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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Aleksandr Ivanov answers WoT Questions

Hello warriors,

Aleksandr Ivanov, WoT producer, answered a bunch of questions for the players. Here's what he said.

- Developers are considering reworking the skills and perks of driver and other crew-members to fit the new motion physics system, but so far no decision was taken yet because the physics is still in testing phase. This will be revisited after the new motion physics system is ready;
- If new motion physics is introduced, all mechanisms depending on it will be reviewed;
- Developers are not aware of an alleged issue where players spam various messages (bound to the F# keys) in player chat, but the issue will be investigated and if found to be true, developers will think of what to do;
- Developers are planning to periodically release "fun" modes (RG: I Miss Karl);
- Developers are working on a new feature that will "introduce something to the game that was never in the game before" (RG: To boldly go...);
- Another feature planned is the improved customization of tanks (new skins, new inscriptions, new emblems) (RG: Would also enjoy being able to save the ones that were already purchased for the tank);
- It's possible the camo (factor or system) of TD's will be changed but not anytime soon;
- The plans for near future are to improve the armor role in the game;
- After the Super Pershing comes in HD, its parameters compared to the current state should not change.


  1. "The plans for near future are to improve the armor role in the game"

    Cue "Heavies OP", "WG caters to noobs", "Corridor maps biased" and "They want us to buy more gold" whines~

    1. Im glad they have plans for this. Right now armor is almost completely useless (save for some ridiculously well armored tanks like VKB or T95).

    2. Im glad they have plans for this. Right now armor is almost completely useless (save for some ridiculously well armored tanks like VKB or T95).

    3. - the armor is useless with GOLD rounds! And some high pen guns. Thats it!
      An IS3 cant compare to a tier 9 like E75. But with gold ammo the situation is different.

    4. "An IS3 cant compare to a tier 9 like E75."

      IS3's gun is mediocre at the best.
      E75 is excellent tank, I'd dare to say its quite OP when played properly.

    5. >when played properly

      You mean AFK behind a rock, yes?

    6. Apparently according to Jingle's video... XD
      Seriously, though. This is what I've been saying all along. Except in rare cases like the E75, armor isn't worth the weight it adds to the tank anymore. And it really isn't the armor that's crappy, not in most cases. Its that high pen ammo completely negates armor that would otherwise be appropriate for a heavy at that tier. Take for example your IS-3. Great armor for its tier, but most people see an IS-3, laugh at its armor and load gold and pen without trying too hard to aim for weak points or flank. Same with tanks like the Tiger P, Tiger II, KV-4, British series TDs, etc. Their main strength is their armor, and when that is negated by high pen gold rounds, they really don't have many other strengths to fall back on. And its not like their armor makes them OP at their tier. If you can't pen with regular ammo, think strategically and either flank or aim for weak points. If there was no gold ammo in game, the game would probably become more interesting because it would force people to think about what they're doing and move around more.

  2. "introduce something to the game that was never in the game before"

    Sturmtiger with a 150x150m splash radius. That's gonna be "fun" :D

    1. "introduce something to the game that was never in the game before"

      Platinum ammo :v

    2. A “mulligan button”, most simply put, is a "do-over." Have a bad game? Take a mulligan (payable in gold) and replay that game without the defeat going against your record.

    3. Sharks with lasers on their heads of course!

  3. "- Developers are working on a new feature that will "introduce something to the game that was never in the game before" (RG: To boldly go...);"
    they mean features like: historical accuracy, remove powercreep completely, proper simulated damage model, do away with the stupid hp shit and stuff?

  4. "(RG: Would also enjoy being able to save the ones that were already purchased for the tank);" Thats already in the game - if you buy gold camo and sell the tank camo is available again if you buy the tank again (for free)

  5. "- Developers are working on a new feature that will "introduce something to the game that was never in the game before" - Russian tanks balanced correctly :-)

    1. "introduce something to the game that was never in the game before"
      Artillery balanced correctly


    2. Yeah your one is better and needed more!

  6. "The plans for near future are to improve the armor role in the game"

    Very nice. I wish they would focus more on solving what I consider to be ,by far, the biggest problems of this game: Gold Ammo and Arty.
    Both of them play an important role in drastically decreasing the armor role, so who knows?

    1. Top 3 gameproblems are in my opinion:

      1. Goldammo
      2. the way arty works
      3. the spotting system.

    2. Spotting system is fine by me. I mean, it would be awesome if we would have a better one, but I can deal with the current one just fine.
      What I would like more than a new spotting system would be the limitation of MM spread to +/-1, but this is not a game problem, just something that I consider would improve the game experience a lot.

    3. I cant agree here sry. MM fine as it is.
      One the one side it means frustration but on the other it means fun.
      This motivates ppl to keep on playing for some reason, it is intentional.

    4. "I cant agree here sry. MM fine as it is.
      One the one side it means frustration but on the other it means fun.
      This motivates ppl to keep on playing for some reason, it is intentional."

      exactly this. While its pain to play when your top tiers are stupid, its much more rewarding when you as a bottom of the food chain end up being top tank in the match. Its rare but it happens.

      Plus, its fun when you are top tier.

      The main reason I like it as it is though, is different gameplay.

      When I'm driving tiger II in tier 8 match, Im the king of the hill. I lead the push.
      When Im in tier X match, Im basically playing as panther. Long range sniping.
      +-1 MM would be always the same, thus boring.

  7. "- Developers are not aware of an alleged issue where players spam various messages (bound to the F# keys) in player chat, but the issue will be investigated and if found to be true, developers will think of what to do;"

    Never seen this happen.

    by the way, am I the only one who is SICK of map clicking ?
    The game would be 20% less frustrating if dead tanks cannot ping minimap.
    It's usually some retarded noob who went alone somewhere, got killed and then he's spamming minimap for the rest of the match.

    1. I totally agree. It would be nice if dead tanks could only ping and also talk to other dead least until the end. It gets so tiring when someone is pinging like 15 different places on the map all in a row. Or when someone is raging against the last 5 tanks as they hunt down the 1 last low health enemy tank because they are not going it right apparently.
      Or as an alternative, since there might be times you want to hear dead tanks, it might be nice to be able to selectively block certain people while in game.

    2. Yes, it's sometimes spammed by noobs. However, I am against of removing that feature for the dead, since :
      1. Very useful for telling the position of that dangerous Wt pz iv who has not been spotted before.
      2. For "force notifying" that tunnel visioned WTE 100, since a batchat is creeping unnoticed in his back.
      3. To give advice for that new, learning player, about the route which he should take to attack.
      4. etc...

      Yes, I'm aware that it's possible to tell those in chat, but that solution is not time effective, not as intuitive, and does not has that extra urgency notification as chat. Plus, some people turned off the chat or simply talking in different language (ehem ASIA) so talking through that reliably is not usually possible.

      Yes, it's sometimes spammed or used by people who have no idea about game mechanics, or simply ignored. However, some people who has enough brain capacity and game knowledges should be allowed to use it. It helped me won some games which I can't participate anymore directly, and removing it will simply further destroying a small speck of teamwork which this game has.

    3. @Zeroyuki92

      Dead tank cannot spot, should not be able to spam chat with enemy positions either. You cannot even turn it off by putting that moron to ignore list.

      Im often jokingly saying "click there more, maybe it will kill him" but in fact it drives me crazy. If that spammer is alive I usually kill him. If hes dead, there is no other way to tell him he is worthless waste of human flesh.

  8. the something new that has never been seen in the game before? i hope its armoured cars hopefully for the french that would be fun :D

  9. "- Developers are considering reworking the skills and perks of driver and other crew-members to fit the new motion physics system, but so far no decision was taken yet because the physics is still in testing phase."

    - Yes but I doubt they will do it any time soon, because they have been speaking of skill/perk rebalance and change for almost 2 years now. Also we still dont have 6th sense for the radio man. Originaly the idea of new skills/perks was scraped as well as the idea to buff some skills/perks. In the end devs said some "useless" skills/perks will/might get removed and 6th sense will be feature for radioman.

    I wouldnt put too much emphasis on WGs talk about crew skills/perks but what we might see is that all crews will have some skill/perks that are default once the member hits 100% = more money for WG.

    Meanwhile I am forced to fill the 7th spot with camo skill on my crews due to no other usefull skills/perks are avalable.

  10. - After the Super Pershing comes in HD, its parameters compared to the current state should not change.

    Trying to parse this statement- does this mean they won't be nerfing other parameters (for example the small mobility and fire control buffs it recieved when it was originally nerfed...) because its getting better frontal armor?

    1. its not getting better frontal armor. Its not getting anything. It will be exactly same.

      well at least they say it "should not" change...
      We all know how will tat end up.

  11. - Developers are not aware of an alleged issue where players spam various messages (bound to the F# keys) in player chat, but the issue will be investigated and if found to be true, developers will think of what to do;

    like you cant use STRG STRGV
    or "just spam" osdfsdhfsdkhfsldfshfld


  12. "- The plans for near future are to improve the armor role in the game;"

    Could be done super easy if WG just removed/nerfed premium shells.
    Heck, even make it only possible that only 10% of your total shells may only be premium shells.
    But ofcourse WG will never do that because they want money.


  13. I think some tanks in the future beeing introduced might not even have gold ammo as an option due to the standard gun beeing good enough at the tier and balance.

    There is curently a gold ammo inflation in the game, where pretty much any tank boosts it capabilities to the extent that they make +2 tier heavys armor alot weaker than it should. Also note that tanks are balanced around standard ammo, you dont really ever need to use gold ammo if you play like you should. Its appart of the balance not beeing able to pen some tanks in certan positions.

  14. Let's see now...

    - Developers are working on a new feature that will "introduce something to the game that was never in the game before"
    Aimbot and laser sight detectors maybe (Even if I doubt they can implement those in the current setup)? Multi-gun? Hull selection? Neah, those could actually be fun and/or useful so they would tarnish WG's hard won reputation. So we'll probably get something like that moronic "rent-a-tank" feature.

    - It's possible the camo (factor or system) of TD's will be changed but not anytime soon;
    Oh, how lovely. Can't wait for it to be lowered even more. /sarcasm

    - The plans for near future are to improve the armor role in the game;
    Here comes the penetration nerf. Obviously, for AP only. Funny how armor actually works when people don't spam gold ammo.
