a single shot off of a heavy doing its job so loading the gold just makes that heavy useless.

    5. @missingturret and DEANO GTO: YES!! THANK YOU!! This is what I have believed all along. Heavy tanks and assault gun TDs have been pretty useless in this game for a while now, because their only strength (good armor) is completely negated by tanks up to two tiers below them just spamming gold. Remove the gold, give the heavies their usefulness back, and let the unicum wannabes and whiners quit.

  16. You mean the BK5M heat rounds issued to the soviet army with the 390 pen

  17. I don't think prem eliminated but capped as a percentage of total ammo capacity.

  18. Just remove gold ammo altogether and everything will be fine.

  19. Lets remove the term historical as well

  20. Do this to all tanks and the game might actually be fun to play for once

  21. 1st of all let me apologize. I'm a believer in what is, is what was, was. Facts are facts. I generally don't want things bent to my whims, will, or desires. Serb is the final authority and what I or anyone else wants is of no consequence. If they make a tank unplayable I'll change as I must adapt to the developer and not the other way around. I'm going to miss my t-40.

  22. Very interesting. On one hand I doubt that they will implement it with this feature. But, if they would, it would be a very interesting choice.
    I think it is a rather poor choice to balance the vehicle. It will mean that this tank will rule when top tier and will be useless in tier 10.
    I seriously doubt this will be implemented, or if it will the normal AP shell has to have at elast over 250mm of penetration.

  23. Only for is7 i get out my gold...
    15cm gun got plenty pen... and up close its easy to hit

  24. (1)

    I will always say a word against "gold spamers" trash talk.

    First and the most important) not illegal is to use gold ammo.

    Second) „You are gold spamer” - easy ... i do not use this a lot because i do not play a lot from a moment when i saw in this year that WoWs will be finally released normally someday. WoWs will fit me much more when WOT is. (problems with quick reactions needed in WOT; WoWs slower game – not maybe much but still – this difference will fit me more).

    Third) Gold spamers trash talk … some day in the past i saw video from famous and nice guy (not Jingles, not QB, not Rita :D …) who is excellent WOT player with super stats. It was platoon and he was using IS-7. Platoonmate asked him – hey (…) do you have gold in your IS-7 – i hope. Answer was made - of course man only gold with this gun … :D … Soo nobody should say trash talk about gold spamers when in certain tanks even in random battle good players use mostly gold ammo …


    About Mauschen 150 mm gun … first – i think 128mm gun in Mauschen should be better to use. Mauschen with 150 mm gun will have too low damage per minute and too long reload allowing enemies to fire being save from return shoot. If i will ever play Mauschen - low chance because i like very much soviet heavy tanks and play when most of the time - i will use 128 mm gun.

    And no HEAT ammo in 150 mm gun in Mauschen – nice idea to balance this … REALLY !!

    1. (Morpheus meme)
      -What if I told you that the 150 mm gun has more dpm than the 128 mm gun ?

      Going by the last numbers that were given on FTR on Mauschen's guns:

      128 mm - RoF 4 - stock reload: 14.38 s - DPM: 2044
      150 mm - Rof 2.73 - stock reload: 21.1 s - DPM: 2133

      -the same is true for the 128 and 150 mm on E100, with even a larger difference in DPM. The 128 mm is all in all a crappy gun on ALL german heavys, too long reload, too long aim time, mediocre pen for not that much dmg.

    2. Because of some strange computer problems i am writing this response third time in a row the same words lol .... To the point.

      150mm has more dpm ? Ok. I won't argue with numbers but i am still quite sure that it was not like this all the time. But you put numbers. Ok. Let them stay.

      Maybe this is how they want to balance 150mm in Mauschen - no gold ammo but better dpm ?

      Now with no gold ammo in 150mm for gun in Mauschen i have new argument to say that only 128mm wil be real option to use in this tank. You want to have max penetration like normal ammo in IS-3 tier 8 tank ? In tier 9 heavy tank lol ?? Sorry ... even with more dpm i would say sorry but no.

    3. I understand why the 128 mm will be a logical alternative gun. But I don't think the 225 pen will be a problem. I have played a lot of battles with the VK 4502 B with the second gun (225 pen/320 dmg) and the only thing you can't pen reliably at tier 9 are E75, T95 and another VK 45. So when top tier, It will not be that big of an issue, just gotta go close to the enemy. But you will be screwed somewhat in tier 10 matches.
      150 mm gun - better gun when top tier
      128 mm gun - better when in tier 10 (but still a crappy gun)

    4. And yeah, there was always a DPM difference between the 2 guns, cause the 128 mm is a crappy gun. E100 example (his 2 guns even have the same aim time!):
      128 mm gun - RoF 4.2 - stock reload 13.71 s - DPM: 2144
      150 mm gun - RoF 3 - stock reload: 19.18 s - DPM: 2346
      -so on the 150 mm gun you get 53 % more alpha dmg AND 9.4 % more DPM than on the 128 mm (which is a crap gun)

    5. You know, all i said about guns for Mauschen, was my personal opinion - opinion from some one who plays over 75% heavy tanks but over 51% soviet tanks. Soo i am, myself, open to say that i "do not feel other tanks" as much.

      Words that 128mm is crap gun still sounds too harsh for me. Crap gun ? Ok, what you will have with 150mm here ? Longer reload time, much worse penetration with no option to use super penetrating gold ammo, worse accuracy ... I won't say that 128mm german heavy tank gun is good one but comparing to 150mm gun which is planned for Mauschen ... Will be quite risky to use that still - lower chance to penetrate and lower chance to shoot at weakspot with much longer reload time. Well ...

      But in the end ... Who i am to say about german heavy tanks. I play them very little and it won't change at all. My amount of battles in Mauschen could never be more then 99 battles. Soo, this is all my opinions that really could not be close to true. I just "feel that way". But in this matter i am really open to take critisicm from others who will find 150mm gun to be better.

      Good luck to all.

  25. Good to know. I might have bought it if it had gold.
    Thx to that info i wont bother...

  26. Ppl just jumping in joy but this tank will be virtually unplayable, except when it is top tier on a city map and without too many tier 9 meds/arties. WIth worse hp/ton than the Maus and worse suspension performance (yes take a minute to assimilate that) and more weakspots compared to Maus and E-100 this thing would be just a practicing slow-moving target for most of the time. Jeez - am I the only one to see this is another nail in the cоffin of WoT.

    1. For some reason there are several person who like to repeat "another nail in the coffin of WoT" too much, huh?

      "Removing gold ammo for a gun alternative of a single tank will destroy the game!"

      "How come a tank with SAME layout with the best armored tank in the game could have a (not really relevant) weakspot and worse HP/ton when it's ONE TIER LOWER?!"

      F U and go to the other tank game that you choose. WoT will be much better without ppl pike you.

    2. We don't need xp pinata supporters here either.

  27. Ppl just jumping in joy but this tank will be virtually unplayable, except when it is top tier on a city map and without too many tier 9 meds/arties. WIth worse hp/ton than the Maus and worse suspension performance (yes take a minute to assimilate that) and more weakspots compared to Maus and E-100 this thing would be just a practicing slow-moving target for most of the time. Jeez - am I the only one to see this is another nail in the cоffin of WoT.

  28. I still remember how they didn't wanted to give Sturer Emil gold ammo because "it would be OP" LOL all that while stronk sovjet SU-152 has 250mm pen HEAT shell with 700 dmg on T7....very stronk balance,yes. They are just disgusting.

  29. as maus owners, will we have this tank fully researched in our garage?
    actually i have e-100 too, if it's same gun, it will be researched also.

    1. If you have a VK4502B unlocked than you DEFINITELY will have this tank unlocked. Whether or not it will be fully upgraded is a different question.

  30. I can't wait to farm this tank with my E-100 as an example. Since it moves like a T95 and turns worse than a T95, and now gets a completely gimped 15cm, it will be extremely fun to farm damage off of it. That's if arty won't get it first, since they are definitely going to have a field day against it.

  31. @Zeroyuki92

    Another wot troll crying it seems. Wot is going down, not so fast but clearly in the past few months - from revenue drop in some regions to the obvious withdrawl of ppl - at least on the EU server. In my clan several of the top players stopped playing WOT and switched to other games, which is a shame cause we can't put even a clan war team of 15 now. Once AW open test things will get even worse.

    "How come a tank with SAME layout with the best armored tank in the game could have a (not really relevant) weakspot and worse HP/ton when it's ONE TIER LOWER?!"

    Point is there's no point of such tank on tier 9 as a nerfed copy of Maus. Making already quite limited tier 10 tank worse in virtually everything - mobility, armour and gun power, doesn't make it proper tier 9 heavy.

  32. Gold ammo should be removed all together and changed with the same price ammo that has more pen than regular ammo but significantly less dmg. Say, gun with 200mm penetrations gets 230 penetration with high penetration shells and if the gun in that case has 260 alpha dmg with the regular ammo it should also have 200 alpha dmg with the new ammo, which means for every point you gain for the pen you lose approximately 2 points from alpha dmg on an alternative high pen shell. I also think HE shells on most guns should be reworked as they are not used on a regular basis and that should be changed. More dmg for HE shells on all guns, save the arty. The selection of shells should be serious skill in the game to compensate for the removal of prem shells as they exist now. I am not however in favor of removing the prem shells without reworking the shells completely to match very strong armored vehicles such as Maus, E100, IS4 E75, ST1 etc. On most maps and in most situations these tanks could have godlike performance.
