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Saturday, 21 March 2015

New Medals in Supertest

Hello warriors, here are several new medals from the supertest client. Four are for team battles, one is for special April 1st "fun" mode

"Tactical Advantage"

- Destroy all enemy vehicles, you must not lose more than 1 vehicle of the lowest tier;
- Win in battle;
- Awarded to all the players of the winning team;
- The vehicle lost must not be higher than tier 7;
- Training victories do not count;
- Awarded only in team battle mode in ladder battles.

"Secret Operations"

- Win by capturing enemy base with two or more vehicles or win by capturing both bases with one or more vehicle each;
- All the vehicles participating in the capture have to gain capture points;
- If any enemies make you lose capture progress by shooting you, medal is not awarded;
- Training victories do not count;
- Awarded only in team battle mode in ladder battles.

"Tactical Mastery"

- Win and destroy all enemy vehicles while not losing a single tank on your side;
- Awarded to all the players of the winning team;
- Training victories do not count;
- Awarded only in team battle mode in ladder battles.

"Victory March"

- Win least three times in a row while not changing your team;
- Training victories do not count;
- Awarded only in team battle mode in ladder battles.

"Level 80 Artillery Tester"

- Get the secret gun, complete the secret task;
- Awarded during the April 1st event of 2015.


  1. hmm.....i hope they dont delay the 1 april event like the winter showdown;-)

  2. OH BOY new medals nobody cares about
    its not like we get 5-10 per game round!

  3. Do you have an ideia what is the "secret task"?

  4. "Level 80 Artillery Tester"


  5. "Level 80 Artillery Tester"
    Testing extremely OP arty? Similar to Karl much?

    1. If tiers 1-10 span about 40 years, 80 puts us somewhere into the 23rd century. Orbital bombardments? :P

    2. But.. but we have that already.

    3. Orbital implies weapons platforms, i.e. stationed there... Think the soviets carried a small 23mm cannon on one of their 70s temporary space stations and there were a few cosmonauts with handguns (to stave off the wildlife after landing in uninhabited territory iirc), but that's fortunately about as far as the weaponization of space has gone.

    4. In other word, Lunar Chaffee.

  6. Good we have the roflstomp medals. 15:0 or 15:1...those tomatoes never knew what hit them...

    "Here have some bling so at least there is a little fun gained from that match." :/

  7. Wow, it's not like teambattles (and company battles) are totally obsolete since we have stronghold battles where you regulary get 1000 gold or 7 days premium for completing the stronghold (war department) missions....
