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Friday, 11 September 2015

LT vz. 35 Screenshots without pony plaster

Hello Warriors,

here are some screenshots of the LT vz. 35  made by Edrard without the pony plastered over it:

11/09/2015 Stream

Hello Warriors,

There has been a lot of blog work today. Now, its time for my scheduled Livestream:

Laced stuff... what has NY and Jingles done to me! Help!
 Will be getting some Soviet TD grinding done among others and got a couple new tanks like the M56 Scorpion. As usual, 198 Tanks and EU/NA.

Steady as the 80's music goes!

11/09/2015 Q&A

Here it is:

- Storm states that the players weren't officially notified that WoT is now running on a different engine because the new engine is not yet completely implemented. Once it is, the players will learn of the changes;
- New engine will partially support multicore mechanism;
- There is no ETA for full implementation ("so that players don't whine");
- The new engine will at first increase only performance and quality of various effects such as lighting and shadows, later the entire WoT content will be reworked for the new engine, it will essentially be a new client.

LT Vz.35 Screenshots

 Hello Warriors,

things wont stop coming today, screenshots of the LT Vz.35 :

New motion physics update

Hello Warriors,

small update, the new motion physics has started! ;)

Size is as usual 4,7 GB.

Erlenberg Reworked- Screenshots

Hello Warriors,

 Damn! Today I'm on fire! *Rawr!* Dancing to some sweet Cape Verdean and Angolan Creole
music while providing you things fast and smooth! :P

Here are the Screenshots of the reworked Erlenberg:

Earning Your Stripes - Corporal

Hello Warriors,

second part of the "Earning Your Stripes" is here, next rank, Corporal.

Note: Some of you emailed that the "Private" mission was bugged because you didn't earned any token/stripe but I didn't saw any problem with it... Privates have no stripes. But Corporal on the other hand... let me know if you don't receive it and make sure to send me screenshots if it happens!

- From Saturday 12 September at 07:10 until Tuesday 15 September at 07:00 CEST (UTC +2).


  • X2 Crew XP
  • 30% on Premium vehicles (tier VII)
  • 15% on standard vehicles (tier IX)
  • 3 days of Premium account for 350 Gold (instead of 650)


  •     Earn a total of 35,000 XP over any number of battles
  •     Be in the top 10 players on your team by base experience earned
  •     Random and Team Battles only
  •     Tier IV and above
  •     Once per account
  •      150
  •     Mission Token: Corporal

Exclusive Reward Missions 

Supertest - CZ Tier 2 - LT Vz.35

Hello warriors,

here's a Czechoslovak tier 2 - LT Vz.35.


The LT Vz. 35 was developed by Škoda under the designation Š-IIa based on the requirements of the Czechoslovak military for cavalry support tanks. The first prototype was built in 1935 and 298 were produced between 1936 and 1937, forming the backbone of the Czechoslovak armored forces until 1939. Used by Germans under the designation Pzkpfw.35(t). Several variants existed and many were exported to other Axis countries such as Bulgaria and Romania where they sometimes fought until 1945. While a good design for its time, by 1941 it was obsolete and stood no chance against modern Soviet designs.

Tier: 2 LT
Hitpoints: 180
Engine: 135 hp
Weight: 10,5 tons
Power-to-weight: 12,86 hp/t
Maximum speed: 34/15 km/h
Hull traverse: 45 deg/s
Turret traverse: 30 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,151/1,918
Viewrange: 320
Radio range:323,3

212A HD Screenshots

Hello Warriors,

this is what I believe to be the last batch of HD screenshots for today, the 212A SPG:

T1 HMC HD Screenshots

Hello Warriors,

got a couple more HD screenshots, this time from the T1 HMC (tier 2 artillery):

KV-220 HD Screenshots

Hello Warriors,

Last Screenshot batch (for now), KV-220 HD:

Matilda HD screenshots

Hello Warriors,

Our "Queen of the Desert" Matilda has been upped to HD as well:

8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger HD Screenshots

Hello Warriors,

more HD screenies for you, this time from the 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger, pity they only added it now that the tank is being removed but oh well.

T82 HMC HD Screenshots

Hello Warriors,

have some HD screenshots of the T82 HMC for you:

Erlenberg in the Reworks

Hello Warriors,

the map Erlenberg is currently being reworked, there is no details on how yet but the red area got "corrected":

New Motion Physics Test Coming

Hello warriors,

according to news from numerous World of Tanks personalities, it's possible that today a new motion physics test will start. Players will have the chance to find out how the tanks are going to behave in the future.