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Saturday, 14 March 2015

Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go replica and re-enactment

A Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go replica (you can clearly see the modern engine inside). The Ha-Go was one of the most common Japanese tankettes and was used throughout the war, especially during the fighting on various Pacific islands. Poorly armored and armed, the Japanese tanks have a lousy reputation, but this is a bit undeserved. By the time they were designed and mass-produced, these vehicles were completely adequate. They were not designed to take on Shermans or Stuarts in one-on-one combat, their purpose was to defeat droves of untrained (Chinese) infantry with bad morale and leadership, a task in which they excelled.

Here's a video from a re-enactment with this tank, very interesting:

Would love to have this screams added to the national voices of WoT as a battle start!


  1. JAPAN never openly apologized for invasion of other nations. They even tried to delete WW2 part in history books in school

    1. Japan never ceases to piss me off.

    2. Considering that at the time the country had basically been hijacked by a military junta that seemed to have some kind of fetish for getting a generation of the nation's young men killed in only too often quite gratuitous foreign adventures through shitty logistics, wasteful tactics and a downright sadistic service culture it's actually pretty understandable why they'd really rather forget the whole episode.

      Ofc that also means the discourse on the topic is largely dominated by ultranationalist nutters who think it was totes awesome...

    3. but they never said sorry!!!

    4. so u want them to lick ur ass too? after that u can forgive 'em.....

  2. I think that the Japs were comparable or even worse than the Nazis.

    1. worse if u loook at present day germany, people openly regret what happened while japan tries to justify that they never even invaded

  3. surprised in Japan people do re-enactment when their politicians say invasion to other nations never happened ....

    1. [being a butthurt chinese bastard intensifies]

    2. It is not a matter of apology, and as a Chinese I feel that the problem is that the Japanese refuse to acknowledge it, and to learn from history not to ignore it, that is the grudge that I and most Chinese, Koreans and souteast asian people should have.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rita... You made a boo boo. It's type 95, not 59. This isn't china

    1. she loves type 59 so much :P

    2. type 59 is actually just good now-a-day, only good players can make it work, rather then any noob with 30 bucks like in the olden-days, I think that's why they should nerf the e-25, because even my 47% winrate dad (who bought one) has great games by just sitting in a bush and camping with binos/net

  6. I enjoyed the Banzai cheer when they finally got the engine to turn over

  7. Perfectly suitable tank for use against China and the small size made it easier for transport over the ocean too. Most of Japans high grade steel was earmarked for the Navy as well.
