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Monday, 30 March 2015

9.6 Micropatch Today

Hello warriors,

today, a new micropatch did hit the game. Its size was cca 19 Mb and despite its western designation ("first April patch"), its content is tied to the Stronghold mode - some undisclosed fixes or modifications of that mode were implemented.

Please note that this micropatch does interfere with some mods (not sure which, but issues with XVM were reported). If the game crashes or locks whenever you attempt to enter or exit a battle, please remove all mods and try turning them on one by one to find out which mods exactly are causing the trouble.


  1. Love xvm crying, whenever it doesnt works :D

    1. Meaning like always, because it mods like every other file~

    2. I use xvm just to track my stats, don't give a rat shyt bout others

    3. guys, do you happen to know what is the mod to display actual tank stats in garage ? considring crew, equipment etc. When I got XVM installed (aslains pack) it shows for example 410/437/510 (default/real/with scope)

      Do you know whats the name of this particular mod ? It's the only one I want, yet couldnt google it anywhere, so I had to install whole pack.

  2. I am using XVM to customise the look of hp bars, and stuff like that. So you are telling that you are happy when XVM stop to work and I have to watch at thosr ugly default GUI? Such a friendlyperson you are.

    1. Couple of hours without whining and bitching about unfair win changes sounds great, you my friend are just collateral damage. :)

    2. i would say this entire game is ugly compared to the competition :P even its HD models doesnt compare with Warthunder. i hate it that people stop making remodels of tanks. before 9.5, i was able to use alot of remodels, but after that patch, everyone stopped making them because of the HD models.

    3. Man, the WT GUI is so fucked up that even after years of gaming I still don't know how some parts of it works after 10 or so battles (can't be bothered to play more regularly).
      Also the remodels will start anew eventually, people are just waiting for when the HD models are finished.

  3. first april patch? April fools? The return of Karl?

  4. I found the issue in the gnomefather soundmod..

  5. No information what is waiting for us tomorrow?

  6. Already crashed while starting - using parts of ProMod with XVM.

  7. Will there be a fun mode on 1st April?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. well first things first....after I downloaded this micro patch and entered the game there was no efects like gun sound, smoke gun effect, destroying target, arty impact shell nothing...then I removed xvm problem still there, no effects...then I uninstal game completly and downloaded and instal the whole game again, (didn't instal xvm) start the game and problem wasn't solved still no effects what so problem must be in micropatch!!

    1. The problem is several (but not all) of the gun sound mods. But not engine sound mods.
