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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

(Dis)honorable Discharge


SEA, NA and EU server just confirmed that the TOG II (a salute for Jingles and his salt miners), T14, FCM36 PaK40 and Panther/M10 will commit seppuku (withdrawn) from the premium store.

From 24 March until 20 April, a bundle with all the tanks will be sold.

The package contains:

Its actually at a good price and all of the tanks are some decent fun.



  1. Great, maybe TOG's uniqueness will revert to what it was before TOGtober mission.

    1. It's pretty unique already - most of the people can't play it on randoms and the wave of TOG games washed over pretty quickly. The best use you can make out of it ATM is to troll T6 skirmishes with full TOGs.

    2. once we trolled T6 company battles with full TOG team :D
      won only 2 out of 10 battles but it was fun XD

    3. theres more useless noobs in togs than any other tank and most teams r dead before tog can get engaged, togs and t25s r worst pubbie noob tanks

    4. Not at all. TOGII and T25 if played correctly are deadly tanks. And the TOGII has lot of troll factor too, not to mention fun :D

  2. It's in the EU shop too:

  3. Dear Rita, you have a problem regarding the comment publishing.

    1. I don't know, must be some kind of bug, i just cannot publish comments sometimes.

  4. TOG II? Got it.
    T14? Got it.
    FCM36 PaK40? Got it.
    All pretty good. PaK is excellent, if you can exploit the viewange.

    Panther/M10? Do not have it. Must try on test. Doubt that one tank will be worth the bundle though.

    1. Just play a fully stock tier 7 Panther and then imagine its worse - that is the Panther/M10.

    2. Got a quite decent gun and mobility, but don't rely on the armor. It is okay in my opinion. The TOG is missing in my collection and I will defintily getting that - have missed so many good ones in the past.

    3. Got a quite decent gun and mobility, but don't rely on the armor. It is okay in my opinion. The TOG is missing in my collection and I will defintily getting that - have missed so many good ones in the past.

    4. you can still buy it as it is, cant you ?

      Millions of players are bitching how bad it is, however, I found it kinda fun.
      I like it a lot. Gun is okay-ish, mobility is pretty much the same.
      Its basically a stock Pz.V with limited MM.

      However, I play mine really really aggressively!
      Sniping always gets me killed, but if Im aggressive I often catch the enemy surprised.

      Its a good tank, despite the fact so many hate it.

    5. I enjoyed the Painter/M10. Was it the best tier tank ever? No, of course not. Its a premium. But it was lots of fun. The gun has fair pen (fine for its limited mm), fast rate of fire, and decent damage. It has little armor, but a truly massive health pool for a tier 7 medium tank. If you drive it smart, you can use that to your advantage and just wreck other mediums with your high ROF while you just soak up their shots and laugh and laugh and laugh.

    6. Also, the turret armor is very trollish and if you can get hull down, you can bounce almost anything.

    7. Have all the ones in the pack and played them all well. The Panther M10 gets a lot of hate because its a bad tank, a GOOD player can do well with it if he /she works at it BUT they would have done MUCH better in any other tier 7 medium. Same goes for the TOG in most cases. The FCM is a good grab though.

    8. Also, the turret armor is very trollish and if you can get hull down, you can bounce almost anything.

  5. T14 and FCM are best.

    But packet? Nah

    1. I love the M10, its better than is rep but its a high skill tank

    2. l like mine too don't know why so many hate it.

    3. Almost EVERY Panther M10 I see being played at all good is usually spamming premium rounds the whole time. Now I get having to spam premium rounds with a tank that has 150 pen at tier 7, but for the love of god stop saying its a high skill tank. It hasn't ever been, its been a bad vehicle from the moment it was introduced and will be after its removal. Spamming premium rounds in a tank does not bring it in to a high skill category. Rarely I will encounter one using normal rounds, and you know what happens to it nearly every time? it dies having achieved very little for the team.

    4. The real beast of this package is the FCM Pak ... 400 view range at tier 3 and a gun that generally high rolls pen checks. The T14 has it's moments but often just does meh in most matches and the TOG well its much like the Panther M10... you have them on your team so you know there wasted tank slots.

  6. Annoyed about the T14 going because I would have bought it at the weekend for 50% off if I had known.

    Thats WG EU logic for you; put tanks on sale before announcing they will be removed.

    1. You'd also expect WG EU to have an announcement on the main page about it. Nothing so far...

    2. I hated T14.... Got it twice, sold it twice...

  7. Hmm... I don't see S35 739 (f) on this list here. Gives me hope that it'll still be around during the next round of 50% off.

  8. Quite a reasonable move, i was expecting sth. like this long ago. It's sad how WG is a mixup of good decisions and total failures...

  9. I suspect we are cycling out all the preferential premiums over time. They could reasonably offer a package like this every time there is a patch (also removing the tanks from the trees with the new patch). By doing so they increase profits and hopefully have some positive effect on matchmaker. Still plenty of preferential lower tier premiums out there, T-127, Valentine II, SU-85i, Churchill III, Matilda IV, Excelsior, Matilda BP, and AT-15A. Then, of course there are the tier eights, Super Pershing, FCM 50t, JT88, IS-6, T-34-3, and 112.

    The real question is whether there are replacements available. For instance, is Wargaming going to introduce a new French premium TD, or will they not bother after basically killing the French TD line? Time will tell.

  10. It is in the NA shop too.

  11. TOG has one of the worst "preferred conditions" of any tank.

    Peek damage trading is poor due to low damage per shell.

    Manoeuvring for better damage trades is impossible.

    Appalling armour, size and speed.

    Its ideal conditions are to crush another target by sheer "I have more health so you'll die first". And that requires the target to be stupid or trapped without good defensive position and without focus fire advantage on its side.

    It's a frustrating tank.

    If it was simply teleported to the front line it could be great but compound how it needs to fight with it turning up 5 mins late to the front line and its influence is very poor.

    1. I've seen games where people parked their TOGs sideways blocking narrow paths and literally the entire team had to turn around and go back another way...quite effective on some maps and not a tactic any other vehicle could utilize.

  12. TOG could have been a good tier 5 tank and Excelsior could have been buffed to tier 6 as compensation. I really hate how WG is afraid to balance Premium tanks when necesary...

    1. The Excelsior is a little under-powered for Tier V as it is. It needs a better gun to get to tier 6. Possible more amour as well. The TOG would have good amour in tier V, as in not bad. The Matilda and KV1 have the same frontal (raw) amour as the TOG

  13. For the NA it shows for only 2 days.

  14. Do you get compensated if you already have a tank, and you buy the bundle?

  15. Too bad they can't just adjust the MM and keep the tanks in-game. Now I have to decide which tank to get to add to my collection - TOG II or Panther/M10.

    Hmmmmm ... land submarine perhaps?

    1. People would have to be given a refund if they demanded it due to EU, and possible US, law.

  16. Well, I broke down and repurchased the TOG for my collection of premium tanks (39 so far) although I am less inclined to buy the new premiums since they aren't as good as a fully researched tank of the same tier and no longer have any preferential MM.

  17. I was never interested in the TOG, too slow to matter in most games, unless you can group them with players who know what they're doing (small minority), so I don't care that they're getting rid of it. The others I already have. Pak is very situational, but can really shine from a good firing position. T14 is actually a very solid vehicle in tier 5 games, but weak in tier 6. M10 is not bad, it just has a higher skill floor, you can't farm credits with it unless you know what you're doing, which most of the owners don't, but it definitely has a cool factor. I look forward to enjoying my unique vehicles in the future when they're gone from the store and not so common any more.

    1. I can't wait to be called a hacker cause I hide my T14's weakspot. It is nigh impenetrable if used right. The gun is useless in tier 6 but the amour is usually okay for me

  18. I'm assuming you'll get the gold for the tanks you already have??? I already have the TOG and the M10, so I'd buy it for the other two, plus the prem and gold.

  19. This is just bullshit. Another cashgrab from WG

  20. Next is the introduction of different tier v and vi premium vehicles. Wish they introduce one premium autoloader tier viii- i would play that baby all day long...
