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Friday, 13 March 2015

AW presents: BMP-2 Armored Fighting Vehicle

Meanwhile at Obsidian lands,

Armored Warfare is happy to present their latest vehicle, the BMP-2, one of the most known Russian infantry fighting vehicles.
This beauty will be a tier 4 IFV and its main job will be reconnaissance but with its automatic cannon it can give a fight against lightly armored vehicles like lights tanks and artillery and its anti-tank guided missile system can make any enemy on the battlefield squeal. Also, you can equip smoke grenade launchers in it to escape like a ninja!

More interesting info about the BMP-2:


  1. I really hope AW would implement Patria AMV. AFAIK it can mount a 105mm gun for AT-duties and twin 120mm mortars.

    1. Mortar version - probably not. The 105mmm however... :)

    2. Would be pretty cool. You can always go to AW forums and suggest implementing the vehicle.

    3. It should also come with a possibility to bribe the opposition :)

  2. If they have either the M48A5 or the M60A1 I will move heaven and earth to get in the game. I commanded those tanks in RL many, many, moons ago and would love to get in the digital commanders hatch of either. :)

  3. I spent countless hours in it during my military service! Cant wait to play it in AW :D

    PS: Nothing is as beuatiful as a summer day ride in it! 30 C outside and 50 inside :D, but damn the thing was fast :)

  4. Haha 10 years back the only camera I had was an old canon with classic rollup film :D

    1. Edit: Damn this blogpost comment system drives me nuts -.-

  5. I wonder, does AW simulate the icy road surfaces and such? as in added slippery fun?
