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Saturday, 13 June 2015

Save the Airplane that Led the D-Day Invasion

Hello Warriors,

I usually distance myself from anything kickstarter but a nice birdy shared with me this project that got me interested:


 "Last year an iconic piece of history was discovered lying in an aircraft boneyard in Wisconsin. It was the Douglas C-47 That's All, Brother - the airplane that led the massed paratroop drop on D-Day.  The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) needs your help to rescue and restore this proud old airplane! Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law."


New Ranzar video

Good Saturday Warriors,

here is the Ranzar video of this week:

12.06.2015 Q&A and more screenies

 Not much today for the Q&A (couldn't post this sooner as I got a bug with the screenies):
- M6A2E1 arrival: "when it's done it's done";
- Developers know about the US forum thread aimed at making the M6 and M6A2E1 historical;
- T-35 is not planned for now.


Tank screenies

Lots of screenies incoming, brace yourselves:

Japanese Tiger: