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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

About the WT E-100 replacement

Hello warriors,

we all know that at one point or another, WT E-100 is going to be replaced. But with what? Here's something that might give you better clue. Yuri Pasholok on his blog provided a blueprint of one of the early versions of GW Panther, armed with a 15cm gun.

Two variants were actually considered with two different muzzle brakes. The drawings are from November 1942.

I reached out to Silentstalker and he confirmed it - these pictures correspond roughly to what he was shown during the meeting with Wargaming as a replacement candidate, only the gun was somewhat longer. A Panther hull with a very thin superstructure (15mm perhaps?) and a very powerful gun.

There were a lot of Waffenträger projects, even on the Panther hull itself. Eventually, these projects would evolve into what we have in the game as GW Panther. Please note that even at this early stage, the gun module was detachable - it could be dismounted and mounted back on the ground, the role of the hull was to provide artillery mobility.


  1. Will it be more maneuverable than the normal panther?

  2. This means the replacement will be a TD version of the G. W. Panther with 15 cm gun

  3. The GW panther is not that much of a big vehicle. I hope that the replacement doesn't get insane camo (as long as it doesn't fire of course)

  4. I just hope that we will not be left with a Tier10 paperTD, which has non-autoloading 235mm penetrating gun..

    1. No its a longer gun then the current l/38. expect something between 280 and 310 mm pene.

      15cm L/64, extremely long gun.

    3. Thats EXACTLY what I hope.

  5. So this should be much smaller than the WT-E100. Nice...

  6. I hope the gun will move a bit more to the left and right then on the GW :/

  7. This looks nice. As long as it has decent penetration and not the typical german top tier pen...

  8. i think it sucks to have a paper tier 10 matter how good it is. for my personal amusement i would love to see either jpe100 or jpmaus and both with turret, with the necessary nerfs .. but that's just me ..

    1. You can litterly call it Count Dracula or Alucard! because thats its bloody nickname! Blah! ima drink your oil!

    2. Re: a paper tier 10 TD. Yeah, it may seem like it'd suck and maybe it will. But it seems to me that it'd be hard for the tier 10 TD on this line to not be yet another paper-armored glass cannon, given that that's the nature of the line.

      My primary concern is more that I'd like it to be a good and useful glass cannon. And honestly, I'm not sure how WG can do that, at least with the existing "historical" guns. The JPE's gun seems too large for this Panther-ish based vehicle. And I'm not sure that a TD based on the 150mm guns would be all that great, since those German 150's seem to be low-ish velocity guns that require a lot of HEAT spamming. That would leave using some form of the 128 mm gun, perhaps with a high ROF, which isn't exactly conducive to long health for a glass cannon TD, since high ROF glass cannons tend to have to expose themselves more often than lower ROF, high alpha tanks, thus increasing the risk of taking more damage.

      We'll just have to wait and see how it all turns out.

  9. This doesn't feel like FTR,where is that Woras idiot!?

    1. HE found the side already, he trolled yesterdays QA sucessfully to begin with.

    2. I liked Woras lol (hate me!)

  10. Rita,
    where's the WOWS news?, a MAJOR milestone is coming with CBT opening tomorrow and no news? :(
    Also, how can we send you info and all reliably, do you have a "ftr-like" email like FTR had?

    1. cant wait to see all the bots, and potatoes that run off to ships.. will be glorious for tanks

    2. CBT? U mean "cock and ball torture?" Are they going to do CBT to the NOOBS in WOWS or to the devs if irs as bad as WOWP?


  12. this tank needs to get insane RoF othewise there is no reason for it!

  13. What's going to happen to the tier 10 waffle that I earned and paid for?

    1. It will be melted into a bucket for your salty tears...

    2. U will get the new crappy one, but what the fuck is taking so long? Get rid of the peice of shit already.

    3. WG is not going to get rid of the waffle until they have the replacement ready to go. How hard is that to understand?

  14. The smaller size of the vehicle makes it soft, but very difficult to detect and hit... Something like the WT PzIV with more hitpoints, stronger engine and 15cm alpha with 12,8cm accuracy and penetration

    1. If this thing gets decent camo and perhaps even the JPE100's 17cm gun, then i'll be a happy squirrel :)

    2. I wouldn't count on the 17cm - it's a panther hull afterall with certain limitations on weight...

    3. True, and there is no indication that it will get that gun. But one can hope ;) After all that thing is supposed to be interesting in some way. A 15cm glass cannon on tier 10 is not.

    4. well, the last thing they want is another *edited* jegeru, evrybody hates high tier tank destroyers (except when playing them) and the last thing they want is another OP one

    5. And you speak for "everyone"? Yeah, right. Suuuuuuuure you do.

  15. So we'll have a huge less-than-paper armored TD with an average 15cm gun, probably slow as well, instead of the currently powerful (unless reloading, that is) WT-E100. That seems fair.

    1. What concerns me is less that the replacement will have weak armor than it is that it'll be slow. If the replacement is based on the GW Panther, I'm definitely concerned about its speed, because the GWP is no speed demon.

  16. Can't wait to see how "well balanced" this will be.

    Armor: none. That way those who still fire at the WT's hull will have a fair chance, they won't have to do overwhelming things like trying to aim for that minuscule turret. No more "OP armor".
    Gun: 0.38-0.4 accuracy, slow shell speed, under 280 pen (preferably somewhere around 260 "balanced" by a large pen using HEAT), obviously no damned autoloader, reload time with 100% crew around 17-20 seconds and a +3s aim time. No more "OP gun".
    Maneuverability: 30-35 kph speed, with slow acceleration and low turning speed (both hull and turret). Add frontal mounted engine for extra laughs.
    Others: around 350 m viewrange and, most importantly, the WT E-100's camo to make sure it sometimes gets hit even before it has a chance to fire and most certainly after it does.

    Here you go, a proper vehicle that won't ruin Tier X games anymore.

    1. a "proper vehicle" that absolutly no1 will buy, totally useless...

      bad acc, bad reload, bad aim, bad vision, no armor, bad pen, bad sniping skill ( slow bullet), bad relocating hability, bad defending speed at close combat...

      sure sure, go play your heavy tanks dear boy, and let the normal people talk.

    2. He's right you dickhead. If it's gonna be anything like it is presented right now, it'll be a failure.

    3. Just out of curiosity, have you two ever heard of the term "sarcasm"?

      Jesus, that's a very good definition of what most players think a "proper" Tier X TD should be like - something that they can charge on open ground, head on, without any worries. Anything else is to be considered "OP" and game breaking.

  17. WT replaced with WT.
    thats how it looks to me. gg wg gg

    1. Getting rid of the autoloader cannon will make sure it doesn't wtfbbqpwn 2-3 tanks in 1 clip and because it gets much smaller it will allow the unexperienced players to move around without getting insta-primay-shell-from-hell arty+everything nuked... Nobody can predict if it gets good but it will definitely get better balanced than the WTE100

    2. The interesting part is that all autoloader tanks can do that, the only variable being the health of the targets. The funny one is that there are other vehicles that are doing it better than the WT.

    3. where else do you find a tank capable of doing 5 x 590 damage in 8 seconds with only 0.3m accuracy dispersion and a penetration so nice even the bad players don't need to use premium shells?
      Nothing comes close to the WTE100

    4. Miguel, to a certain degree, you're not wrong. But it's more like replacing the WTFE with something that has more in common with the tier 9 WT. That is, a single shot, big gunned, glass cannon.

      The problem I see is that I'm not sure how WG can seriously improve on the tier 9 WT, enough to make it feel worth getting or keeping. Oh, I have little doubt that they could give the replacement better gun handling on a 128 or 150mm gun. But if it's still on a GW Panther line chassis, will the resulting package really be an overall improvement? I don't know.

    5. Don't judge a vehicle by its damage alone, Thomas. That would make the T92 the best one in the game, and we all know that's not the case.

      But lets see Tier X autoloaders do (except for the BC artillery). 100% crew, no vents, food or BiA.

      WT E-100 (128 mm) - 5x590=2950 dmg in 8s, with 0.29 acc, 276 pen and 55s reload, DPM - 2600.
      AMX-30B (120 mm) - 4x400=1600 dmg in 7.5s, with 0.35 acc, 257 pen and 30s reload, DPM - 2560.
      AMX 50 Foch (155) (155 mm) - 3x750=2250 dmg in 10 s, with 0.36 acc, 293 pen and 50s reload, DPM - 2300.
      T57 (120 mm) - 4x400=1600 dmg in 6s, with 0.35 acc, 258 pen and 24s reload, DPM - 3200.
      BC 25t (105 mm) - 5x390=1950 dmg in 10.9s, with 0.38 acc, 259 pen and 40s reload, DPM - 2300.

      According to raw damage, the WT indeed beats everything. One of the most accurate gun in the games and an unsurpassed burst damage. But it also has the lowest pen of any Tier X TD, the worst armor and camo, less than stellar mobility (even if quite surprising for a vehicle of that size and weight) and also one of the longest reload times in the game (only the BC artillery tops it). With 276 pen you will bounce more often than you'd like in Tier X games, considering that most of the times you won't be able to flank so you'll be firing at frontal armor. And let's not forget the zero damage critical hits, tracking shots and occasional misses. Add the fact that its very team dependent and the fact that whenever one is seen everybody drops everything they're doing and concentrate on it, you'll find the WT far from OP in most cases.

      On the other hand, the AMX-30B has outstanding speed and maneuverability, DPM close to the WT and half its reload time.
      The T57 has even less reload time, also surprising armor if played carefully on suiting ground.
      The Foch, while its gun handling is a nightmare, has better pen and can trade shots with almost any other vehicle in the game without much to worry about thanks to its frontal armor. Add very good speed and decent camo for a slightly lower DPM than the WT.
      And the BC is one of the best tanks in the game - very good camo, excellent speed and maneuverability and an AP pen close to that of the WT in a vehicle that, as a flanker, rarely has to fight against the armor thickness the WT sees.

      So yes, the WT may excel in certain cases, but those are rare. I have seen BCs outperforming WTs a lot more often than the other way around, yet how many are asking for that tank to be removed? The statistics themselves show this as well. And do you really want to talk about the Russian MTs?

      I do agree that the WT E-100 is flawed. But replacing it with a vehicle that most likely will be just an WT Pz. IV with a bigger gun, less camo and non-existent armor that makes a great target for HE will just swap one screwed up vehicle for another. At least, the WT E-100 has its burst damage. What will the WT Panther have? Probably a solid claim to the worst Tier X TD in the game.

      While in my previous post I was being sarcastic, the way I see the future WTP: >50 kph (don't even dream about Hellcat speed); medium mobility (but nowhere near the JP 2); a pen that could be slightly higher than the 128 L61 (maybe 280?), but most likely lower, to "balance" the 750 dmg shot and to cut down on the "OMG, TD OP!" bitching, plus in line with WG's idea of nerfing Tier X TD pen; >0.35 accuracy; >1.000 m/s shell speed; low viewrange to make it team dependent; 12-15s reload time, probably more since >3000 DPM would almost certainly start dozen of rage threads; nonexistant armor (85 mm hull and 10-20 turret); somewhat better camo than the WT E-100 (but not even close to some MTs) and probably being spotted from another game when you fire. So just another flawed glass cannon that dies in a few shots after being spotted, while not having the camo, speed or armor to allow it to hide/relocate/shoot it out. Hence, as previously stated, a Tier X TD that's properly "balanced" in order not to upset the vocal MT and HT players.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Foch 155's armor is nothing,premium ammo can reliably penetrate it.And you can't angle it as the sides are paper thin.And have you tried APCR firing in a WT auf E100,you'll be laughing at some of the thickest armor in the game.And yes it will be sad if its replacement is just a souped up Waffenträger auf Pz IV.

  18. Any ideas when it will be replaced?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. So if I buy a car and then they decide not to make it anymore I have to give it back? Nice,LOL

  21. This tank already broken, impossible to balance out.
    This will get a very good 15cm gun, bot has 0 armor,probably avarage cammo,bad mobility,290-300 pen..but most of the td's in t10 with the 150mm gun already has 290-300mm pen, some of the has op frontal armor,some of them has excelent mobility or extremely good cammo.

    This thing already dead.

  22. long flight time due to heavier lob trajectory= no good for Aus/ NZ players on SEA who are already handicapped with constant lag spikes (our ping times were ACTUALLY BETTER on NA server). SEAS would die if they allowed transfers back to NA. So they won't... I paid for, and spent time grinding the first decent german tank in a long time (the jpze100 was released seriously nerfed and useless for several patches), this is just an excuse to give russian armour MOAR BIAS. I'm so OVER losing what I paid for. bring on armoured warfare.

  23. I'm just wondering....Does SS check and/or post in Rita's blog?

    1. He gives a clue or two. But Rita does her job fine by her self... :)

      In fact SS aint allowed to say to much here , when its about wot. Contracts.

  24. Hopefully the replacement will be a worthy heir to the Waffenträger auf E100's throne which had fantastic burst damage potential and great guns.If they make it another bland TD like the Obj 268 it would mean I went down this entire line for nothing.The Waffenträger auf E100 was in certain aspects a wunderwaffe,a wonder weapon,its successor had better be so.

    1. well no, it won't be. the reason they are removing it, is because it's "unbalanced" in the Wg wot scheme of things, meaning it's a tank that is too OP. Why remove it, to replace it with another fantasy tank that is also a "wonderweapon" of OPness?. Btw, it's not the only fantasy tank in the game!. Everyone just give up, and all play russian tanks, NOW!. Make the game really fun. Most certainly might as well grab a t54 light weight, now that it's been buffed and is ridiculously OP.

    2. Looks like I'll have to reside to going down the FV 4005 Stage II line.A sad day it'll be when this amazing tank is removed.

  25. Good to know that one broken tank will dissapear. Just wanderring why someone put this in game...
