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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

17.03.2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- It was not decided yet whether limited MM premium vehicles will be removed from the stores or not (RG: Apart from fail platoon I don't see a reason why they should, would instead prefer seeing the matchmaker range of each tank being shown in the game, makes no sense that have to install a mod for that);
- Individual mission choices do not influence what map are you going to get (some player was complaining that he now gets only city maps with light tanks);
- View range TD and arty nerfs are not connected to the change of render range from square to a circle;
- There are no historical reasons why TD's should have more view range than tanks;
- It's a well known fact that visual model has four quality versions (levels of detail) depending on the view range, the collision model however does not change with distance;
- Q: "The only purpose of the penetration nerf is to make people shoot with gold ammo!" A: "We removed it, so you can breathe easy now. Stop writing crap.";
- Potential damage (damage stopped by armor) doesn't count HE shells in its calculations;
- Apparently, the Cromwell Berlin has a wrong visual gun model and the IS-2 Berlin has wrong description. It will be fixed;
- New UI is being worked on;
- Not only penetration nerf was scrapped in 9.7 - all the other "compensation" buffs (like the accuracy on the move for several medium tanks) were cancelled as well;
- HD Type 59 will not come in 9.8;
- Storm confirms: South Coast, Sacred Valley and Hidden Village are candidates for removal from the game;
- The IS-3 in HD post was made earlier (the HD model will come in 9.8) because "many players waited for it";
- It's possible that HD model of King Tiger will come relatively soon;
- Developers confirm: the frontal plate angles of HD model of IS-3 are a bit different than in real life due to the technology used;


  1. "Apart from fail platoon I don't see a reason why they should (remove limited MM tanks)"

    They add extra plus for the tank (it already has increased profit and can train crews) and it proved a few times to be a bitch to balance to non-limited tanks.
    And it skews market - if players have limited MM and non-limited MM, the latter has to be significantly better for players to play it - to outweight the chance of being low tier. But then it's comparable with normal vehicles and the added profit and training value are just too much.

    1. I agree, theres no reason to remove limited MM vehicles. Theres so many of them anyway that removing them wont make a huge difference.

    2. The reason for removal of premium tanks is that it now completely distorts some tiers' gameplay. I think the following number concerns specifically tier 8 vehicles but on some battletiers, the amount of premium tanks participating them is actually 38 percent. This infestation in turn distorts the hightier battles and is currently regarded as a major issue (as in, perhaps the most pressing one). But of course, you can't very well nerf premium tanks without major outcry, so the only thing you can do is pull them back and replace them with other vehicles that do not offer such advantages.

    3. I'm curious SS, where did you get that number from? 38% prem tanks in battletier 7-9 games seems _very_ steep. I've been grinding about 18 tier 8 and 9 vehicles for a while now, and that's been far from my experience.

    4. It's just bad players needing to grind tons of credits in their t8 premium to cover for the money they're losing by being terrible.

    5. I'm curious as well about the 38%.

    6. or they could just put battle tier 12 back where it belongs... problem solved for the most part.

    7. Well, they could also give them a good buff and remove the limited MM.
      What was whith the IS-5? 200-225 pen and no limited mm? why not for more prems.

      And btw. i never understood why prems HAVE to be worse than regular tanks?

    8. Instead of altering the premium tanks they'd be better introducing new mission rewards -> Tokens which give a temporary "premium" status bonus's to a player selectable tank (fully researched), v.small credit boost, boost to xp and crew xp. The catch? make the tokes tier & tank type limited. -> Allows WG to heavily influence the tanks players use.

    9. @Darkmancer Cue players calling: "You only copied WT!"
      And it wouldn't really solve the issue, IMO - can't fix underperforming vehicle by forcing players to play it for a reward, they'd notice quickly.

    10. The 38 percent come from my own sources.

  2. I just got an IS-3, I support the new OP HD armor angles. They can eventually nerf it after I have finished the grind ;)

    That is, IF they nerf it...

  3. Apart from fail platoon I don't see a reason why they should, would instead prefer seeing the matchmaker range of each tank being shown in the game, makes no sense that have to install a mod for that);

    A: because its "confusing to (new) players" ... so many big numbers... Rita - how dare you! :<

  4. Hi Rita,
    I just came here from FTR, gj!
    But how do you able to translate all this IS-3 and Q&A articles? I thought you're not speaking russian.

    1. SS: "Long story short: I did put her in touch with a native Russian speaker, let’s call him “Ivan”. Ivan will help her with translations for her and she will be posting them in the same style as I used on FTR. "

    2. LOL. This Ivan is a kickass :)

  5. " Storm confirms: South Coast, Sacred Valley and Hidden Village are candidates for removal from the game;"

    Why? There are so many bad maps in WoT. Maps were you, depending on tiering and type of tank, only really have one option.

    I'm sick as hell of trying to take the hill or playing peekaboo in "Tank Alley" on Himmelsdorf. Ruinberg is just as monotonous. Prokhoravka/Fiery Salient still have nothing going for them. They'll never be able to fix Malinovka to make it playable. The list of maps I either like or at least don't mind playing is much smaller than the maps I loath. I don't mean loath as in old Redshire or old El Halluf, but there are so many that just aren't fun and never were.

    Seriously, I wouldn't cry if I never saw Abbey, Cliffs, Ensk, Fiery Salient, Fisherman's Bay, Fjords, Highway, Himmelsdorf, Karelia, Lakeville, Live Oaks, Malinovka, Mines, Mountain Pass, Prokhorovka, Province, Ruinberg, Siegfried Line, Steppes, Westfield or Widepark.

    1. kinda sounds like you hate every game :)

    2. kinda sounds like you hate every game :)

    3. I wish they would get rid of Prokhorovka / Fiery Salient with the most scouts (that aren't brain dead) wins...

    4. Scout player here. Love that map ;)

      On a serious note, it's good to have some more open maps to counterbalance the somewhat silly number of city maps we have right now. Those tend to strongly favour brawling and corridor camping, turning less armoured classes into the dancing pixies in the back waiting for a breakthrough.

    5. realy getting sick of WIDEPARK, get spotted in 5 secconds after the game starts, 2 choke points where you get killed, then when you try to go for the ridge, ALL tanks turn around and kill you first, getting shot in their bum in the prosses *sorry*, and go on with the "oh, i hit you once, Come on, hit me now.... AWWW! that hurt, now i am going to hit you again....."

    6. Quote myself, Widepark is too small, fishermans bay is bigger, so you can get away with the 600X600m map spotrange issue.... ( T5 tanks have a average of 350 m viewrange map is from tier 4 to tier 6, and the ridge in the middle) means you will always get spotted from the ridge.......

  6. I can't understand why are South Coast and Hidden Village candidates for removal from the game. They are both really good maps, in terms of design, with average gameplay (as every map). Sacred Valley is an ok map too.

    1. Sacred Valley is ok.
      I don't have much beef with Hidden Village myself, but I get why it's not exactly popular.
      South Coast on the other hand I hate a lot and would be more than happy to see it gone :D

  7. - There are no historical reasons why TD's should have more view range than tanks;

    like TDs with open turret and TD with low profil armor?
    that was the design of the open turret of the wolverine for example. to have a better full angle viewrange at the time...

    1. The open top tank destroyers gave better situational awareness, not increased view range. It was much easier to pop head out top and look around. The gun sights used were same as regular tanks. Some TD's could be fitted with binocs such as StuG which is part of the modules you can install.

    2. Come now, this is a game where troops cooped up inside enclosed cans get just as good air circulation as troops in completely open-topped vehicles... and can in fact mount some equipment to reach levels of air circulation the open tops could only dream of, actually giving the crew training level bonuses unavailable to those other tanks.

      The open top here is just a weakness, it won't be giving you more viewrange, hah.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "There are no historical reasons why TD's should have more view range than tanks"

    We do know that turretless TD's in general were cheaper to produce than regular tanks, so will they reduce purchase/repair costs to be historical?

    1. Answer: Storm "That would not be financially beneficial to WG, Stop getting damaged"

  10. Quote: Storm confirms: South Coast, Sacred Valley and Hidden Village are candidates for removal from the game; AND WIDEPARK??? ANYONE EVER LOOKED AT THAT MAP?????

  11. Dont wanna have the pen nerf:/ i dont think a few accuracy buffs compensate 11mm of pen

    1. T10 Meds are in several cases just superior to T10 heavies.
      And that is the issue here.

  12. "Storm confirms: South Coast, Sacred Valley and Hidden Village are candidates for removal from the game;"
    I play these maps more than the others or I'm losing my mind or I have lost my mind playing these maps. I forget.

  13. Is6 for example...
    Why ruins it mm to have it prefer mm?
    Its to bad for Tier 10.
    Fine on Tier 9 but cant fight most Tier 9 directly ( e75...)
    And is stronk on Tier 8.

    But what Tier 8 aint stronk toptier?

    Lets remove prem mm and buff it to Tier 10..
    Than it can also face tier 9
    But its just op on Tier 8...

    Finer steps- more fine tunning possible.

  14. They're not solving the problem by not creating any new premium tanks with pref MM. First of all there are already a gazillion pref MM tier 8's out there. Secondly I can't see them removing the IS6, too popular and changing it to non-pref even with a pen buff would open such a can of worms and refund demands I doubt it's a viable option.
    Maybe they're limiting the damage of adding even more tier 8 pref MM vehicles but the problem is there and will never go away now.Is it such a big problem anyway?

  15. "- Potential damage (damage stopped by armor) doesn't count HE shells in its calculations;"
    Yeah, we're bloody well aware of that, the question is when are you going to FIX IT?

  16. "- There are no historical reasons why TD's should have more view range than tanks;"

    Are there any why they should have less ? :D :D especially open-top vehicles.

    And while talking about "historical viewrange" - show me one vehicle that doesnt have more than ~606m viewrange :D
    I can imagine a soldierin WW2 seeing a vehicle 606 meters away, suddnely he moves one step back and the vehicle disappears completely! Magic!

    Whole game is bullshit "historical" wise. There is no fucking one pixel historically accurate.

  17. I'd be happy to see Sacred Valley go...but Ensk...the removal of the retarded map that is Ensk would make me very, very happy.
