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Sunday, 22 November 2015

RNG Episode 44

Thanks to "J"!

Hello Warriors,

check out the RNG episode 44 which is still unlisted:

I'm only posting it due to the Fallout 4 reference at the beginning. :P

New WoT sounds

Hello Warriors,

In the first patch of 2016, the new Sound Engine 2.0 will be introduced, replacing practically all the sounds in the world in order to increase the immersion. Here's a small part of the sounds, pure sound files.

Main features:
- practically all the sounds reworked
- different caliber = different sound
- sound delay based on distance (sound now has travel speed)
- the shot sounds can be well heard
- it's now possible to tell by the sound what class is firing at you
- sounds now play an improved role
- individual sound for modules

Sounds can be heard here: (links on the bottom)

File 1 

0:11 - shot sounds and distance delay
2:10 - muffled sounds

File 2

0:11 - battle result sounds
0:33 - environmental sounds
1:30 - module sounds
1:37 - module and ricochet sounds
2:14 - reload sounds

Happy Birthday Dirty Dan!

Hello Warriors,

one of you, Dirty Dan is celebrating his 18th birthday (feel free to comment some nice words to your brotherin!) and he wants to share the cake his sister made for him he says:

"Loooong time reader here Rita Darling (Dirty Dan on your blog) and my 18th birthday is today! Have a look at the cake my sister took 5 hours to make! It is a 6 layer cake. It would be an absolute thrill if you could share this on your blog! Cheers as always Rita.

P.S What tank do you think it looks like? I think it looks like something from the T110 series"

KV-5 9.13 Armor changes video

Hello Warriors,

a video of the KV-5 armor changes that are coming next patch from a Russian comrade, protanki_yusha (a nice guy btw), unfortunately there are no proper English subtitles but I decided to share for those who prefer this format:

Like one of you, "Jens Robot" said in the comment section.. Cant wait for "Kv5 ass sidescreppin' extravaganza"!

And protanki_yusha, "spacibo" for sending a raid to my twitch channel not long ago. :)

9.13 HD Garage Screenshots #3

Hello Warriors,

more screenshots of the upcoming HD tanks in-garage.

See previous:
9.13 HD Garage Screenshots #1
9.13 HD Garage Screenshots #2

Type 95 Ha-Go

9.13 Armor Changes: IS-6 and KV-5

*Edit: Added more screenshots*

Hello warriors,

these are some of the armor changes for 9.13:


9.13 Tank Changes #2

Hello Warriors,

one more tank that will receive some changes:


-Hull- 113
Terrain resistance - hard terrain: new 1.1, old 1.3, difference -0.2
Terrain resistance - medium terrain: new 1.2, old 1.4, difference -0.2

Terrain resistance - soft terrain: new 2.5, old 2.7, difference -0.2
Accuracy loss from movement: new 0.18, old 0.19, difference -0.01

Accuracy loss from traverse: new 0.18, old 0.19, difference -0.01


Turret - 113 - 122 mm 60-122T
Depression: became 5, was 4, difference 1
Accuracy: became 0.37, was 0.36, difference 0.01
Reload time: became 10, was 10.9, difference -0.9
Aiming time: became 2.8, was 2.7, difference of 0.1

Other vehicle changes:

9.13 HD Garage Screenshots #2

Hello Warriors,

after scavenging in the crammed with "My Little Pony", Boobs, Ds and all sorts of weird stuff of certain RU community pages I've found something valuable.
More In-garage screenshots of the new HD vehicles:

See previous: