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Thursday, 5 March 2015

0.9.7 Patch notes are here!

- Bigworld engine version upgraded to 2.8.1
- French tier 2-5 vehicles added (R35, FCM36, Somua S35, SARL42, Renault G1)
- French tier 9-10 vehicles added (AMX 30 Prototype, AMX 30 B)

- Supertesters recieve following tanks for testing: FV201/A45,  8.8cm Krupp-Steyr Waffentrager, Object 244
- Following tanks were reworked to HD: IS-4, JagdPz E-100, Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H, ELC AMX, E-100, T26E4 SuperPershing (please note: T26E4 was removed from the patch)

- added new Overlord map
- Live Oaks maps was rebalanced
- effects improved on following maps: Karelia, Westfield, El-Halluf, Airfield

- fixed a significant number of freezes and crashes of the client
- reworked certain effects of shell impacts when hitting ingame objects
- added the option to move people from your contact list in a certain group of contacts around to the recipient group with a single click
- fixed a large number of bugs in the new contact list interface
- fixed descriptions of some individual missions
- fixed some bugs in Stronghold interface
- fixed some small general UI bugs
- fixed the bug where the motion blur displayed incorrectly
- fixed some issues with replay recording
- fixed a calculation error in HE shell spaced armor penetration, when hitting the spaced armor made the client think main armor was penetrated and created an "internal explosion" effect, which could kill all the crewmembers, even though under correct circumstances, only a half od the crew would die from such an explosion


  1. Replies
    1. I still don't really get the reason why it comes from the 13 90 ...
      There could have been better ways of doing this...

      fe. :
      Tier 8 - AMX-30 Prototype
      Tier 9 - AMX-30B
      Tier 10 - AMX 32 or AMX 40 ( no, not the duck, the MBT )

      Then the whole thing could come from the AMX M4 45 , due to this :

      "The main lesson learned for many engineers was that it was unwise to construct too-heavy types, and this opinion was reinforced by the failure of the tank project to which the ARL 44 formed the transition: the much more ambitious heavy AMX 50. Only after a gap of sixteen years would France, in 1966, again build a main battle tank, the AMX 30."

      Just an idea ;)

    2. amx 30 proto more like t9 than 8, thats why i guess

    3. Still, it makes no sense to put a non-autoloader branch come out of an autoloader branch that has absolutely no connection to medium tanks :P

    4. were there any records of the AMX-30A (aint this the designation of the 30B's prototype?) having an even further prototype as well?

      also, the AMX-30 is the second MBT in the game to have a prototype for its tier 9 other than the Leopard 1.

    5. Actually, the AMX-30 was the prototype, the AMX-30B was the production variant, then came the AMX-32 for exports ( added some extra spaced armour on it and the possibility to have a 120mm gun , only 2 prototypes built) then came the AMX-30B2 for the modern equipment then the AMX-40 prototype MBT.

    6. Well, in the French army, the 30 replace the 13 in a lot of his task, being the new French main tank, so that's pretty much logical IMO

  2. I can already say I feel at home! Good job, Rita :)

  3. Wish you best luck with the blog!

  4. Exept from the little typo on the end great job Rita! Keep it up! :)

  5. Now we only need the test server to be opened :D
    Thanks for sharing Rita.

  6. Nice job, I suggest if you can link this blog to Facebook so we can easily see the new updates of this blog from Facebook


    If I had needed any more reasons to switch from WoT to AW, then it would have been this.

    A big, hearty F*CK YOU to Wargaming for their stubborn refusal to offer skill based MM. This will be another nail in the coffin of WoT.

    1. Just go already.

      We already had that "Why skill MM is bad" discussion both in FTR and in here (previous post). Please just go away so we have less toxic players in this new home, I don't want to repeat the toxicity that was called FTR comment section.

    2. Yeah still based MM, make the good player win less to up the tomatoes, and make RNG more important than it is already. Maybe some kind of Ligue MM (and it still bring a lot of trouble) but skill based MM? Definitely not.

  8. where can i get the super test download?

  9. I wish you all the best Rita with this Blog :)


    I think this Blog needs a more catchy URL. Typing Rita Status Report doesn't bring up the Blog so Instead I have to type FTR, then go FTR Blog, then press the link to this site... As it is there may not a mass jump from FTR because of how difficult it is too find.

    1. RSR sounds like a quite catchy acronym, I think.

    2. The blog was created not long ago, takes some time for google to catch it up, give a couple days and will start appearing. :)

  10. Been trying to update my Test Client all morning

    1. Hold your horse, IIRC it'still supertest.

  11. wait, I thought the behavior of HE here is simply slamming right at the tank and going boom?

    guess we find funky calculation deviations every day it seems.

  12. oooh, my E100 in HD, gona be a great one

  13. pretty cool, 10x for this.
    good-luck running the blog btw, allot of ftr readers will surely come here now.

  14. My god that 30B :DDD What a joke!

  15. I just got here via FTR as well.
    Thanks for taking over the flame (and likely the wars as well ;) ) and all the best for the blog in the future.

    See you on the battlefield.

  16. Are there some change in IS-4 armor?

    1. Yes. Unfortunately they were not published yet.

    2. Silentstalker replayed for my question - your glory falled on me :D

    3. " Senpai noticed me o////o "

  17. Rita, even SS mentioned your blog needs some work, I found already a handy function that his did not have: "Notify Me"

  18. Rita, even SS mentioned your blog needs some work, I found already a handy function that his did not have: "Notify Me"

  19. hey Rita! FTR emigrant here!

  20. So, no Mäuschen in 9.7. Sad....

    1. Why? It makes the Maus look like a racecar and Conqueror Gun Carriage's will absolutely obliterate it since it will barely be able to move on flat, solid ground.

  21. Hey Rita! Thx for keeping this project up!

  22. If you want a quick way to get news about news while you... well, whatever xD

    It sends you an email when a new post appears.

  23. Well-well, now I'm here....

  24. Here's to hoping the new Bigworld version is more pretty.
    And that physics and handbrakes will come before summer

    1. WG stated that it's not a visual upgrade, so I doubt it. Most likely bug fixing and optimizations.

  25. Looking forward to reading this blog everyday like I did FTR witch I just seen is now over the king is dead/FTR long live the Queen/Rita

  26. Good luck in carrying the torch in news carry'ng Rita :)

  27. Still nothing about IS 4 armor???
    Btw...Came here from FTR.. All the best to SS and Hello Rita...good luck with the blog.
    U have a new follower:

  28. Just checked FTR, sad to see SS go but happy to see Rita starting a blog about wot :)

    Cant wait to see what the future holds for you Rita!

    Best wishes // TheGreatWolf

  29. Any chance of this blog being more serious like FTW was ? I mean no pictures and MEMEs in posts. Also slightly bigger and better fonr would be appreciated.

    1. Its not meant to be ftr clone.
      Let her do it the way she has fun doing it... :)

      A meme or two wont hurt or change content. In fact... Some fun added to (bad) news.... Okay for me :p

    2. Its not meant to be ftr clone.
      Let her do it the way she has fun doing it... :)

      A meme or two wont hurt or change content. In fact... Some fun added to (bad) news.... Okay for me :p

    3. Had to agree with Miguel. Rita May take the trad back, but it's Rita's blog, not SS's one, so let Rita do what she want, I personally find it cool ;)

  30. Firstly: Hello Rita. Looking forward to your posts and I hope you can stem the burden of taking Silent's spot :)

    Secondly: What happened to the Brit T10 replacements, does anyone know? Last word was: First Quarter of 2015, no? It's kinda over once 9.7 goes life...

  31. Keep the news coming Rita - great stuff
