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Wednesday, 25 March 2015

25.03.2015 Q&A

More going on today:

- The fact the T54E1 is a medium tank is historically correct;
- A Russian player was complaining that the LTTB is completely superior to T-43. The developers answered that the big difference is the MM spread and the role both vehicles perform;
- Wargaming is not ignoring players with rude nicknames or those nicknames that are connected to nazi ideology, they get deleted - but more appear over time, the process of catching and punishing them is eternal (RG: WG does punish people for that maybe a bit too much, a close person to me had to change nickname because she chose "Penguinss" as nickname, the double S wasn't accepted even thought she didn't had any bad intentions with it);
- If you buy the "tanks getting removed" bundle and you already one of the tanks in your garage, you will receive its value in gold as compensation, this compensation will include the price of the garage slot as well;
- The T14, FCM Pak, M10 Panther and the TOG will be redesignated as "reward tanks" - none of their characteristics however (the premium income and such) will change;
- IS-6, Dicker Max, Jagdtiger 88 and other limited MM premiums to be removed as well? "We will inform you about the removal of those vehicles when or if that happens. Everything in good time."
- WG denies that the reason the four vehicles are getting removed is because they are "problematic"
- It will not be possible to have the M10 Panther (or another removed vehicle) price compensated by gold;
- For now, IS-6 will not be removed from sales;
- It's possible the four removed vehicles will be obtainable during some special events;
- There will likely be third 9.7 test
- It's possible that in 9.7 test 3, premium T-54 prototype will be buffed (RG: If it gets buffed then I will want to buy it for sure, didn't disliked it on its current state but its not special enough for me to drop my money on it).


  1. Well I bought that "removed tanks bundle", having already owned some of the tanks, and I didn't get any compensation for the slots they were in, I just got more slots. :/

    Not that I mind, just sayin'.

  2. The M56 needs to be buffed tbh. Glad the T54 Prot. is getting buffed however.

    1. The M56 is awesome as it is now. It's small, fast, it has amazing gun traverse (both lateral and vertica), it has a good camo and the gun is good

    2. What exactly tank you drove on test server because M56 is not fast, it's actually painfully slow for such crappy armored tank and gun beside penetration is horrible. Bloom is crap on the move and if you think camo still matters in this game, you are playing the wrong game. Scorpion is terrible in its current state.

    3. 45 kph top speed and 28 hp/t ratio is not something I would call "painfully slow". And yes camo rating is usefull if you know the maps correctly.

    4. The old chaffee had a (for a scout) somewhat limited top speed of 50kph too. Its redeeming qualities however were a good little gun and amazing maneuverability, you could trollcircle almost anything to death that way. Perhaps the scorpion will fit a similar role.

      And camo importance is map dependent, the increase in city type maps certainly means it is sadly losing some of that. Having said that, my first obj 416 (medium!) ace tanker was pretending to be a scout on fiery salient, had an obscene 10k spotting :)

  3. "- The fact the T54E1 is a medium tank is historically correct;"

    Did someone doubt this? T54 series was to be a 105mm armed Medium to replace the M48. It was superseded by the T95 Medium tank, which was canceled in favor of the cheaper M60.

    1. yes but T69 was designed as a light tank-if you can see some pictures,there is T69 Light Tank

  4. dicker max dont have limited mm

  5. - For now, IS-6 will not be removed from sales;

    ofc. first you make some minor panic and let the idea grow in ppls head...
    THAN you tip over the first stone and everything goes nuts!

    Someone found a book on the street i guess: Basic physiology.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The t54 prototype should at least get the 620 hp engine. It's got way less hp lower top speed less accurate gun and less gun depression all directions a bit more armor. At least the made the commander the radio man too for teir x crews

  8. The t54 prototype should at least get the 620 hp engine. It's got way less hp lower top speed less accurate gun and less gun depression all directions a bit more armor. At least the made the commander the radio man too for teir x crews

    1. Amen, it needs a HP buff, gun buff and armor buff since it will face tier 10s.

    2. *T-44 sits in a corner and cries*

  9. // WG denies that the reason the four vehicles are getting removed is because they are "problematic"

    They are removed, as every turn WG takes, to achieve max profit. They don't sell in large numbers (ever or anymore), so the best way to make cash is - remove them and announce it, so hundreds of folks run and get them. So it's just a like milking a dying cow for that last time

    1. No, they r being removed because all the limited MM tanks makes it hard on the MM.

    2. if that was the reason, they could just remove ALL of them right now and compensate fully, so nobody had reason to complain for wasted gold

      instead, they announce it every time tanks and even beg to buy it "GO FOR IT, LAST CHANCE".
      i don't see where this helps in "fixing" things

    3. i'd even go further: they are removed soleley to put new premiums in their place

      Just look at the rediculous numbers of premiums appearing in the last months.
      Due to that it's not a problem to remove some from time to time, get cash.
      Put some new in that place and get cash again. And they don't have to care about the old ones, balance and shit, because "none of their characteristics will change" was promised ;)

  10. - The T14, FCM Pak, M10 Panther and the TOG will be redesignated as "reward tanks" - none of their characteristics however (the premium income and such) will change;
    So this means that these tanks will have removed or reduced to normal credit earnings ? in other words I got screwed ?

    1. No, it means ur dumb ass cant fucking read or comprehend one sentence.

    2. To my knowledge the "reward tanks" are the same as any tank except with the xp boost ... are not like Premium tanks at all.

    3. I already got the t-14 as a reward tank for doing a ridiculous amount of damage a few moths ago. It is the same premium tank as offered for sale.

    4. Well, the thing is that, even in the sentence you quoted, it specifically says: "none of their characteristics however (the premium income and such) will change".


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.


    6. Landric Hakon25 March 2015 at 19:19

      - The T14, FCM Pak, M10 Panther and the TOG will be redesignated as "reward tanks" -none of their characteristics however (the premium income and such) will change;

      Characteristics won't change, seems pretty clear to me. RIF.

    7. I also got my TOG as a reward Tank for Togtober.

  11. WG, please buff T54Proto, it SUCKS. If U buff it sales will be brisk, but as it is now its a pig and will languish in store.

  12. What they should do with the T-54 mod 1 :
    -increase gun stats (aim time or DPM)
    -decrease the terrain resistance/buff hp/t ratio

    1. So, a tank with 120mm sloped frontal armor also needs to be as fast as its t8 medium peers. Good thing shitlords arent' in charge of WoT's game balance. Oh wait...

    2. I don't think I wrote that It should be as fast as its peers.

    3. I didn't try it on the test server, but after looking at the stats on tank-compare, I'd ask for the following buffs:

      >Speed (from 44 to 50 km/h)
      >Viewrange (pics from this blog say 360, if so I'd ask for 370 at least)
      >Ammo rack space (from 34 to, say, 45 rounds)

      No preferential matchmaking but hey stuff happens, can't deal with Tier 10s then don't engage them, go for easier stuff.

  13. - Wargaming is not ignoring players with rude nicknames or those nicknames that are connected to nazi ideology, they get deleted - but more appear over time, the process of catching and punishing them is eternal (RG: WG does punish people for that maybe a bit too much, a close person to me had to change nickname because she chose "Penguinss" as nickname, the double S wasn't accepted even thought she didn't had any bad intentions with it);

    How they sleep at night with all those ss' in the nicknames. While at the same time we have a map gloryfiying the name of the commie mass murdering pig Josif.(which is also ironically one of the worst maps in the game) WG is disgusting excuse for a gaming company. Also don't forget to buy those leather jackets for 250€ from WG and boost stronk sovjet economy.

    1. Winners write history. Stalin was a saint.

    2. And losers rewrite it afterwards...

  14. Dicker Max has full MMM. The extra M is for Max.

    1. Yeah you can say that again; mine is in with tier 8s nearly every game lol

  15. If they buff the T-54 P any more it will end up better than the T-44

  16. Feel for the T-43 player because only WG believes its a scout :) There are a few scouts now that with the exception of the mm spread are better than the mediums in the tier with them. When "scouts" have better guns they tend to stop being scouts and start being lightly armored mediums. The players don't try to scout with them because they have the offensive ability to chose another option with regards to play style.

  17. Feel for the T-43 player because only WG believes its a scout :) There are a few scouts now that with the exception of the mm spread are better than the mediums in the tier with them. When "scouts" have better guns they tend to stop being scouts and start being lightly armored mediums. The players don't try to scout with them because they have the offensive ability to chose another option with regards to play style.
