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Thursday, 26 November 2015

Small but Deadly Contest (EU)

Hello Warriors,

meanwhile on the EU server, Ph3lan, a WG EU/EN Community Coordinator has created another contest in the forums with very decent prizes:

  • The winner is the player with the highest total damage
  • You must play in a regular tank of Tier V or lower (no premium tanks allowed).
  • The battle has to have taken place between the 25/11/2015 and 01/12/2015 (23:59) 
  • Submissions have to be made before the 2nd of  December
  • You must not be in a platoon
  • Only random battles are allowed
  • You have to have no damage caused to allies (only purposefully caused team damage counts, bumping into someone doesn’t)
  • You can submit your results as many times as you like. Simply edit your post with a new result before the submission deadline.
  • You need to provide full screenshots of the first page of the battle results and the detailed report, as well as upload your replays to with links in the post.
  • In case of a tie, the player with the highest base experience will win
  • The winners will be announced in the forum thread shortly after the contest ends.
  • This contest is only open to players with an EU account 


1st place: Skoda T 40 + bonus code
2nd place: SU-85i + bonus code
3rd place:  Churchill III + bonus code
4th place: FCM 36 Pak 40 + bonus code
5th place: Tetrarch + bonus code

The prize bonus codes include: T-127 + slot + 300 gold + 3 days premium (Please note that the codes will expire on 31/12/2015, so remember to use them before then :) )

IS-3 Autoloader Reward

Hello Warriors,

remember the IS-3 Autoloader?

Autoloaded IS-3 Short History

Well, it will be given on the NA server as part of a unexpected Christmas Ornament contest.

Its a weird way to give such a vehicle but hey if you are crafty and can take a chance at winning who am I to judge? Last time I lost internet connection for a couple days got so bored that started painting lampshades...
Han Solo, Judge Dredd and Terminator, painted it with a simple pen.
One more day without connection and would have started a whole U.S.S Enterprise on my walls.

This are the conditions and rules:

Begins: 12:00pm PST 11/25/15
Ends: 12:00pm PST 12/18/15


  • The top 5 Entries will get the IS-3A + Garage Slot and 7 Days of Premium time!
  • Everyone else who we receive a custom ornament from gets 500 Gold + 3 Days of Premium Time!

9.13 Public Test is UP

Hello Warriors,

This is what you can expect from the 9.13 test server. *Coming Soon*

These are the official patchnotes:


Added the branch of Czechoslovakian medium tanks (tier I–X), which comprises the following vehicles:

  • Kolohousenka
  • LT vz. 35
  • LT vz. 38
  • ST vz. 39
  • Skoda T 24
  • Skoda T 25
  • Konstrukta T-34/100
  • TVP VTU Koncept
  • Skoda T 50
  • TVP T 50/51

-Reworked 26 vehicles in HD quality:
U.S.S.R.: LTP, SU-18, SU-152, KV-3, KV-5, IS-6
Germany: Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs
U.S.A.: M7 Priest, T29, T30, V44, T54E1, T95E6
France: AMX AC mle. 48
U.K.: Birch Gun, Cruiser I, Cruiser II, Cruiser III, Cruiser IV, Comet, AT 15A
China: Wz-111, Wz-131, Chi-Ha
Japan: Ha-Go, Ke-Ni

New Ranzar Video

Hello Warriors,

this has to be my favourite Ranzar video so far:

It reminded me so much of the Ginosaji, The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon:


Tortoise Dreams

Hello Warriors,

When I have good dreams, this is usually how they look like:

Some people were pondering on Reddit if this was for real...its not, as much I am biased over my Tortoise, a vehicle with over 7000 DPM would be just absurd. :P

Premium shop updated (EU)

Morning lovely creatures,

at last WG EU got its premium shop revamped as well to match the new launcher and got this video:

World of Tanks Generals: Launch Trailer

Hello Warriors,

The online card game World of Tanks Generals has sailed into Open Beta, this is the launch trailer:

I've started playing this game since closed Beta and like it a lot, can take some time to finish but its nice to keep the mind occupied specially when on a tablet.