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Monday, 23 November 2015

A minute of Ghost Shells

*Edit: This SPG has 0 mm of armor on its gun breach but the shells are ghosting on the 75 mm upper structure, that's the real issue*

Hello Warriors,

its known that 9.12 brought a extra can of ghost shells, Storm states that they are slowly working on it but apparently there were no changes in 9.12 to cause that, well, something is clearly causing it to become worse, check this out this video from Vyraall (thanks for emailing it dear):

I have noticed increase of ghost shells, have you?

Type 59 Texturing

Hello Warriors,

bit late here but better late than never, this one had a consult and was ordered to rest.

Anyways...  a redditor, ZurichianAnimations has finished texturing his Type 59 and check out how it looks:

He rendered in Unreal Engine 4. Software used: Maya, Zbrush, xNormal, Quixel Suite, unreal Engine 4.

What do you think? I personally think that WG should give this man a job!