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Saturday, 14 March 2015

14.03.2015 QA.

One of the major 9.7 changes is separating new players from experienced ones on tiers 1-3 (no more pedobears, unless you make a twink)

-9.7 will not bring changes to individual missions, 9.8 will bring a large set of changes however;
-It's not possible to release the set of changes via a mini-patch;
-Platoon finder will not come in 9.7 or 9.8, but later;
-The IM changes will include both description fixing and actual changes in IM conditions;
-It's not clear yet whether the penetration changes in first 9.7 test will appear in final 9.7 version, developers will think about it (it's possible it will, it's possible it will not);
-It's not clear what the conditions for making a difference between newbie and experienced player on tiers 1-3 are (RG: Seriously?);
-"Want skill MM? Play team battles with leagues.";
-There are more plans (apart from the penetration nerf in 9.7) "to make the life of HT's easier";
-Some extremely high pen gold shells will have their penetration nerfed;
-More complicated shell mechanisms (like special properties for sub-caliber shells or crit like in War Thunder) will not be introduced, because it would make the game too complicated and when shooting at large distances, the game would behave "randomly". Storm states that one of the main reasons why the game was so successful is the simplicity of gameplay;
-Gold ammo (as a premium improved option) will not be removed;
-Q: "With the appearance of special MM rule to separate newbies from experienced players, I'll make a twink" A (Storm): "Spitting on you!";
-The rules to protect new players do not mean that the old SerB's motto "if you are skilled, you can pwn" is no longer valid, but newbies have to be protected. The issue of sealclubbing grew a lot recently, pedobears are driving new players away (RG: Not just recently);
-According to Storm, the pedobear argument of having skilled players play with newbies is good because the newbies learn from them is false: "newbie leaves before he manages to learn something";
-The reason why 9.7 has so few HD tanks (again) is WGL Grand Finals, "cybersportsmen do not like surprises" (RG: Seeing the low numbers of the WGL, they should revise their priorities);
-Storm denies that the reason for penetration nerf is the need of Wargaming to make money on gold shells;
-Q: "Why are the ASAP/KTTS videos so short these days? They used to be 10-15 mins long." A: "Because there few new things in patches. For now." (later, Storm adds that the "for now" concerns the future content in 2015);
-Havok will come in very distant future, it's being completely reworked due to insufficient performance (RG: Looks like Roaming got completely scrapped too);
-Developers are working on the motion physics based on the test results;
-Storm doesn't agree that patch 9.7 has little content - especially the changes to team battles are massive;
-HE shells do not count towards damage blocked by armor WHATSOEVER, this will be reviewed;
-The information that HD IS-3 would appear in 9.7 was wrong;
-No new info on the FV4202 (why it was nerfed) - Storm will ask his colleagues on Monday;
-Storm cannot say whether mid-tier penetration will be nerfed as well;
-It's possible there will be further artillery changes, developers are currently thinking how to do it;
-Third physics test: "when it's done it's done";
-The worst (least successful with most corridors) maps will be removed from the game. Currently, following maps are reviewed for that purpose: Hidden Village, Sacred Valley, South Coast and North-West (RG: Glad that its being done, mainly the Hidden Village, it looks like a proper map for a MOBA game);
-Storm states that Foch 155 has to be changed to a non-autoloader TD with "normal gun parameters". Either that, or nerf the gun more. But this is still just an idea, not a decided solution;
-Regarding whether to buff E50M, no decisions were taken yet;
-Artillery autoloader was not discussed yet;
-Foch 155 autoloader is unhistorical;
-The 9.7 test server was unstable, that's why it was stopped, but on the other hand, the new BigWorld version boosted the performance on some PC's by as much as 25 percent (not on very poor ones, but on mid-range ones);
-There will be new Stronghold features, but the developers cannot disclose details yet;
-Regarding World of Tanks working on a different engine - "Other alternatives produce significantly worse results on very bad PC's. We had a look at all the trending engines - they don't work well on bad PC's.";
-Bonus XP for tanking will hopefully come in 9.8;
-There are plans to introduce dynamic mud on tank (the way War Thunder has it, you start with a clean tank and end with a dirty one when driving through mud);
-Q: "You suck. When Armored Warfare comes, it will kick your ass." A: "Stop talking shit already.";
-T-62 and Leopard 1 in HD will not come in 9.7;
-Apparently, HD models of either Jagdpanzer E-100 or E-100 are fucked, one has wrong lower frontal plate angle, resulting in a nerf;
-New premium tanks will come in 9.7.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Havok will come in very distant future, it's being completely reworked due to insufficient performance"

    The legend said it would come with 9.0 patch

    1. They won't even make it to 10.0 when AW is released.

    2. They won't even make it to 10.0 when AW is released.

    3. They won't even make it to 10.0 when AW is released.

  3. @Rita: Do you know which tree that will be on discount after Maus? I think that SS said that RU always announces the next Top of the Tree in advance, but I can't find it on their portal :/

  4. "-T-62 and Leopard 1 in HD will not come in 9.7;"

    Models not ready, I bet. T-62A isn't a WGL tank and isn't popular anyway. Leopard doesn't rely on it's armour so any changes to it doesn't matter.

  5. "Storm states that Foch 155 has to be changed to a non-autoloader TD with "normal gun parameters". Either that, or nerf the gun more. But this is still just an idea, not a decided solution"

    Are you sure on this? You just mentioned in your 0.9.7 Vehicle changes post:
    "Foch 155 aim time buffed from 3 to 2,8s"

    So why should they buff the Foch 155 in 9.7 and then consider nerfing it later again? However, whenever I play the Foch 155 (on the testserver) I feel that I have chosen the wrong TD Line. It used to be somewhat overpowered and yeah ok, it deserved a nerf. But they nerfed it so much that it now appears to me completely useless. Aimtime and the reloadtime between the 3 shots are so long. Removing the autoloader on it is like removing the only thing that makes this tank any special - and yet, it would probably still mean a buff to the Foch 155. I have very mixed feelings about this topic.

    1. Nerfing? You really do think that 155mm autoloader with 5 secs between shells is a good thing? It makes the vehicle uniqe, but useless. IMHO they should buff mobility, buff those weakspots on roof a bit and make it regular TD that is accurate, not this pathetic crap that misses 2 out of 3 shells.

    2. Why, at least the foch 155 is different the tier x td's are becoming very samey.

    3. And by "very samey" you mean "totally useless". Except for T110E3 & Jagd E-100, the only TDs that are actually worth playing because they're not to be played as TDs

    4. @Jan Hynar
      No, I never said that the current status of Foch 155 gun is any good. But the whole concept is different. That's all. Removing the autoloader from it just makes it very generic and average compared to the other TD's.

  6. Roaming was scrapped a few months ago because they didn't want Russian douche bags to come and ruin people's days.

  7. Concerning the puppy protection, is it known how WG defines experienced players? I basically like the idea.

  8. Tier 1-3 good player nerf:

    This is needed. There are way to many sealclubbers in tiers 1 and 2, but, WG, please consider limiting this to just tiers 1-2. Tier 3 is a pretty fun tier with a lot of fun tanks. I love tier 3 because the tanks are small and fast and it makes all the maps seem HUGE. I love the M3, PZIIIA, Cruisers and other tanks. They are very fun to play. Also, at tier 3 the maps are HUGE. For instance, Prok is a much different and much better map at tier 3 than at tier 10 where it is just to small.

    I would ban any player with more than 2,500 games from tier 1 and more than 5000 games from tier 2. If you have more than 2,500 games and you have not learned the game at tier 1 YOU NEVER WILL, but if you have more than 2,500 games why are you playing at tier 1 other than to sealclub. There are players that have 5K or ever 15K games in a T18 or T1 which is ridiculous AND sad for them.

    Eliminate all sealclubbing from tiers 1 and 2, but leave tier 3 alone. It's one of the most fun tiers in the game with fast, mobile very fun tanks.

    1. NOTE: I have 16K games and I don't have a single tier 1 or 2 tank in my garage, but as I stated, I really enjoy tier 3 especially as a break from higher tier games.

    2. The other reason to leave tier 3 alone is because it's the first tier where you get more regular +2 MM with many tier 5 games. WG should also limit tier 1 games to just tier 1, even if it means having games with 10 on 10, and the same with tier 2, favor only tier 2 games and make tier 3 the tier where you introduce players to higher tier MM.

    3. "I would ban any player with more than 2,500 games from tier 1 and more than 5000 games from tier 2."

      And I would ban any shitlord with under 50% WR that reaches Tier 8, either via grinding or buying their way into that tier.

      As long as shitlords and bots are allowed to absolutely ruin high tier experience, then we also have the right to take the piss right back at them and relieve stress when playing low-tiers.

    4. @Mark West

      I think it's obvious that no one will be banned from low tier games (otherwise, how would you start grinding a new tree/nation?). You just won't see newbies in your low tier battles.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. IDIOT, there are only 7 tier 1 tanks, U should have them all elite before you leave tier 1. thats the problem with NOOBS in this game, they rush up the tiers and never learn the game. I have a 81 MASTERY badges and i have one in EVERY tier 1 tank and almost all tier 2's. Also, have u heard of FREE XP? It tanks a small amt of FREE XP to bypass tier 1 and 2 tanks so you never have to play them.

    7. @Mark West

      Was it directed at me? If so:

      I'm perfectly aware of the concept of free XP, thank you very much, but forcing players to use it is not how WG operates. FreeXPing a single tier 3 takes usually 1500-2000 XP, which - on 5% ratio - is the equivalent 30000-40000 XP grinded in battles. Just for starting a single tier 3 line (out of 29 available). WG is obviously not interested in discouraging players from starting a new grind.

      Also, please accept my sincere apologies for mistaking you with someone who's interested in actual discussion. It won't happen again.

  9. >>According to Storm, the pedobear argument of having skilled players play with newbies is good because the newbies learn from them is false: "newbie leaves before he manages to learn something"

    Yeah no s**t
    I just created a new account for the referal program (not a reroll account with IS6 and free xp'ing, mind you, legit restarting an account, grinding stock tanks) ...

    And the amount of full gold T18s, FCM36 with bino and camo, S35 full gold facerolling....It almost made me quit, so I can't even imagine a newbie.
    And the result is clear : there is a small tier1-3 population, so as soon as you grab a tier2 tank, you're thrown into tier3 matches. As soon as you get a tier3, over 60% of your matches will be tier5.
    I struggled like hell, and I know how to play. But imagine a newbie with 10 battles using a stock little tier3, and getting slaughtered match after match by guys in tier4 and 5 fully equiped and with gold (just in case tier3 armor is too stronk).

    Honestly, I used to play a couple games of tier2 and 3. I was planning on getting the new French R35.
    Ever since I rerolled an account, I won't. I would feel just too awful.

    1. i know what you mean. i obly play my su-76i to huntdown the pedobears. and if im faceing a newplayer i just down right ignore em as much as possibly can. But i know a newbie when i meet one they just keep shooting your frontal and dont aim at weakspots and just autoaim. im no pedobear i hunt the pedobears. but if i have to i will use only HE on new players give em a chance and perposely miss T18s FCMs Curser II (with derp) Are my main targets. and clan taggers if thre useing a tank to seal club..idc if newbies cap our base ill let em. but if i have to because you know reasons being treatened to be reported i have to act like i suck but the sinplest way would be ban any XVM stat mod. so i can relax and fill buckets of Pedobear tears. i hate seal clubbing i just play to have fun now. when they do something about XVM and the bots. i refuse to go into a teir 10 or 8.. unless its in my lttb, kv5, Fv304, and the t49 its the only fun high teirs i have.

      but anyway i dont sealclub i teach the seals on my side how to play and if they diei just say good try.

      but this seal protection plan? i love it. finally WG steps in *claps* shoulda did it before 7.0 asshats..

    2. Ladies and gentleman, I give you the average shitlord.

    3. ladys and gents i give you a yogscast shitlord :D

  10. -Some extremely high pen gold shells will have their penetration nerfed;
    Time to grind my t54 so I can get the t-62a then :P

    -It's possible there will be further artillery changes, developers are currently thinking how to do it;
    Remove it from the game :3

    -Artillery autoloader was not discussed yet;
    Why? It is ridiculous to have an arty that can track you, then hit you with 3 more shots while you're de-tracked.

    1. Get a repair crew or use your repair kit bub.... My Meds have 3 Second Repairs and my other tanks have just about enough time to get away too.

  11. Roaming was scrapped a few months ago because they didn't want Russian douche bags to come and ruin people's days.

  12. Looks rather promising. I bet everyone and their mom will try to find a reason to complain about WG anyway but whatevs.

    1. Don't get me wrong, it's a step in the right direction.
      I was even advocating the reduction in tierX medium penetration (with accuracy compensation).

      But they still haven't fix the gold ammo problem.
      In fact, this will make it even worse, because now baddies will use the "penetration is too low" excuse.

      I also do agree with their overall tone when it comes down to subcaliber simulation, where just having more pen is much simpler than blindly doing what WT is doing, although they could rework HESH to do what it's supposed to do.

  13. -There are more plans (apart from the penetration nerf in 9.7) "to make the life of HT's easier"

    Seriously tempted to uninstall WoT. FUCK Heavy Tanks and their absolutely tomato drivers, they've been pandered enough already!

    Sick and tired of having NO ONE to support in TDs/MTs because the top tier shitlords in their precious Hevi Tonks are too busy defending arty or camping A1/K0

  14. "Cybersportsmen" Sounds like an athletic Dr Who baddie...


      You can see in her eyes that she totally digs his Radley-Walters collection.

  15. "Storm denies that the reason for penetration nerf is the need of Wargaming to make money on gold shells"

    1. I think it is a legit statement. People will use their gold to buy premium, you buy goldshells with credits. I cannot think of anyone in my entire clan that buys goldshells with gold.

    2. You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

      Most people don't end up getting free gold via clans, so they either buy gold or buy premium account/tanks, so that they can earn credits with which to shoot the gold shells.
      Or they just buy the credit package.

      These idiotic nerfs to standard rounds pen, while completely ignoring gold pen, will only entice more and more gold spam, entirely beating the purpose of "making armor more effective".

      But hey, WG are retarded enough to think that nerfing TD view range will make the advance more with the rest of the team and will reduce their camping. Top Kek.

    3. "-Some extremely high pen GOLD SHELLS will have their penetration nerfed;" - Who's the special kind of stupid now?

  16. Good to know I wont have to feel bad for playing low-tiers anymore.

  17. "-According to Storm, the pedobear argument of having skilled players play with newbies is good because the newbies learn from them is false: "newbie leaves before he manages to learn something";"
    No they are not, you can see them in higher tier battles. Why doesnt WG protect us from noobs there? Double standards?

    "-Storm denies that the reason for penetration nerf is the need of Wargaming to make money on gold shells;"
    Yeah right...

    "-Havok will come in very distant future, it's being completely reworked due to insufficient performance (RG: Looks like Roaming got completely scrapped too);"
    Read NEVER

    "-Q: "You suck. When Armored Warfare comes, it will kick your ass." A: "Stop talking shit already.";"
    Deal with it. Every patch which WG kicks out is some kind of nerf and moving toward pay2play. So they are with every patch one step closer to pushing players to AW.

    "-New premium tanks will come in 9.7."
    More moneymaking "new" things. Fix your game, improve maps, do something about bots and other things...

    1. You really barely pay attention, last year they banned shitloads of bots on all servers, also, as was stated they were also going to nerf the gold shells from several tanks

  18. Storm is nothing but an ignorant and arrogant deadbeat.

  19. "The issue of sealclubbing grew a lot recently, pedobears are driving new players away"

    Good. That means fewer 100 WN8 tier 10 platoons ruining the game for old players.

  20. "Storm states that one of the main reasons why the game was so successful is the simplicity of gameplay." BEST JOKE EVER :)

    well, i have over 20k battles and i can swear, there are still things happening everyday that are simply beyond any logical explanation. WG secret formula ® ...

  21. If they are going to nerf tier 9 and 10 meds, i want them to nerf tier 7 and 8 heavies too

    1. Not very bright, are you?

      Tier 8 heavies are actually quite balanced, and for tier 7, the main outlier is the T29.

    2. No need to insult. That being said, try vk3002 against tiger, T-43 against IS, and a long etc... Tier 8 meds are fucking shit, just like tier 7 ones

    3. go back to play heavy tanks, t8 mediums are fine.

  22. "the pedobear argument of having skilled players play with newbies is good because the newbies learn from them is false"

    So there you have it . Wargaming , retards that had an unbelievable luck with their game speak to the world.

    It's not how we ALL started in this game? Learning from the better players? IF you put baddies with baddies the best they will learn is how to become baddies. Even worse that the current players... it will only help WG's coffers.

    it's not that T18, T40, SU76, fcm36, PzS35etc are the problem here... it's the players. Lower tiers have the most op premiums and not effected by the td camo and accuracy nerfs.... and they say sealclubbers are the problem. Not their OP tanks.

    storm , go suck a dick mate ... you and your master ... wargaming.

  23. "...they don't work well on bad PC's..."

    For the love of ..., stop catering to the mediocre already. You want a good-looking game or a mediocre looking game? Just make a good-looking game and tell people with abacus computers to go buy a new one.
