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Friday, 6 March 2015

Balaton operation

 Time to grab some Popcorn; check out this very interesting video from Wargaming about the "Balaton Operation" with actors and real life footage describing the history of the late war in which some of the last armored forces of the Third Reich perished. There are subtitles available.


  1. Really good video. They managed to nicely combine real acting with CGI, and it turned out great.
    I would really like to see much more of these kind of videos.

    GG WP Wargaming

  2. I liked the video. Hope to see more of the same.

  3. Ze germans look retard stupid and ruskies are like supermen spiderman.This either for kindergarden age or stupid propaganda.Plonkers!

  4. Sadly, this documentation is - as expected - not very much correct from a historical point of view. Germany lost only 31 tanks in battle, the rest was abandoned after the retreat. But the video makes the viewer believe that inferior and outnumbered USSR troops defeated hundreds superior German tanks due to pure bravery. They "forgot" to mention that the operation was doomed from the start due to allied reconnaissance and the overall weakened and exhausted German units.

    Typcial WG style of Russian bravery.

    1. Basically, the "reverse" boasting what the US does :D :P
      To a point that is.

  5. What do you expect from any russian "documentary"

  6. Damned ruskies won nothing, there were just too many of them, that's it.

  7. Interesting comment on the effectiveness of artillery on tanks, no?

  8. Red Army OP. The one thing that bothered me though is the notion that the Wermach hadn't relied on horses before Balaton. The Germans used millions of horses throughout the entire war due to lack of trucks.

  9. After the Battle, Russian engineers did a survey of knocked out and destroyed German armored vehicles (all types), I don't have the numbers from the report handy, but over 70% were destroyed by Artillery.
    The people who say arty was not used or effective against tanks, are just full of it.

    1. IIRC the Murricans made pretty good use of arty against German tanks as early as North Africa

    2. yeah assume a translation error since some russian tanks, TDs in special, carried an arty gun and thus where referred to as arty...SU-152 for example...
      other than that...german tanks where out of gas as in "quite stationary"...sorry, hero arty to see here too...

  10. I need to think if they could have made it with even More Propaganda?

  11. Oh nice. They shot him from behind. Very nice. You can be so proud ;)
