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Saturday, 21 March 2015

Removal of Limited MM Prems, Supertest Impressions

Hello warriors,

two pieces of interesting news. Some of you noticed already: there is no M10/Panther in the ingame shop in the 0.9.7 test - you can't test that vehicle anymore. The thing is, many speculate (and some leakers confirm) that this is the initial stage of the removal of the premium MM vehicles from sale, as was announced some time ago by Storm.

Second piece of news concerns the supertest Japanese Tiger and the Type 59/Patton hybrid gameplay from supertest. Both vehicles have - as announced earlier - full matchmaking, this is intentional. According ton supertesters, the hybrid is very unattractive and boring, but the Tiger actually does really well against tier 6 and 7 vehicles, however - as expected - when meeting tier 8 tanks, its penetration is no longer enough, it's fun though.


  1. So they remove:
    - T343
    - Matilda4
    - SP
    - M10
    - Su85?
    - IS6

    etc from store.
    Nice list of around 10 tanks they cant cash in anymore...
    while announcing tanks like T59hyb and crappy Kanonenjagdpanzer?

    I wonder how their profits turn out end of the year.^^

    1. and They will remove 8.8cm JagdTiger, T26E4 Super Pershing, FCM 50T in game shop. They have also limited MM.

    2. I know, got all of them.... :D
      (except M10... ueww)

      Pershing and T343 were even a WG gift lolz.
      RNG gives it and RNG takes it i guess ...

      Right now its just a shame so much fun tanks get removed...
      they are perfectly fine in therms of MM and such.

      Like there wont be complains if there is a kJP on ur team on tier 10.
      srly i shoot that thing....
      i even laugh at any Panther88 i encounter and try to hunt em down (there aint many around ... i wonder why... )
      oh right, cause they are all the missbrand of "stock tank in to high tier!

    3. ps... wana fix MM really?

      how about block 1000< games player from buying Tier8 :)
      Plenty examples are online...
      Jingles does showcase one right now (Violet Stet Pedder or "Good bad Ugly 7)

    4. Churchill III got also limited MM

    5. SU-85i has full MM though...

  2. Yo... To all those buttmad bitches, youve had years to get these vehicles. Dont cry when theyre removed, just get the ones you want now and save the tears for the daychuck norris dies.

  3. If you have noticed rita the Tog II and FCM 36 Pak 40 are also missing from the test 2 tech tree's.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. But FCM PaK has full MM...

    1. but un-nerfed view range and camo. It is a good seal clubber.

  5. Don't worry, there are a ton of new premium vehicles coming for you idiots to spend real money on.

  6. Wow so much hate...

    Its funny that WG said they weren't removing preferred my premiums. Watch... The tier 8s are next when their new premiums don't sell.

  7. So, are they removing all of the tanks that have preferential MM in the next patch, or are they doing it gradually?

  8. ..well, this weekend u have big discounts on premium tanks (50-30%), so u can still buy them...
    I for myself will wait for the Japan tiger, T6 should be cheap and with good potential (fun/xp bonus/credits)..

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Seriously WG, I'm so confused since patch9.6. What kind of game do you want WoT to be??

    Premium vehicles is a way for people like me to have fun. I have a busy job and I can't throw thousands of hours into game like kids. Especially vehicle with limited MM are fun to use.

    I think the best way to work this our is fix MM.
    1st count player's personal rating into.
    2nd Tanks will only meet 1 tier higher or lower, those will be a kind of solution.

    Finally, along with MT pen nerf problem, to those who call others 'no skill' or 'gold spammer' or 'prem tank idiots':
    1: Stop use word 'skill' if you are not a pro player( = make money and live on play WoT ), because nobody think your 'skill' is a good investment and yes, you are just amateur like 90% of other player.
    2: Gold shell is in the game, why not use them? Crazy got kill by gold shell? Well you jump out corner at a wrong timing with overconfidence and underestimate, don't blame your own fault on others!
    3: Do not hash to people who pay money, they keep the game running. If you want to play free all the time fine, but don't cry when they stop service due to finance reason

    1. I wouldn't like the tier spread in the current mm to be changed. Sure someimes it sucks when you are in a battle and can't do much simply because your vehicle is incapable to do so but on the other hand there's also the joy of being hightier when you can basically decide the outcome of the battle. I personally even prefered the old mm with a +/- 4 tierspread. The role of the high tier was much more important back then. They allready turned it down to +/- 2 because of too many whiners.

    2. So you think the low tiers are made to be fishes in a barrel? Lol, think about the new players man. That sounds quite cruel

    3. (Even for good players it's already hard to carry tier 7s in your tier 5 or tier 9s in you tier 7)
