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Sunday, 8 March 2015

Let's chat

So it's now a week since the blog officially started.

There is a lot of work involved, I always respected SilentStalker for all he has done for the community but now that I’m trying to fill his shoes only can say that it has made me respect him even more. My salute to him!

I knew about the risks I was taking by accepting the baton but decided to go ahead mainly for you all, the community, you have been so overwhelmingly positive towards this decision, wasn't expecting so many support, I’m still fresh (and enjoying it a lot) and can assure I’m doing my best to keep you up to date with everything.

I've been receiving many questions and advises and I’m trying to answer to most but been hard as messages are flooding in from all my other pages, that is why I’m creating this post, your opinion and support matters to me.
For example, been noticing many of you been asking if there will be historical articles like on FTR. Yes, there will be.
And many people were telling that they wanted to support but my Patreon page wasn't launched, fixed that too, will also post a monthly thank you with everyone nicknames.

Let’s chat…


  1. I'm liking it so far, but there's 1 main request that I have
    Would it be possible to translate Jove's "developer answers" videos to English and post the main points on here with a link to the video? They have some pretty good info in those from what I've heard, but I don't speak russian and Google's translated subtitles aren't much help either.

    1. Problem is that Rita dont speak russian like SilentStalker....but i think there will be a way to get this infos for us

    2. That is true, however, I bet someone in the community will offer help to do so.

    3. Yeah, I was thinking someone else could translate them and send them to Rita to post here.

    4. Oh, also, I just noticed: there's no "edit comment - available for 5min" type of thing, so you have to post a new comment every time you want to say something new. I think a timed edit function would be nice (something like the 5 minutes you were given on FTR) so you could change things if you needed to but after a certain time, you couldn't change/remove it.

    5. I do have help with translations, don't see why it wont happen. :)

    6. You could just learn Russian in your spare time. ;^)

    7. I can translate but I'm Russian and I'm too lazy for this... Miss that Czech guy

    8. There is no real reason to actually trabslate Jove's videos. He has no "exclusive" answers, he takes the from the same sources I did and Rita does now or he did take them sometimes directly from FTR (resp. Russian translations of FTR insider info).

    9. There is fta group in where the leaks appear

  2. Replies
    1. I am Baroness, as a part time.

    2. as for her replying...emails etc...remember this isn't her full-time job, it's "fun"...and while SS had a lot of support this "pur beknighted lass" has no help at all...bgw me'darlin' put up a tip jar on your main page so you can accept donations!!!!!!!

      that way you can, get some recompense on the expenses involved with pleasing 40-50,000 readers! I'll hit it from time to time. Use paypal and the otherone SS used...

  3. Sent rita an email regarding my t-62 historical article no replies after 3 days ;(

    1. She is swamped mate. Dont worry. It might take time, but I am sure she will post the wondrous tale of the captured T-62 :D

    2. Yisi will be done fore sure, sorry that im taking so much time to answer, giving most of the time to put things up for the blog and stream/youtube, also have cats and house to take care. catching up on all the messages as fast as possible! <3

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rita?
    Would it be possible for you to incorporate all the old historical articles from FTR?
    These ones:

    1. Is it necessary though? As I've understood, FTR will stay online, hence the ads there now. Or am I wrong?

    2. I think he means for the future historical articles, but i can add a source for the older ones too.

  6. Thank you for saying there will be historical posts, was worryed about that.

    1. Anything to keep most happy, and they are too interesting to not be shared, already got contacted for permission and said yes to all.

  7. As I said before, Rita, thankyou very much for taking on this task and responsibility! I'm sure that in time this blog will stand on it's own, not just as a "FTR substitute" (as you do with your other stuff). You're already doing a great job! Oh, and I'm delighted to hear about the historical articles. All the best to you Rita! :)

  8. Rita,

    What's the "official" abbreviation of your blog's name? ;) Is it RSR? I also saw SR used elsewhere, but I think it's not as distinctive.

    It's a minor thing, of course, but I guess it's worth deciding early on, for consistency reasons.

    1. I'd call it RSI... because you're likely to get RSI if you update it as frequently as FTR was :P

    2. Just call it "Status Report" SR! just like you are replacing 2 cents

    3. Rita's Status Report ( RSR ) sound great

  9. Just a side note: I like all of these Star Trek pictures. Thank you for your work. :)

  10. I'd say don't be too shy to accept donations. This is more or less a second job.

    1. Yeah I've always been extremely shy towards that, i dont like to ask like most do, i want to deserve it. But you are right, stream, youtube and now blog are my full time job. :)

    2. This mantle you've accepted, is a 2nd job...don't be hesitant about asking for $$$ to offset the...time and effort you're going to give. You'll find that many of us "out there in the interwebs" will toss you coins from time to time...just don't be shy about putting the hat out!

  11. ...i have a question, will you add some polls too? (like we had in FTR), e.g. Do u like the idea to add more/so many premium vehicles/ or What u think about the daily login bonus...etc)

    1. Definitely! That's something i do on a frequent basis on streams, will do the same here. :)

  12. technical: will you continue to use blogger (blogspot)?
    if you will have all the readers from FTR, i think there will be problems with the bandwidth...

    1. If there is a option to pay for bandwidth i will, that's main reason i also created the patron, to help with any blog costs. :)

    2. You like star trek?
      Or is this just coincidence?

    3. Miguel im crazy about Star Trek

  13. Hey thanks for this blog. I dont think we should be asking u to make a FTR #2 because this would be probably not fun. Maybe do it your way and we will see how it goes :))

  14. You're doing well rita and provide quite a diversity within WoT

    Also, it is nice that this blog supports OpenID, so i can use my WoT account here (wasn't possible on FTR)

    1. How?? Would love to know how you pulled it off.

    2. @jackofcodes
      log in to, manage your account and you will have "your OpenID:" there, Reply as : OpenID and copy your ID from wargaming site

  15. Could you add a search button like we had on Ftr? It would be very usefull because your blog can not be found on google (yet).

    1. Will work on that, thanks for the advice! :)

    2. It is nice to support you Rita, thanks for all the work already!

  16. Do you want Wargaming Eu to have to logic bonus Su-100y Mission super bad like me??

    1. Ohhh i do so much want it! Have the tank, just really want that free compensation gold! :D

    2. Yea that would be nice :3 Congrats with the page, looking forward to see it grow :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. GOOD! don't hesitate to delete the asshole comments!

    2. Looks like he removed himself, didn't even had time to read, such efficiency. :)

  18. Hello from the Amsterdam area
    Good luck and thanks for the time and effort Rita

  19. Test:)

    hi there:) will read your blog daily an give you feedback:)

  20. Hi, thanks for the blog. Just one thing: any way for you to allow post editing?

  21. I assume blogspot supports categories ("specials","Q&A", "supertest" etc) just like WoT-news did, would you mind applying them to your posts? Makes it easier to find things back as I have a sneaking suspicion you'll be posting almost as much as SS :)

  22. Nobody gave a fuck about Silent Stalker. I thought he was an asshole who didn't know shit about WOT's, but I read his blog daily because he had the best gossip about WOT's. I never read a single historical article (who cares?). Keep up the gossip and you will keep the readers, but why would you use a picture of that bitch Kate Mulgrew. Voyager was one of the worst TV programs EVER and she was reason it sucked as shes a crap actress.

    1. yet another negative comment Mark, seems to be a trend with you. maybe you should stop coming on this Blog if you don't like it. as for historical articles, they are for those of us who enjoy facts and have an IQ a lot higher than a troll.

    2. "Nobody gave a fuck about Silent Stalker."

      And yet, you leeched off him by reading his content without donating.

      Plenty of people enjoyed the the historical content. If you don't like it, move along and stop whining.

    3. Mark West
      I indeed sir, WTF are you even commenting here if SS was such a horrible asshole? Seriously though, running a blog/info site like this takes fuckall effort and having idiots like you comment doesn't make it any easier.

    4. Well, if you read his blog, it means that you don't as "don't give a fuck about him" as you say, or that is quite hypocritical. Want to have best leak about wot? Learn Russian and you'll have a lot more.
      You may don't give a fuck about historical stuff, but I don't, and I assume I am not the only one.
      If you've never seen a meme on the internet, I can't do anything for you.

    5. Your personality is disgusting... You must be very popular. :)

      Anyway... Voyager was and still is one of the most beloved Star Trek series among the fanbase. The fact that you hate doesnt mean shit! :)

    6. PS: I hate having no edit post option... -_-

  23. i'd just like to thank you Rita for taking over where FTR left off and im glad to see the WoT community are accepting you. its also nice to see more people coming to your stream and helping to support you too.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. When accessed via smartphone, it shows 2 home buttons (no big deal, though)

    1. Checking that out, think i know what it is, thank you

  26. I just want that you're doing an amazing job so far and I would like to say thanks for writing about legal and Illegal mods.

  27. If you are anything like Janeway, I don't want to chat with you :P

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I have no doubts this page is going to be nothing short of Stellar. Keep up the amazing Effort Rita. Just set up a Patreon Donation (Thanks for fixing it, I mentioned that is was busted on your stream the other day too) <3

    1. Yep Patreon is now fixed, its at the right side bar of the front page bellow my social pages. Thank you. :)

  30. good luck with the project Rita! :)


    So Rita, personal question about world of tanks vs war thunder gf. What would you add (game mechanics wise) from one game to another? (IE, multiturret from wt gf to wot)

  32. Rita,
    SS's shoes are some pretty big ones to fill. That being said, if you always try and report what is told to you (making sure that you "weigh" the value of that info) and discern that which is speculation from that which is fact, you'll be fine.

    I run a political blog in the US (it's mostly US politics, with some exceptions), and it can sometimes be difficult to winnow out the truth from the chaff that surrounds it...but any way, you're doing fine. You're entertaining and you differentiate that which is your opinion and that which you believe to be factual. For us English speakers, that's enough. SS & FTR was our only source to what the Soviet (Russian? LOL) speaking Dev's thought. Thanks for picking up the gauntlet, it's not an easy task you've set yourself upon...but I think you'll find (with only a few exceptions) that MANY of your readers will support you in whatever you publish.

    Rich Vail
    VANDL NA Server

  33. I will only leave my encouragement and say that the blog is great. I've read every post to date. I was huge fan of FtR but this is your blog and I fully expect it to reflect your style and personality... And that is a positive. Good Luck Rita!

  34. Hey Rita, do you plan to make "let's chat" frequently or is it just one time? :(

    1. If i feel there is necesity, yes, definitely :)

  35. how about some high grade Rita sarcasm occasionally plis XD

  36. Hi Rita,

    The content on the blog is good and I hope you'll have a lot of fun doing this.
    But the look of the blog could do some rework:
    • Timestamps on individual posts so you can clearly see the day on which they were posted.
    • Better separation between posts, so you don't read over multiple posts in one time.

    Otherwise I think you're doing great and I wish you the best!

    theolice[-JP-] from the EU-cluster

  37. gl & hf, Rita :)

    love the memes :)

    and can I get 'older post'/'newer post' buttons on top the articles also (too lazy to scroll through all the comments)


  38. So far i am very positively surprised with the new blog.

    Wish you the best for your future Rita, and thanks for the good work you are putting in. :)

  39. Apart from blogspots tendencies to make my eyes bleed it is a damn HUGE sink of time you went into Rita... With close to no payback except a good feeling, but at a high price... Dont burn out! Streaming, youtube and this might be a little bit to much to handle...

    1. PS: I would love to have the ability to edit my posts -_-

    2. Im currently checking if can allow comments to be edited, cant find anything. -.-

  40. I have nothing bad to say about you taking up the mantle, it's a transition to make, but mixing things up is never a bad thing. Plus SS is getting a paying job for what he was doing, so another reason not to get upset and pout.

    That said, blogspot...
    Jesus tapdancing Christ, blogspot.
    Wordpress might not be the summum of technical perfection, but for a site like this, it would have been so much better, both to for readers to use, for contributors, admins and for analysing data ( 10 cheers for the jetpack addon for WP )

    If one day you're looking to change, feel free to message me or something, because it would be an act of charity and kindness of the heart and soul for me to make someone migrate from blogspot.

    1. Thank you for wanting to help, wont saw isn't not gonna happen so if it may... ;)

    2. In any case, glad to see you taking up the challenge.
      While I'm not one to watch streams, so part of the blog is lost on me, I'm liking the differences for the moment.

      Good luck !

  41. Hello Rita from RU servers.I just wanted to ask for your help. I am English speaking player at RU servers and i'd like to contact/platoon or just want to have some fun with other people who speak English.Could you please a post about a player who is looking for some English players on ru servers and hit me up if there are any :) dklochko

  42. Olá Ritinha! ;-)

    A week after FTR oficially closing, I can't say I miss it...You are doing a pretty good work!

    Keep it up!

    Bom trabalho! :-)

  43. Hello Rita. I congrats you for the great job and all the stuff that are you doing for us
    I beg you, can you feed us with upcoming missions, top of the tree. It is very, very helpfull to make a strategy in time. Again thank you very much for all.
    Best regards!

  44. For example, this weekend is "saint Patrick's day event. I wonder what discounts and offers it include, for us to prepair in time the tanks needed.
    Thank you.

  45. Hello Rita,

    first of all I'd like to express my appreciation for picking up what SilentStalker's left behind, many WOT players are happy that the blog continues.

    Then though, as I've been reading your posts I noticed a lot of grammar mistakes which are kind of disturbing for this kind of a thing. And so it occured to me that as I'm having a lot of free time lately I might as well help you with something and do something for the community out there (like QCing the articles, fixing grammar and stuff).

    Also as SilentStalker was a czech I guess you are, too (?). I'm from Slovakia which means that no misunderstandings due to language should happen.

    Moreover I'm studying informatics so I could possibly help you with technical stuff around the blog as well.

    What do you say?

    1. Rita isn't Czech, I think she's Southern Portugal (wonder why she uses .nl domain, though).

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Thank you for continuing the blog. Silent Stalker did a great job. It was the best source of information about WOT if you did not speak Russian. I think you will do as good a job as he, but will change to fit your personality and style. You are doing a great job.

  48. I appreciate all you are doing. So far it has been awesome. thanks

  49. Looks good so far, I'm worried it might grind you down a bit, it seems like a huge commitment. Still so far so good, keep it up.

  50. Looks good so far, I'm worried it might grind you down a bit, it seems like a huge commitment. Still so far so good, keep it up.

  51. awesome job so far, will be coming back regularly


  52. Thank you for carrying the torch Rita. Great job. Had been reading SS since he was in the official forums and was sad to hear he was finally hanging it up. Keep up the good work!!

  53. Will there be coffee in that nebula?

  54. I'd like to continue with my articles on tank camouflage and tactical markings, if you were interested in my contribution. I also have my own blog now.

  55. so, where's your contact email so we can send you stuff?, can't find it in any of the about pages

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Muchas gracias for keeping up with SS's work Rita, old fan of his work and I'm liking your blog a lot and to further compliment you I do have to say your writing skills are great.

    Cheers from Venezuela.

  58. Muchas gracias for keeping up with SS's work Rita, old fan of his work and I'm liking your blog a lot and to further compliment you I do have to say your writing skills are great.

    Cheers from Venezuela.

  59. Muchas gracias for keeping up with SS's work Rita, old fan of his work and I'm liking your blog a lot and to further compliment you I do have to say your writing skills are great.

    Cheers from Venezuela.
