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Saturday, 7 March 2015

07.03.2015 QA.

Here it is:

- In physics test, the T1 was significantly improved to test physics engine behavior. Q: "I want my T1 to be like that on live server" A (Storm): "Pervert!";
-A player posted an idea that in World of Tanks, the tanks look smaller than they are due to incorrect camera positioning and angle. Storm states that this was an issue as early as the alpha test and the camera angle and position was decided to be as convenient as possible after a lot of testing;
-The physics test has a bug that when you try to move (turn the tracks) when the tank is tipped over, it still throws out dirt, it will be fixed;
-Turrets on vehicles will not be made material objects (for the purpose of tanks not running over smaller tanks and clipping through turrets);
-Friendly fire was disabled only for the physics test, it will not be disabled on live server;
-Developers are still thinking about how much re-balance of tanks will the improved physics require, it's possible this re-balance will take a lot of time;
-Tanks behave sort of unrealistically in the test when it comes to collision (they "bounce" from each other) because energy loss from the collision is not part of the model yet.


  1. I had sooooo much fun ram-bouncing my dodgems tank at full speed in World of Rally Tanks, no need for a gun, apart from doing a victory salute. Yeehah.

  2. Rita,

    One small suggestion if you don't mind: when there's no Q&A news for the day, you may consider doing an "empty" one (as in "Hi all, no news for today"), just like SS was doing on FTR, so people don't have to wonder if it's coming or not. I'm optimistically assuming here that there will be a new Q&A every day. ;)

    1. Hello there! Yep, already had promised yesterday in a comment, it definitely start doing it! Thanks for the advice too! :)

    2. Hello there! Yep, already had promised yesterday in a comment, it definitely start doing it! Thanks for the advice too! :)

  3. Well, this means that we cannot expect the real physics engine any time soon.

  4. ... okay Storm, why is wanting a T1 to be rape on wheels being a "pervert"? its not like the temptation of stroking and feeling the AMX CDC and suddenly realizing its huge... right?

  5. Nice work so far, Rita! At least as good as SilentStalker. You're a worthy heir to his information empire. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you very much for the support! <3

  6. Please, when come a chieftain? thank you for answer :)

  7. WoT is a wallet warrior pay to win game where premium tanks at tier 7 and 8 have some of the highest win rates in the game. Only the idiots can't see it. SS did the right thing abandoning this RNG, 3 tier spread game designed around retaining semi-retarded players rather than player skill.

    Looking forward to Armored Warfare

    1. One of the best premium pub-stompers is the IS-6, which was available for free in Decemeber 2013.
      Also, I never spent more than 10 Euros total in 3 years of playing, gold invested either in garage slots or just de-mounting equipment and I consider myself to be winning just fine (Fedaykin89 on EU server, though I can certainly do better, not bad for a solo player though)

      So take your "pay2win" crap elsewhere, no-one with more than 2 neurons buy that crap

  8. 2nd round of physics test is... well now the tanks don't slide on stop, but rather whoop their ass up into the air, so you can't aim at anything for a while instead. I preffered them sliding tbh.

    It seems to me like some important part of physics simulation is missing. I have this theory that atmospheric pressure might be missing from the physics model, which makes tanks more... bouncy. Just a hunch though.

    Anyways, T1cunningham games on Himmelsdorf are absolute blast on the test server right now :D

  9. If they nerf/buff tanks to counter physics... what do we win?

    If i learn to slide my kv1 around a corner to face with my front to enemy... and others are to ... learn unwilling.... why compensate that Oo

  10. Don't waste any more time on this joke of a wallet warrior game, WoT. Armored Warfare will be far better gameplay with less ridiculous RNG and without the extreme focus on money that wargaming has.

    1. "wallet warrior game"

      You can kindly sod off now

    2. Why you even spend your luxurious time to shitposting in a development QA for a game which you don't play anymore?
      Ah, probably Obsidian already has created some brand new negative campaign marketing team, perfecting WoT method, indeed.

      Just go to AW development forum and don't come back, kthxbye.

      P.S Your complaining about high WR of premium tanks and recent complains that "NEW PREMIUM TANKS ARE NOT BETTER THAN NORMAL TANKS ARE WG RETARDED?!" are the perfect example of playerbase hypocrisy.

  11. I laughed so hard at the "Pervert!" reply from Storm :rofl: Remind me of Phoebe Buffay from Friends TV series :lol: Nice translation by the way, Rita <3

  12. I hope they finalize the balancing before throwing that shit onto the live server...
