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Tuesday, 1 December 2015

DTV Shredder

Thank to Robert Sessions!

Hello Warriors,

while I'm editing some other work check out this amazing hybrid, it's part scooter, part skateboard, part tank:

Need to show it to my family, we are big fans of stuff like this and have a collection of all terrain vehicles that we like to mud during family gatherings. My grandfather, a war veteran who is a crazy smart man and enjoys build/restore machines which he then proceeds to make sure they work while testing them in the family property while AC/DC and grandma both scream in the background could very well make something alike!


Storm Q&A 01/12/2015

- developers admit: Stalingrad gameplay has issues
- why were all tier 8 mediums buffed and not Type 59? Because Type 59 has limited MM
- some players are encountering issues with the proper landscape display (graphics), this is because they lack enough RAM

- after the recent micropatch, the players are complaining that the personal reserves in the "Steel Hunt" mode and the income were nerfed too hard, but neither was actually touched
- Storm on whine about nerfed credit income: "The 'income was nerfed' whine always comes up regardless of the update content ever since the game was released. That's why I am ignoring such complaints already for a long time. Statistics will show everything."
- Storm is apparently not concerned about the cheat mod that shows artillery positions: "The mod doesn't show the position of all arty just so by the way. It only shows the points the players saw when the enemy arty shot. On the server side, the height of the "camera" used to calculate the viewed area for tracer display is fixed."
- Wargaming developers are reading player feedback
- the list of most important WoT issues according to developers is: arty, matchmaker, UI and spotting system
- new personal missions? "No comment"
- the recent hotfix didn't fix the artillery traverse "twitching" completely - it was fixed for mouse, it stayed for keyboard
- the hole behind the KV-5 mantlet will not be made smaller
- the mantlet penetration mechanism will not be changed (some players are asking for mantlets to "eat" ammo to simulate the shells getting stuck between the armor and the breech
- shot ammunition in WoT will not be modelled as an object (with volume), it will remain a single point
- it's not possible to simply implement the map tiering on/off toggle
- current sound test includes 6 different gunshot sounds depending on caliber, the range will be extended in the future
- movement inertia was reduced based on whine of e-sports players so that the vehicles remain well-controllable
- the developers are looking forward to the new motion physics feedback
- the players noticed that sometimes it's possible to just go and turn with the turret but you can't stop the vehicle even if you stop pressing the forward button. This is due to packet loss, the turret rotation in turn won't reach server. Packet loss can be dealt with by calling the ISP.
- the sound/motion physics client is based on old client version, other things in it than the physics and sound can be ignored (such as the old personal mission variants)
- tanks flipping on their roof were not removed from motion physics
- the developers are sure that the acceleration is not worse in new motion physics, they checked specifically
- the developers do not need more general feedback for now, they know what the problems of the game are

IS-6 Cancelled

Hello Warriors,

little update, the IS-6 will not appear in HD in 9.13 due to issues with its model.

9.13: WZ-111 Armor Changes

Hello Warriors,

Anh Tuan Duong has sent me more armor changes, this time the WZ-111:

Armored Warfare

Hello Warriors,

if you played Armored Warfare today, you know there was a micro patch, this is what was in it:

  • Fixed the issue where the vehicles entered battle with wrong consumables equipped
  • Fixed the issue with too high High Explosive shell damage
  • Fixed the issue where dead AI vehicles in PvE mode could capture objectives defended by players
  • Fixed the localization of the MERC vehicle descriptions and tooltips
  • Fixed the issue where sound settings did not save correctly
  • Fixed several small UI issues (incorrect use of font sizes)

Got my Challenger 2 (tier 9)... it is so damn expensive! Each module goes well over a million credits. :(

Tracked vehicles for Sale

Hello Warriors,

sometimes after I'm done with the blog for the day I usually like to watch something like a movie or documentary but often find myself browsing tank things in the internet, yesterday for whatever reason started checking classifieds of Tanks and other tracked vehicles and found this video of a demonstration:

New sounds Comparison

Hello Warriors,

FerrarriHD, the lad who usually creates the HD model comparison each patch has made a sound comparison from this test:
