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Sunday, 8 March 2015

08.03.2015 QA.

Here it is:

-Earlier, it was announced that two physics tests would happen: one with realistic physics and one with "simplified" physics. Storm states that the second round of the test does not represent the "simplified" physics, it's still the "realistic" version with certain adjustments;
-AMX-13/90 cannot climb in physics test 2 to some places it could in physics test 1, Storm will investigate what changed;
-9.7 test will start "soon";
-It's completely possible for a battle tier 11 battle to be without tier 9's, MM is working fine;
-Russian server moderators confirm: enemy reload timer is not a banned mod (specifically, the version used in Jove modpack, that shows enemy reload time next to the tank status in lower left corner of the screen);
-It's possible that T-34-88 (a captured T-34, equipped with German 88mm L/56) will come to PC version of WoT.


  1. Comes the new physics system in 9.7?

    1. No. Not even 9.8 - they will need time to set it right, the current test is for feedback purposes only.

    2. SS is there any chance that we get the "closure" to the FTR? Few things that you "owe" us? Yes I know you owe nothing, but that's just the way to say it...

    3. He owes you nothing...

    4. We missed you, SS. Will you comment on Rita's blog from time to time?

    5. Seeing as I didn't get the chance on FTR, I'll do it here: sorry to see you leave, SS, but you're new job sounds awesome! Thanks for all the great information you gave us. Congratulations, and best wishes for you.

  2. T-34-88, a T-34 with more damage and slightly less pen, why not.

  3. The only thing SS owes us is...

    ...well, nothing. I do hope he gets a lot of input into Armored Warfare. I am really looking forward to that game.

    I owe him thanks for his efforts on FTR, it was a great informative blog that didn't disappoint.

    I wish Rita all the best, she has some big shoes to fill.

  4. I don't like the second round of "realistic" physics as much as I like the first round.

  5. Wait, isn't T-34-88 a made up project? Or am I remembering something wrong here?

  6. Is SS the "Insider" for AW now?

  7. "It's completely possible for a battle tier 11 battle to be without tier 9's"

    MM Working as intended... LOL

  8. t-34-88 L/56 would be a nightmare, horrid gun at anything above T6... i pity the fools who buy it, if it comes in as a prem.

    1. It will likely be tier 6. :) that gun is great in the vk3002DB btw. I rekd in that tank.

  9. I guess the T-34-88 would look something like this old remodel mod? It came from all the way back from Historical Realism Modelling Project website... Still works though.
