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Friday, 28 August 2015

Supertest - New Motion Physics

Hello warriors,

it is possible another "new physics" general test is near since a new motion physics version just entered supertest.

From its patchnotes:

- 180 degree "U-turns" possible
- tanks traverse faster if you aren't holding the "W" button
- new terrain resistance system
- it's possible now to fire under your maximum depression angle by making the tank "rock" from forward to backward and by firing at the lowest point (a complicated maneuver)
- tanks can now drift while holding S, pressing space and turning at the same time
- it is possible to set the suspension stiffness to different levels
- it is possible to tip someone on their roof by ramming
- tanks can tip over on roof

PS: don't forget to redeem your 3 day bonus code

T95/Chieftain Hybrid, British Tier 8 MT

Hello warriors,

here's another "event" vehicle, tier 8 MT Chieftain/T95 hybrid. And yes, this existed (at least on paper), such a proposal was actually made in real life. Basically a Chieftain hull, T95 turret and 90mm gun.


When developing the FV4201 Chieftain, it was proposed to make the armament interchangeable with the American T95 tank by implementing a turret from it on the Chieftain hull. The project did not continue due to the training requirements on the crew that would have to learn to operate two different gunnery systems.

Characteristics for 100 percent crew

Tier: 8 MT
Hitpoints: 1350
Engine: 750 hp
Weight: 50 tons
Power-to-weight: 15 hp/t
Maximum speed: 42/15 km/h
Hull traverse: 36 deg/s
Turret traverse: 37,5 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,767/0,959/1,726
Viewrange: 380
Radio range: 782,1

Hull armor: 85/50,8/25,4
Turret armor: 254/88,9/50,8

Bonus Code



3 Days Premium.Works on EU.

My wereabouts

Hello Warriors,

In a last minute decision I jumped into a plane and flew to Czech Republic.
Will be tomorrow at The Military Technical Museum Lešany, if you wanna meet me will be there since morning.

Today's Q&A will be stacked to tomorrow's. I'm exausthed, didnt slept much and flew with a bunch of noisy savages (Seriously, who gets in a plane dressed as Superman?)

Changes in 9.10

Hello warriors,

Russian portal published some info about the upcoming changes in 9.10 - here are some of the new features:

Maps depending on battle tiers

Not all maps will be available for all vehicles. In battles of various tiers, various sets of maps will now appear as such:

Tier 1-2: Mittengard, Mines
Tier 3: Ruinberg, Winter Himmesdorf, Mines
Tier 4: Winter Himmesdorf, Himmelsdorf, Mines, Ruinberg, Winterberg, Steppes, Widepark
Tier 5: Winter Himmesdorf, Himmelsdorf, Mines, Ruinberg, Winterberg, Steppes, Widepark, Tundra, Ensk, Malinovka, Karelia, Sand River
Tier 6: Winter Himmesdorf, Himmelsdorf, Mines, Ruinberg, Winterberg, Steppes, Widepark, Tundra, Ensk, Malinovka, Karelia, Sand River, Airfield, Westfield, Live Oaks, Lakesville, Abbey, Fiery Salient, Prokhorovka, Cliff, Highway
Tier 7: Winter Himmesdorf, Himmelsdorf, Mines, Ruinberg, Winterberg, Steppes, Widepark, Tundra, Ensk, Malinovka, Karelia, Sand River, Airfield, Westfield, Live Oaks, Lakesville, Abbey, Fiery Salient, Prokhorovka, Cliff, Highway, Windstorm, Arctic, Siegfried Line, Murovanka, Mountain Pass, Redshire, El Halluf,
Tier 8-10: All maps

Province was removed (as were the other maps announced for removal: Pearl River, Hidden Village)

Team battles: removed the credit income penalties for losing team.

WoT Xbox Premium: Cromwell Knight

Hello warriors,

here's something that is most likely Xbox exclusive - a special premium Cromwell called Cromwell Knight. Just a regular Cromwell - with a new paintjob (Austin Powers anyone?)

Reminder: Jagdtiger 88 Removal

Hello warriors,

just a quick reminder: the Jagdtiger 88 (one of the best moneymakers in the game) will be removed from the ingame shop in 9.10 (which will come soon) - after that it will be only available in the premium shop for like 36 EUR for two more weeks.

It is being removed due to the fact it has premium matchmaking - its replacement in the shop will be the Kanonenjagdpanzer.

Chieftain Buff

Hello warriors,

the supertest Chieftain got a buff:

- hitpoints buffed from 2000 to 2300
- nominal reload buffed from 8,4 to 8,2

New stats (for 75 percent crew):

Tier: 10
Hitpoints: 2300
Engine horsepower: 720hp
Maximum speed: 42 km/h
Hull traverse: 40 deg/s
Turret traverse: 30 deg/s

Hull armor: 85/50/25
Turret armor: 350/140/30

Gun: 120mm
Penetration: 270/310/140 (APDS/APDS/HESH)
Damage: 400/400/515

Rate of fire: 7,317
Depression: -10/+20
DPM: 2927

Viewrange: 390
Radiorange: 750