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Sunday, 15 March 2015

15.03.2015 Q&A.

Not much today.

-Storm states that making ultra-HD texture pack makes no sense. The difference would only be noticeable from like one meter distance in hangar and only like 0,1 percent of players would download it anyway. In words of Storm: "It would be absolutely pointless to waste time on creating, testing, distribution and support of this pack.";
-WG is currently working on complete analysis and rework of WoWp, they want to fix it and revive it;
-Mines were tested in WoWs internally but with unsatisfactory results (RG: I would revise the whole camouflage system before trying anything else. Makes no sense that a ship can cloak at 500m on open sea and with no smoke deployed).


  1. Replies
    1. In one of the recent Q&A's Storm said that 9.7 would include some "new premiums". Presumably he's referring to this thing, maybe the Scorpion? Nobody knows for sure yet. The 9.7 test seems weirdly incomplete, lacking the premiums AND the high tier gold shell nerfs that they also said were coming.

  2. -WG is currently working on complete analysis and rework of WoWp, they want to fix it and revive it;

    I still cant get over it, why they even released it...
    they wanted to counter WT... i know that... but ... how they thought it works out?

    "Oh this game is made by wg- so lets forget about all its flaws"?
    was that the mindset ?

    i just dont get it......
    "okay, its fun and ready for public"... who said that? did anyone say it?
    will... ever... anyone say that?

    Thes spend freaking millions on it...
    what a waste of money which could had been used on other things,
    not to speak of the time and reputation...

    I guess if u earn 500+m a year u dont have to care about anything anymore.
    Thats the only thing which makes any sense to me..

    1. I think WG didn't release WOWP only to counter WT, they just wanted to have a game franchise from different perspectives: land, air and sea. WT just made WG rush their product and bad things happen when they rush.

  3. I cant see wg add waves... like that other ship game with the old sail boats.
    (naval warfare? idk.)

    cant see the engine handle it ...
    WG just will say "ppl pc cant handle it" and case closed.

  4. @Miguel Sanchez ... Funny enough, waves would have to be a server side thing.. since if they are out of sync.. one ship might look like it would be floating in mid air or sunk beneath 10 meters of water but still having health and moving.. It wouldn't be that big of a deal to render the waves and water effects..

  5. Couldn't HD Tank skins be gold-subscription? If 1% of 60million is 600,000 ... that's a lot of gold transactions that would pay for the modelers and textures artists time? no?

    1. They made over 500 million last year, I don't think they really need another source of income...

  6. Rita have you read about this?

    They mentioned World of Tanks in the article among games that are targeted by this

  7. I think players will have enough problems evading fire and not colliding with each other or running aground and watching out for torpedoes and dive it is the game looks good, it is after all, like WoT, an arcade game first, before it is a simulation

  8. Storm states that making ultra-HD texture pack makes no sense. The difference would only be noticeable from like one meter distance in hangar and only like 0,1 percent of players would download it anyway. In words of Storm: "It would be absolutely pointless to waste time on creating, testing, distribution and support of this pack."

    wait, do i ever heard about this?
    *check check back cheeeck*
    *looks at 9.0 Dev Diary*
    ah, The Irony ; How Terrible :D
