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Friday, 20 March 2015

Kanonenjagdpanzer - Tier 8 Premium TD


First Kanonenjagdpanzer prototypes were built by Hanomag and Henschel for the West German army in 1960 and continued to be built until 1967. In total, 770 were built for the Bundeswehr and 80 for the army of Belgium. However, between 1983 and 1985, this TD stopped being sufficient for the needs of modern warfare. One part of them was converted to recon vehicles, the other to rocket tank destroyers. In the territorial armies however the Kanonenjagdpanzer (also known as Jagdpanzer Kanone 90mm) stayed until 1990.

Characteristics for 100 percent crew, unlimited MM:

Tier: 8 TD
Hitpoints: 1200
Engine: 500 hp
Weight: 25,7 tons
Power-to-weight: 19,46 hp/t
Maximum speed: 70/20 km/h
Hull traverse: 42 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,863/1,055/2,301
Viewrange: 360
Radio range: 750

Hull armor: 30/30/?

Gun: 90mm
Damage: 240
Penetration: 190
ROF: 9,626
DPM: 2310,3
Reload: 6,233
Accuracy: 0,336
Aimtime: 1,92s
Depression: -8
Gun traverse: 15 degrees to each side




  1. Absolutely amazing :) Finally they decided to add it!

    1. there is one at the tank museum Munster, Germany. ist next to the LEO PTA at the entrance gate ..seems like it has the same gun as the RU251??

    2. I thought that looked familier

  2. Why do I see this as a tier VIII E 25?

    1. Because that is what it is...sans the premium MM. Since it is being added after the camo changes, does anyone know if this one not get the pre-nerf changes like the E25 gets (camo bonus after firing)?

    2. technically its a Jagdpanzer 4

  3. ...I just noticed that the gun penetration is extraordinarily underwhelming for a tier 8 vehicle.

    That needs to get bumped down to tier 7. 190 pen doesn't really cut mustard and, frankly, the DPM really isn't that impressive for a tier 8 TD either.

    1. It's on supertest, stats aren't final.

    2. 190 can work. I work with less in other tanks.

    3. there are so many tanks who do it with less (t-44) + great mobility and probably great camo as well

    4. Either make it tier 7, but there is the E25, Or make it tier 8 with high dpm... i have no problem with 190 pen, i am used to 175pen, and since this is fast, it should be no problem

    5. i made the t-44 work with 175 pen the key difference is that the t-44 is very mobile has half decent armour and has a turret this doesnt have any armour it might be quick but wont have a turret so if this thing meets tier 10s? it will be useless with 190 pen. to put that shit pen it to perspective the jagdpanther has more at tier 7 on the 105 and the 88. pen doesn tmatter as much on heavies or mediums but for tank destroyers that is a very important characteristic and it doesnt have a machine gun like the e-25 so spamming shots until they start penning wont work either.

    6. Consider it to be the T8 Jagdpanzer IV, so I doubt they will buff the pen but likely they will buff the DPM and other gun handling stats by a good shot (so I hope at least).

    7. To those that say that 190 works on other tanks, I remind you that those "other tanks" are tanks (usually mediums or lights), not TDs. Those "other tanks" have turrets and are going to be able to easily flank much of the time, whereas a TD, particularly one without a turret, isn't going to be as easily able to engage as a flanker.

      I foresee a lot of gold rounds being shot from this thing when people can't get side shots at a decent range.

    8. Deano, in reference to your comments on the T-44, the T-44's top guns have decidedly lackluster pen for a tier 8 medium tank, most particularly when it has to face tier 10 enemies. And while this TD does have a little better pen than the T-44, it also doesn't have a turret.

    9. for a 90mm gun with 190 pen on a very mobile stealthy tank, that DPM is actually very nice already.

  4. Looks good, although it can not beat the E25. And it can see tier 10...

  5. Is it just me, or does that 90mm gun stike you as a bit sad on a tier 8 TD as well?

  6. Replies
    1. But light tank mobility. People thought the same thing about the E-25. And it did suck....for people not driving them.

    2. Give it 2.5k+ dpm and a half decent gold round, and they can shut up and take my money.

  7. Super Hetzer? Hmm...I like. Time to add yet another premium German TD to my lineup....although I do still need to break down & buy the JT88 sometime.

  8. What's special about this one ? It looks booring with 190 pen and that crappy alpha

    1. Nearly 20 hp/t, 70 kph, very small so likely great camo value. Yeah, "nothing special at all".

      Do you people only ever look at alpha damage and gun pen? Then again, I've seen camping Hellcats and E-25s that refuse to move 100m from where they spawned.

    2. The alpha I can deal with. The pen seems rather low, PARTICULARLY since it won't have pref MM like the E-25.

      Still, I have to admit that this one will be tempting to buy.

    3. i would rather Play the has mobility and turret and camo. same gun?

  9. i want it because of reason!

  10. Good speed, good gun traverse, good gun depression, liking it so far. Low pen I can deal with. Worth a closer look once it comes to a test server :-)

  11. Same gun with better caracteristics like on RU-251
    But on a stealthy little bugger, at least it seems tio be... :-)

  12. Replies
    1. Except the E25 gets pref MM, and this thing won't. I foresee a LOT of gold spamming from this thing, particularly when it's not top tier.

    2. 2 tiers higher so effectively "downgunned" considering the tanks it will see

    3. 2 tiers higher so effectively "downgunned" considering the tanks it will see

  13. Jag panzer Kanon of the 80's. No chance of the Rakete version. Of course

  14. Same gun as on the RU251 ?

    Aww yis. That gun is brilliant.
    Probably better on an LT than on a TD, but by far the best guns of that caliber range I've ever used.

  15. so, they finally removed e25 from the store, only to bring us his bigger cousin?? E25 on steroids...

  16. Mo' money, mo' money, mo' money.

  17. Damn, I wish this was a regular vehicle. It could work so well.

  18. It's basically a RU251 w/o a turret. Meh.

  19. Even worse penetration than the SU-101. Nobody will buy this tank.

    1. The gun angles and the entire layout of the vehicle is way better than the SU-101. I will be looking into this fine tank.

    2. and it wont have retarded 1200 silver shells.

  20. Been waiting a long time for this one :)

  21. Well it have good stats... but not for T8 TD with default MM.

  22. RU251 without turret?

    Same gun and chassis

  23. I definetely remember how FTR react when E-25 was first introduced. Very similar to now.

  24. GL in tier 10 with 190 pen, am so glad i got the E-25 before they removed it :)

  25. Jagdpanzer-25(e)

    what else is that?
    190 pen and meets tier 10? XDD
    225 is fine... 210 is ... ugh....
    190...... funny guys

  26. Anything known weather it will be regular premium or reward tank?

  27. What happened to the two 7 mini waffle that was previewed with the new premiums and french tanks

  28. Tier 8 with 190mm of penetration? I hope it has good APCR penetration values at least,otherwise an utter waste of time.

    1. Not APCR... Gold shell in this gun is HEAT

  29. Is this going to replace E-25 soon?

  30. Damn you WG, where's my Tier 11 Apocalypse tank? :>

    1. Here it is.

  31. does it get the target electronics of 1980s? ELAC build the lowlight. infrared and follow up target electronics for most of the german tanks and it has been amazing. That had been the reason american firm honeywell bought the whole firm with all of their patents. My grandparents worked there the time.

  32. aah bum, i thought it was the twin barreled thing, turns out thats the VT-tank :(
    oh well. maybe they'll add multiple guns when the french tank...get....added..? WAIT!

  33. aah bum, i thought it was the twin barreled thing, turns out thats the VT-tank :(
    oh well. maybe they'll add multiple guns when the french tank...get....added..? WAIT!

  34. Wow, it's funny how this thing get outclassed in so many stats by a tier 7,
    This: 30 mm armor
    SU-100M1: 90 mm armor (which can actually bounce some L70 shots)

    This: 240 alpha
    SU-100M1: 250 alpha

    This: 6,233 reload time
    SU-100M1: 5,658 reload time (Yes, it reloads faster, is a tier lower, and has more alpha)

    This: 0,336 accuracy
    SU-100M1: 0,316 (Oh, also more accurate)

    This: 1,92 s aiming time
    SU-100M1: 1,62 s aiming time

    This: 190 pen
    SU-100M1: 175 pen (The actual only gun stat that is better, and should be better since it's a tier 8)

    I can't say i'm happy with it's current state, it really really REALLY needs a buff if it has all around worse gun stats than a LOWER TIER TD...
