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Sunday, 29 March 2015

29.03.2015 Q&A

Not much interesting today either. Obisidian Entertainment (AW developer) released the Pillars of Eternity RPG (Baldur's Gate 2 style, got very high reviews) - Storm tried it out and didn't like it very much apparently (but he stated he saw only the first two zones, which is basically just tutorial - when he was told to go on to at least the third one, he said he'd suffer through it).

What might be a bit more interesting for fans of new tanks in the game - you might remember from FTR that the drawings of the first Czechoslovak premium tank (Škoda T 40)  are ready, they have been for weeks and the new tank is already scheduled in modelling department. What you might find interesting as well is that the Wargaming drawings (basically modelling blueprints) of the first regular (non-premium tier 8) tank are now ready as well, the TVP Model 1946 (aka "TVP Concept"). Everything is well on its way. The Japanese heavies will come first though, likely around summer. Japanese heavy branch will be ushered by the "Japanese Tiger" premium (leaked not so long ago) and will consist of project of various levels of historicity. Tier 9 and 10 will be mostly Wargaming made, historically they will be based on very dubious materials, such as Russian transcripts of interviews with some Japanese soldiers and scientists. Very boxy designs with large guns (think E-100), possibly the largest tanks in the game.


  1. "Very boxy designs with large guns (think E-100), possibly the largest tanks in the game. "

    Tier 10 Tog2 ? :D


    2. 403 Forbidden

      I thought you already quit WOT :|

    3. Only WG would bring Japanese tanks with "LARGE" guns and nobody will think that the guns are compensation for anything!!!!!!!!!


  2. Japanese heavies sound great. They might not be the best performers, but at least they'll be unique and add something interesting to the game.

  3. "Storm tried it out and didn't like it very much apparently"
    Storm is a moron. It seems that the "hate everything about AW including their devs" reaches new levels.
    (First 2 levels can be done in 30 mins initial area+first dungeon)

    1. Or just as all RPGs it takes a while for the story, characters, world and mechanics to get interesting...

    2. Of course a WG developer will not say I like a title of especially when a massive title will come out soon that will challenge WG's own top title. So yeah, there you go fair opion from Storm.
      Mark West, how much does WG pay you? Or it is that you are dumb enough that you have been convinced to troll the forums and say bad things about SS for free? :)

  4. >possibly the largest tanks in the game.
    direct buff for arty!

  5. I just want to ask Rita, when is my article gonna make it (no hurry, just curious) if u met a problem on it?

  6. "Frank Davis" doesn't sound like a very Czech name. Just saying.

    1. It's his second nickname, not a name.

    2. he picked that name randomly because google didn't accept Silent Stalker as a name

    3. Does František sound Czech ?

    4. Does František sound Czech ?

    5. Does František sound Czech ?

  7. Might as well pick a fake one, we cannot spell is real name in English.

  8. WG making tanks that aren't copies of the ones already in the game? What?

  9. Wanna get my hands on that Japanese Tiger Prem, either that or the dickermax with the gold i'll get from completing the 60 day sign in mission as i already have the Su100y

  10. nice... Japanese Heavies.. finally..

  11. I heard they were also adding multi turret support along with the Japanese Heavies, has anyone heard anything about that?

  12. PoE is pure awesomemonium for old school rpg fans. I'm not that far into the game but as of now it is EXACTLY what Obisidian promised to deliver. Good world design, well written and with a very solid ruleset that seems to surpass the AD&D version in regard to videogames.

    AD&D's ruleset was and is easily exploitable in games. If you're playing it classic pen and paper the gamemaster can effectively prevent min/maxing as smart choice. In an enviroment without a gamemaster it's way to easy to play - for example - an extremely stronk warrior with retarded sidestats as they simply dont matter to a game. (It was not intended in the AD&D rules that a super low char/int warrior is a viable choice. Still this kind of stats distribution works in every AD&D based game better than anything else. Obisdian countered this "problem" quite well as every stat matters to every class.)
