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Friday, 13 March 2015

0.9.7 Vehicle changes

Here it is:

-Most arties got a major view range nerf between of 30 and 50 meters;
-Foch 155 aim time buffed from 3 to 2,8s, penetration nerfed from 293 to 272mm;
-Batchat got a stabilization buff (accuracy on the move improved by 12 percent), penetration nerfed from 259 to 249mm;
-Leopard Prototyp A and Leopard 1 penetration nerfed from 268mm to 257mm;
-Leopard Prototyp A got a stabilization buff (accuracy on the move improved by 9-10 percent), and reload time got buffed from 11,1s to 10,9s;
-Leopard 1 got stabilization buff (22 percent);
-E50M penetration got nerfed from 270 to 259mm;
-Jpz E-100 penetration got nerfed from 299 to 278mm;
-Type 61 top gun and STB-1 gun penetration got nerfed from 258mm to 248mm;
-STB-1 got stabilization buff (12 percent) and the gun aimtime was buffed from 2,3 to 2,2s;
-Charioteer, FV4202 and Centurion 7 top gun penetration nerfed from 268mm to 257mm;
-FV4005 and FV215b (183) AP shell penetration got nerfed from 310mm to 288mm;
-Firefly viewrange increased from 360 to 370m;
-M48A1, M60 gun penetration got nerfed from 268mm to 257mm;
-M48A1 Patton got accuracy loss from moving turret buff (you now lose 33 percent less accuracy);
-T110E3 and T110E4 penetration got nerfed from 295mm to 276mm;
-T110E4 got accuracy loss from moving turret buff (you now lose 17 percent less accuracy), aim time was buffed from 2,9s to 2,8s;
-T-62A, Object 430, Object 907 and Object 140 penetration got nerfed from 264 to 253mm;
-Object 263 penetration got nerfed from 290mm to 270mm, stabilization got buffed by 12 percent and reload time got buffed from 10,7s to 10,5s;
-Object 268 penetration got nerfed from 303mm to 282mm;
-Object 704 and ISU-152 (top gun) penetration got nerfed from 286mm to 266mm;
-Chinese 121 tank penetration got nerfed from 258mm to 249mm, reload got buffed from 9,6 to 9,4s and there's also  accuracy loss from moving turret buff (you now lose 14 percent less accuracy).


  1. They want us to shoot more gold.

    1. No, they just want us to have more skill. Even if there were a tank with 350mm pen, they will have noob unskill who shot gold.

    2. Are you working for WG or you don't use brain at all? Every last update makes this game more pay2win. There NO update after 9.4 that made this game better for players.

    3. nerf from update to next you WG know to do enything else?you fucked all, its not tanks that i hardly worked for! fu you WG! i wish i could hit with rock in head the one who did this all nerf and than open my bear and drink and sell my acount to some idiot who will by it, all after 8.5 is worse and worse constantly,WG GTFO

    4. Of course they want that, Bill. TD's shooting AP - OP. Russian MT's camping hull down spamming HEAT with a dazzling pen - no problem whatsoever.

      Can't wait for 0.9.8. If I could make a few suggestions, TD related:

      First and foremost, more camo "balance". Cut the bonus from the camo net in half, double the reset time. Even better, make it so that it can be damaged in combat.

      2. More penetration "balance". 150-155mm guns should have at most 250mm pen, 170-183 ones around 240 (you want more, you have great HEAT rounds, you know). 255-260 pen for 128-130mm ones. And, as mistermex1 so kindly pointed out, even this is too much. A good driver should be able to take out a T95 from the front with a Leichttraktor by shooting at its weak spots.

      3. More accuracy "balance". To put it shortly, nothing below 0.35 (and that in a few cases, most should be at least 0.38). Upset that you can't hit your targets from 200m anymore? Move closer instead of camping like a coward and fight it out like a man.

      4. Some of the Tier X TDs have way too much armor. Nothing with more than 200mm effective armor. And worst slopes for it, angling makes "real players" bounce sometimes even with HEAT/APCR and it takes the fun out of right-clicking. Want armor? Go play heavies.

      5. TDs with 55-60 kph? Seriously? Then what are mediums good for? At most 40 kph. And cut back on their maneuverability too. A stock ISU-152 level should be acceptable.

      Obviously, these changes should trickle down the rest of the line. It's really a shame that my StuG III G, for example, no matter how many times it has been "balanced", can still outperform so many courageous KV-85 drivers. Simply not fair.

      But not only TDs need some work. I saw that they nerfed Tier X MT pen too. I think an extra 25-30% accuracy bonus while on the move would compensate nicely for that. And, obviously, "catapulta delenda est".

      I believe that these changes, once implemented, will make the game a lot more dynamic. In the end, tank boxing is what we really wanted all along.

    5. Căcat, what is wrong with you?

      1. Camo? WT auf E 100 drivers don't even know what that means. Camo is shit and broken in the current meta, halfing it makes TD's unplayable.

      2. Definition of a tank destroyer. DESTROYING TANKS. And 290-310 pen is balanced by shit reloads, shit accuracy (even more so after 9.6), and never able to hit anything other than your HT's 350 mm effective armor zones these days. And because of the broken camo and the broken artillery you should be at the back, so your accuracy gets even more shit.
      LTraktor can kill a T95 from the front?
      Are you that shit you don't know the T95's least armor frontally is 100 mm or so? A LTraktor can only dream of taking those out. Heck, a tier 6 can't even do that. 30 mm max on the LTraktor can kill a 305 or 100 mm TD. Dream on, sunshine.

      3. Fuck off. 9.6 already screwed every accuracy in the game, making it worse with your previous suggestions added to that just destroys the tank destroyers, and 9.9 needs a HT nerf. So everything gets nerfed. What a jolly good idea.

      4. Pfff, as if they haven't got weakspots. And without armor, what would tanks like the T110E3 be? An armorless, speedless, shit gun having, turretless TD? That balances nothing. Just hit weakspots. Every tank has em.

      5. No, no, no and no. Every speedy TD has shit terrain resistance and no armor. If you can't take any of those out, you are shit.

      What are you? A WG dev? You want to nerf everything so one tank or class will stand out? Are you that biased?

      These are the most crap suggestions ever, just fixing your HT's? Fuck off, HT's have a lot of armor as well.

      You are either dumb, shit at this game, overbiased or have never played anything higher than tier 6. Your suggestions are shit and you are too one sided and theoretical.

    6. So much butthurt...

      TDs are way too strong at the moment. Every idiot can deal a lot of damage with them while camping behind some bushes.
      Btw: 270+mm penetration are by far enough to penetrate most tanks very reliable. So stop crying and maybe try some tanks that need more skill than TDs...

    7. A slight pen nerf, yes, fine. Everything that that guy stated combined? Biased.

    8. Sigh... I guess it's my fault for overestimating people and expecting them to recognize blatant sarcasm.

      Cristoph, TDs, like most other vehicles, are balanced by other stats. Damage is not the only thing that matters. The WT has huge burst and accuracy? Yes, but it also gets spotted from across the map, can be autopenetrated by every HE and it's defenseless for almost 1 minute. Likewise for the Foch 155 and none of the other TDs are really that broken (The WT is indeed unbalanced, but not as much as some believe. A lot of those asking for its removal have never played a single game in it). And remember that Tier X TDs have to fight tanks with ridiculous amount of well sloped armor that can be made even better with some basic skills like angling for some, hull down for others and generally taking cover instead of standing in the middle of the road and 20 seconds later raging about how TDs are OP. Also, TDs, just like artillery, are there to make sure you can't camp hull down in your T-62A bouncing almost every shot while penetrating pretty much everything you meet.

  2. Replies
    1. Gold spam? On what planet is 253-257mm APCR considered as weak? You can still pen all tanks in the game frontaly hitting the lower plate or weakspot. Dont be ignorant.

    2. ^This. Please don't constantly whine, it's a good thing. Look at the heavy tank player's point of view.
      Also, there's not much of a difference between having 266mm pen and 286m or 295mm and 276mm, you can still pen just about everything frontally.

      WG just tries to make us aim more carefully, so see this as Part 2 of "making high-tier battles more balanced" after the accuracy nerf.

    3. *286 milimeters of course and not meters. Although it doesn't make much of a difference...

    4. It will be a gold spam. It's not about how bad silver pen is, but about the difference between gold and silver. gold being 30mm better on high tiers? ah, forget, I'll aim at weakspots.
      Gold having 80mm better penetration? HURR DURR HEAT AT UPPER GLACIS.

  3. People laughed at me when I made a list on ftr saying they will nerf tier 10 ammo by 10mm and TDs by 20mm.

  4. good to see that BL-10 getting nerfed.

    1. I agree, 286mm pen is totally retarded at tier 8. I think 248mm AP pen is max that should be avalable at tier 8, that is what the T28 have. Even the charioteer having 257mm AP pen is also kinda alot. T34 also has too much pen for its tier making armor useless for all tanks at tier 8.

      PLS WG nerd more AP pen and gold ammo pen to make game more skill dependant.

  5. I think this is a good way really, even if meda having 253-257mm apcr pen, that is still very good to be fair and will be around 245mm AP pen equivalent. Also TDs ahaha they dont need more than max 270mm AP pen. People are too spoiled. WG should have nerfed gold ammo heavily as well, may it happen in the future, amen!

  6. omg they destroy everything...and all that because noobs complain about it...(how penetarte me so easy,that medium needs nerf,that td is op and etc...) and of course when they see a good player and play a good tank...( fuck wg nerf that tank is op)...

    1. Ammo at tier 10 was in a desperate need of a nerf. Gold ammo even more.

    2. What tanks cant you pen easily having 245mm equivalent AP pen? No tanks need more than 258mm AP pen max in any way, and mediums need less due to having good mobilty. Even if they have like 253-257mm APCR (equivalent to 245mm AP pen), what tanks can they pen frontaly at tier 10? Even a Maus can be penned frontaly in the weakspot by 225mm AP pen if it drives over slope. People are getting too spoiled.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. new tanks is logical to have better gun,penetration and different mechanics...u can't compare an old tank with a new...

  7. Nice, maybe I'll re-buy the Maus. Still, gold ammo nerf would be even more welcomed.
    Also, is the TS up? And if yes, did the VK got replaced with the Maus?

    1. What makes you think 253-257mm APCR cant pen the lower plate on maus even if it angle? FFS it can get penned by even lower pen guns. Dont get ur hopes up kid.

    2. The fact that the lower plate of an un-angled Maus has over 260mm effective armor against APCR and 330mm when angled ?!

      Know your shit before calling others kids...

    3. 253 mm APCR is worse than E100's 235 AP tbh. You will be in need of spamming HEAT in future. Still I don't mind, a medium shouldn't be used as brawler tanks. What made me laugh was the next TD nerf though... I mean... didn't they nerf them enough already?

    4. The effective armor is dependant on the elevation of the gun in relation to the enemy, and most mediums are kinda low = less effective armor on the muse lower pleyt.

    5. Listen, the differance between 2 degrees of normalizaion and 5 is roughly 10mm more or less shooting on the same sloped area, which makes 253 APCR equivalent to 240 AP pen or so.

    6. First: 253mm APCR and 235mm AP are equal at 33 degrees (don't try to be smart, that's simple geometry). Second: Maybe you don't get it: From now on you HAVE to be lucky penning almost every tier 10 heavy's lower hull. If you're okay with penning every third shot, fine. But I am not.

    7. Why would you wanna shoot an area that is angled at 33 degrees, that is like russian meds upper plate angle? Stop beeing dumb.

  8. They want us to play War Thunder or Armored Warfare when it comes out...

    1. yep, planning to hiatus from WoT anyway
      heck AW seems better game than WoT imo

    2. Yep, thinking the very same thing. AW looks more and more interesting with every WoT update.

    3. Yep, thinking the very same thing. AW looks more and more interesting with every WoT update.

    4. there is no gold ammo in WT:GF. every shell's pen. is historical. and m103 has the highest pen with HEAT rounds. it's 360 mm :)

  9. "-Chinese 121 tank penetration got nerfed from 258mm to 249mm, reload got buffed from 9,6 to 9,4s and there's also accuracy loss from moving turret buff (you now lose 14 percent less accuracy)."

    Buff turret side to 160 damn it :P

    ALso improve ENGINE POWER! WZ-120 is noticeably better then 121...

  10. BUT will there be a gold ammo nerf!!?!!?!?!?

    1. Gold ammo should be removed from tier 10 because all you meet is same tiers or lower. I still dont get why people need gold ammo having around 245mm equivalent AP pen (253-257mm apcr).

    2. Easy. When an E100 blocks off a corridor, I often cannot hot the rangefinder and any decent player will hide the lowerplate in that thing. Spamming the turret if it looked at you is a good counter. Same for Maus. Bla bla flank bla bla. Yeah because that is easily possible 100% of the time.

      Should be quite a bit more examples.

  11. They should remove TDs directly, it will be faster and less painful than seeing our tanks nerfed patch after patch.
    Seriously, it becomes ridiculous.

    1. What tanks cant you pen having more than 258mm AP pen (tier 10 heavy pen)? No tank need close to 300mm AP pen anyways, if you bounce its prolly due to extreme angles or armor that is so thick you need gold ammo anyways.

      Many people havé for a long time considered tier 10 meds pen to be too much as well as TDs pen. Even when I played the ferdie which has 246mm pen I could pen anything frontaly so I dont get why people complain.

    2. i apsolutley agree . and you mistermex1,pls dont lie u pen all with ferdi, i have over 1200k battles in ferdy and i say u lie.and if you say 258 is enough to pen enything we hit, i realy see no popint wehy WG nerf pen when there is no big diference!???do u say WG did it for noting and that we will not see eny diference?lol

    3. Done, only the Wolverine remains in my garage, others are nerfed to death and are unbearable to play, sold away. Even the e25 (can't learn to like it).

    4. the turreted ones look fine to me - as they can flex about just like every other tank.

      the non-turreted ones though.. whenever I use mine I am reminded why I kind of stopped playing any of them (only use for daily multipliers or missions). they are just too weak for something that lacks a turret.

    5. Please do tell me more on how you reliably hit LFPs/weakspots in general at 350+ meters.

      Oh, wait! Let me guess! TDs should get closer, because they're in fact Heavy Tanks who should be in the front line!

    6. Don't forget Pen decay over distance. It's another slap into TDs face. It will become brawling or very fast flanking if the map allows. LT will become more dpm to have more fun enjoying the "fuck TD Party"

    7. And piter pan? I dont lie I really believe so, I have 3.2k in ferdie and 7k in tiger II I know it is not hard to pen higher tiers, I even pen tier 10 with vk45b and 200mm pen.


    WG does that.


    1. Pretty much describes the comments. Not like it's any different from any patch~

    2. Listen here you little dipshit...

      Did ANYBODY complain about the standard AP/APCR pen at Tier 9/10? NO!!!
      Did everyone and their mother justifiably complained about 330mm lol-ammo on Tier 9 cHEAT shells on T-54? Yes they bloody did!

      But yeah, sure, keep thinking that nerfing standard shells pen is actually a good thing, let's completely forget about the retarded broken gold shells...

    3. I did because the combination of penetration, accuracy and DPM has been too dominant for a very long time. The strongest clans are spamming medium rush for a reason and WG finally delivered a good balance adjustment. Stop crying and enjoy other tanks...

  13. Best news I've read in recent times. The day armor will again count for something in high-tier matches will be a beautiful day indeed.

    1. you did notice those are standard shells, right ?

      but yeah, I'm glad you will enjoy my 420mm penetration shells on jpze100

    2. Hmm, what cant you pen with 277mm AP pen really? You are beyond stupid if you need gold anno with anything above then 240mm AP pen in tier 10.

    3. And you are literally beyond retarded if you think you can actually aim for weakspots with the Jagd E-100 gun at any distance besides point-blank range...

      And yes, WG failing to also balance gold-ammo is just another nail in the WoT coffin.

    4. Do you really think it's going to change anything? Sure, some TDs or meds won't be able to pen some tank parts with their standard ammo but it will simply encourage to use gold ammo more often, especially in tier X. When i'll see hull down E-100 i won't even bother to shoot standard rounds, i'll load gold straight away. Armor will NEVER matter in this game unless gold ammo is removed or nerfed. Standard ammo penetration was never much of an issue.

    5. They JPE does indeed lol at your armor still.

  14. You can't keep everyone happy. There will always be crying little boys on the Battlefield. Just get on with it I say.

  15. Some meds that I like like STB and Leo got buffs so I approve this :)

    I wonder why they did not nerf the pen of any heavies? Does it mean that 113 has now better pen that 121, even though they share the same gun?

    1. They don't. 113 and WZ-120 share the same gun, 121 got a different one.

  16. yeah lets make all guns pen 1mm and all gold pen 3mm and every tank armory 2mm so we can shoot and buy more gold.

    GG WG GG

    more reasons to swap this fucking game to AW when it comes out

    1. these are all fantastic chgs, but please stay, we need noobs!!!

  17. nah, for me as a leopard driver this is a huge buff :D 11mm pen for 22% accuracy on the move... nice :)

  18. Load da gold!!! Just like war gaming wants you to

    1. Tier x premium shells are heat and in many situations heat are worse than standard apcr. Stop crying and learn the game

  19. I love the arty view range nerf. IM tired of arty sitting in bush outspotting lights

    1. im tired of aty complains like yours.all arty have is already low view range but good camo,but for people like you it is not enough,grrr.i play all tanks,have 2 X tier arty,3 X tier med,1 X TD,2 X heavy and i still disagree arty is op,but u all are bad players so arty hits you too much,thats true.

    2. Might want to check your facts before spewing nonsense.

      A LOT of - I would even go so far as to say "most" - SPGs at the moment have about as much view range as their non-skypig-catapulting counterparts. Particularly around tier 5 and 10.

      Add to that that they tend to have good stationary camo and don't need to move their hull much if they plan ahead more than a couple seconds, and you have a vehicle that can either A: have plenty of time to aim and shotgun while a scout is struggling to spot it, or more commonly B: spot for its team, watch the scout get obliterated, then return to business as usual.

      You might be tired of listening to people complain about arty, but the rest of us are pretty tired of arty players abusing long-standing imbalances.

  20. sooooooo my M60 isn't getting the stab buffs but the M48 and the obj 907 is... feel in kinda fucked over right now

  21. So what is happening to the premium ammo on the tanks listed above? Same amount/percentage of penetration nerf?

    1. Don't think they gonna nerf it at all. I remember when Storm said 'vehicles are balanced upon their regular shells'... Consistantly they nerfed TD premium shells after that but I don't think this is going to happen here.

    2. Gold = cash flow was not affected

  22. Lolwut. 276 pen on the E3 and E4? That's only about ten mm more than the T95 has. What the actual fuck, Wargaming?

    1. There must be a pen cap no matter tier and several tiers have same pen anyways.

    2. So there must be a pen cap, but no such thing as effective armor cap... because 450+ mm of Stalinium is totally balanced, yo!

      P.S.: Get ready for heavy gold spam in T10 matches. Especially from us (VERY PISSED) TD players

    3. My mistake, after the nerf the TDs will have the EXACT SAME pen as their tier IX predecessors, at least for the T110E3 and E4. I reiterate: what the actual fuck, WG?

    4. T95 has an awesome penetration even against tier x. In general I find most tier 9 TDs rather dangerous even if I drive tier x.

  23. I dont get that accuarcy thing , will the M48 Fatton be better now or worse ?

    1. Yea, it's written slightly strangely.

      It got a buff; the gun won't lose as much accuracy when you move the turret.

    2. "-M48A1 Patton got accuracy loss from moving turret buff (you now lose 33 percent less accuracy);"
      Thats probaly some bad translation? I would translate it to:
      "33 percent less accuracy loss during turret rotation"
      so its a buff

  24. Dumb

    I don't mind 270mm pen, because super armored targets facing guns with that pen will be immune to that pen (ie: IS7 UFP and turret, E100 turret, etc...). It's the gold ammo that sucks.

    Over 300mm pen? Point and click.
    Nerf gold ammo pen and damage, and see heavies being played more. Don't nerf normal ammo.

    1. 270mm pen goes straight through any T10 heavy frontally, just aim somewhat carefully. If you can't do it, you don't know how to aim. And 300mm pen isn't autopen as you suggest, you still need to avoid shooting bad angles.

    2. @stefan
      That's my point, even with 270mm pen (or lower, now) you still aim at weakspots.

      As soon as you get over 300mm, you stop giving a single **** and start shooting at the center.

  25. Why is wargaming nerfing all these guns?
    Is there a rationnal reason for this ?

    1. Yes, two actually.

      First: the retards who think heavy tanks should be able to stand against any gun on open ground may have a chance now.

      Second: after bouncing your 4th shot in a row you get frustrated, switch to premium and voila! The game's fun again.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Yeah well, M48 has bad snap shot than M60 Patton....But I didn't expect that All 105mm Loyal Oudinance gun's penetration nerf...

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Yes, nerf more please. This looking glorious already

  30. Now, when will the CT start?

  31. Please add your own comments and jokes etc too Rita..
    SS made WG look funny :D

  32. I was about to purchase more gold and another prem tank tomorrow ... good to read this first. I'll keep my money.

    1. In all honesty this is a buff for all tier 8 premium tanks facing tier 10 and an overall good balance adjustment for the game. Tier 10 mediums will still be awesome and TDs still punch through your armor like a Priest and his boys

  33. Finally, the 113 won't get penned at 0 degrees in its upper plate.

  34. I can't believe it. After months of broken T10 balance among classes they finally came to their senses and nerfed the pens of meds by 12-15 and TDs by 20-30. And I see they finally nerfed the rude BL-10 to an acceptable 266mm

    I HAVE MADE THESE REQUESTS MONTHS AGO. Still, it's better late than never, now the T10 heavy tanks are playable. Still inferior to meds due to having same or slightly worse pen except meds have up to 50% more DPM.

    1. Yes, indeed, congrats, WG have finally COMPLETELY pandered to the lowest common denominator - the Tier 10 Siemka HT driver.

    2. Oh I'm sorry, did I bothered you, the T10 troll player ?

    3. Yes, you "bothered" me with your in-game skill being on the same level with your grammar comprehension

      Keep sucking WG's cancerous phallus, the same retards that outright declared that "we balanced FV 183 around the AP ammo, we never thought people will spam the broken HESH ammo!"

    4. I wasted enough time on your kind. Have fun at your pathetic insults.

    5. Stirb doesnt have any game comprehension it seems. Ignore him...

  35. Oh my god...the Maus....THE MAUS IS COMMING!

    1. Maus suffers mostly because of gold spam, and now even more players will spam gold at it.... so yeah enjoy your maus.....

  36. So the goal is to nerf the game until we all go play WoWs or jump ship entirely to WT or AW when it comes out????

    1. They buffed the game - very little got nerfed

  37. I don't have an issue with most of this, however the Centurion 7/1 could be over nerfed here because it's rate of fire is pretty poor with the L7. The FV4202 isn't in the same issue because its rate of fire is decent since it got buffed but the Centurion's top speed makes flanking problematic at anything other than point blank range and its not a close range brawling tank.

  38. " -Most arties got a major view range nerf between of 30 and 50 meters;"
    It's about damn time.

    " -Charioteer, FV4202 and Centurion 7 top gun penetration nerfed from 268mm to 257mm;"
    Boo. The 7/1's one outstanding feature was its fantastic gun. The turret bounciness used to go along with it, but the HD remodel took care of that.

    Oh well. Small price to pay for the rest of the nerfs, I guess. A lot of them are sorely needed.

    1. In what world was the Cent 7/1`s pen outstanding? You still know that there are Leo PTA and Type 61 still out there?

      Cent was only good for some medium to long range hull down engagements. In mobility department PTA and Type 61 just snack em, and if it comes to actual fighting power, Type 61 just snacks em all due to his high DPM + high pen + mobility + gun depression. Its the most well rounded T9 med with L7.

  39. Foch 155 aim time buffed from 3.0 to 2.8 - as if that makes any bloody difference...
    Obj. 268 nerf penned - Sure WG, keep butchering that dead, rotten, festering horse...

    Meanwhile, T-54 cHEAT 330mm pen ammo is being left completely unchecked... along with the rest of the high tier gold ammo

    Bloody idiots...

    1. You fail to see WG's logic: it is normal that a medium tank, who's supposed to attack the enemy flanks and engage vehicles from the side, has more penetration (true, with premium ammo for now, but have patience, their bitching worked wonders so far) than a tank destroyer, a vehicle especially designed for... what were those used for? I forgot.

    2. -Foch 155 [...] penetration nerfed from 293 to 272mm; - well, if they want to make foch even less popular, they're doing it right.

    3. @Cacat: Flanking pe hartile de magistrale de metrou. Sigur ca da, uite acuma!

    4. Stirb, don't forget that World of Corridors is compensated by the lemming train that, in most games, leaves at least one corridor almost undefended.

      PS I doubt the other readers would enjoy our version of Klingon. :)

  40. WG are a$$holes, incompetent ones. "We can't do this, we can't do that." We can't implement a good MM, we can't make sure players don't end up on the same maps all the time, we cannot implement proper physics. All we can is create more useless, redundant tank lines. (Belo) Russian incompetence. This people have crap where others have a brain.

  41. Interesting....very very interesting.

    I'm not totally sure what to think. I think overall the changes are decent. Sadly I am a massive medium tank driver and although it is sad I can understand that these tanks needed some of these nerfs.

    The problem I am worried about is the sniper tanks. E.g. the fv4005 doesn't have the accuracy and pen to snipe or hit weakspots except at close range but with that turret...yeah close range..good joke.
    Similar for the leo1 although I think the buff makes up for it. But those tanks are the ones that I think are actually effected by this. Those tanks aka the ones who need to snipe and have trouble in any other kind of engagement.

    1. But the way way way worse issue ammo. Of course.
      Not to mention the t54 cHEAT ammo....

      Even more gold spam for noobs who can't aim. And even good players will spam more for the ease of it.

      They need to MASSIVELY nerf gold ammo at the same time as this to make this patch good. Or at least do it in the next patch. Otherwise be ready for gold spam city.

      And yes you may think that they are doing it for money which you know WG they are. Just make it backfire. Credits are ridiculously easy to farm. Then spam 'gold' ammo for credits. WIN. Then they will be forced to make a change.

    2. They won't nerf prem ammo. If you're out of credits, you have to buy gold or buy prem account or whatever. They are not interrested in balancing the game. they are interrested in balancing their books

  42. -Jpz E-100 penetration got nerfed from 299 to 278mm;

    Jpz is far from impenetrable frontal... (dont talk about lower plate here),
    so ur forced to snapshot and go back to angling again...
    not to forget the aimtime is horrible...... and accuracy not to good either...
    so even IF you aim carefully its not that sure to hit ur mark (weakspots)

    but what ever wg. nerf em all.

  43. This is all because the noobs complaining how the game mechanics works how the penetration works armor camo and etc they just can't learn oh yeah you think a 240mm of penetration still can hit tier 10 lower glacies in extreme?? Maybe not well who's the idiot that say that. Well btw thx a lot for the noobs you've ruined everything

  44. wtf, why is stuff like batchat getting buffs when they don't bother to compensate the weaker meds?

    And can someone remind WG that if you introduce pre-nerfed tank you should actually remember to go back and buff them instead of leaving to rot for years.

  45. Of course the only td, not to get done kind if balancing buff is the 268. I didn't see this one coming. Not like it's a trend out anything. Also people throwing strong these average apcr values like wut wut you can pen every tanks bla bla bla with the new pen. Um, no. That's the average pen. A roll low enough to bounce on less armored weak spots is now much more likely. This is a buff to armor, but only against players unwilling or unable (lol at British meds) to fire prem ammo. Also a buff to Wg's income. So... gg?

  46. ok, I am kinda ok with everything apart from the ISU nerf. The ISU and 704 NEED that massive penetration to make up for the fact that their guns can't hit the side of a barn from the inside. And even now with that mighty pen they still manage to bounce quite allot, so if they are going to nerf the pen than they should buff the accuracy to make up for it.

  47. Of course the only td, not to get done kind if balancing buff is the 268. I didn't see this one coming. Not like it's a trend out anything. Also people throwing strong these average apcr values like wut wut you can pen every tanks bla bla bla with the new pen. Um, no. That's the average pen. A roll low enough to bounce on less armored weak spots is now much more likely. This is a buff to armor, but only against players unwilling or unable (lol at British meds) to fire prem ammo. Also a buff to Wg's income. So... gg?

    1. The BL-10 also got nerfed without compensation. Power creep will kill this line.

    2. Because 266mm pen and 750 alpha is SOOOOOO underpowered...

      The ISU and o704 were immune to the powercreep because of how utterly ridiculously powerful the BL10 is, and will continue to be.

      No matter what happens, it will continue to be a powerful weapon with one of the biggest fear-factor in the game, probably only behind the 183mm HESH potato thrower and autoloaded 128mm L71.

      "Powercreep will kill this line" ... lol
      If you introduced the ISU line right now, it would cause an uproar, seeing how ridiculously powerful some of the tanks are for their tier.
      o704 is still probably the best tier9 TD in the game, vastly surpassing the WT pz4's dpm and accuracy by being not only a good TD, but a great all-rounder tank, more than capable of holding its own on the frontlines if need be.

  48. So, lots and lots of accuracy buffs? I thought all is fine and dandy post omni-nerf?

  49. I think the one thing we can all agree on is that gold ammo at tier 9-10 needs to be reworked completely.

  50. all this is, is another way for WG to claim they are in a way buffing armor, but in reality, their hidden agenda is that they hope more and more people spam gold, which is what is going to happen.. f*&%% WG and their constant money grab crap

  51. This is all really just more uncreative, boring homogenization of all tanks. Useless balance team. What I mean by this is that tanks are losing their distinctive advantages, usually not gaining anything in return so they wind up being almost all the same. BORING.

  52. Waiting for WoWS. Hopefully they don't fuk it it as well. Not planning on anymore gold/premium time. Just a time sink till warships comes out

  53. Waiting for WoWS. Hopefully they don't fuk it it as well. Not planning on anymore gold/premium time. Just a time sink till warships comes out

  54. once again the german lin become the whipping boy for the slovenly white russians

  55. Hilarious Wargaming,nerf tank after tank after tank.Now you nerf the penetration on tier 10 TDs,why? Their sole advantage are guns,and what shall become of the FV 215b (183) and FV 4005 Stage II.This is ludicrous,more slaps in the face for TDs which is not really what we want right now.After the view range nerf now their guns,someone needs to check what they're smoking up there.More crap like this will encourage even more rushing now that TDs can't keep morons at bay as effectively as they did.

  56. F*** you wargamming with all those fucking nerf !

  57. makes no sense as long as they do not nerf gold ammo. i agree with all people who thinks players will use more gold ammo.

    WG has a point to make heavies more useful, but as i said, makse no sense without gold ammo nerf.

    another point, people were angry with me when i said "T 10 meds should have less pen. than t10 heavies" on FTR. now it's happening. thx for listening me WG :)

  58. Now I'll have more effective gun on tier IX TDs than tier Xs.

    JagdTiger: 271mm pen. JagdE-100: not even 280, for 400 more dmg and 12s reload more. Worth it.

    Also, to the jerk above "nerf accuracy, mobility, pen, camo, everything on Tds". You might as well wanna work for WG, you have the right mentality:
    "Nerf everything, destroy the game, add more premium stuff and make everyone fire gold ammo !"

    This game is dead already. I had fun for 3 years but since 9.0 it's just "nerf, more prem, nerf, more prem..."
    I wish it was savable but with AW its dead:

    AW has skill mm, less rng, arty hardcap (I'm arty driver and I'd like this in wot), player-oriented devs (not money)... Everything WoT needs and doesnt add.

  59. Im pretty sure they are gonna rethink this nerf. Just because of how many people are gonna get PO'ed. With AW right around the corner, this isnt something they can afford to do if they want to keep their profit. Honestly Warships is the only big thing they have for themselves right now and that may account for some of the playerbase losss they will get from AW

  60. Thx WG.
    Money money money...
